
Ah! Missed this one till now. Really love these old images. Antennas everywhere it would seem!

Had seen images like them in the past so I suppose I may have been influenced by them while making this antenna. But in truth I just do what feels right at the time and cannot really say where I get my downloads. The path of least resistance seems a good way to sum it up. I just use what I have at the time and if it feels good while I am building it, I know I am on the right track.

I have tons of evidence from the new garden (19 days after erecting the antenna) showing how plants closest to the antenna are growing better than those further away. Overall it is looking stunning there, despite the fun sun exposure and total lack of rain. Lots of hungry bugs too though! Have had to cover the kale, rocket & radishes with mosquito nets to stop them being killed. Out of respect I left them four kale plants uncovered ;)