Feb. 11, 22: Routine, Pineapple GIF, Napping, Oculus, Web Work, Crazy Bowling, and Games

in #archon ā€¢ 3 years ago


Got to bed last night at a fairly reasonable time, around eight thirty, but between the snoring and the cat howling I was up before four and a solid two hours short. šŸ˜”šŸ˜¢

Iā€™d really hoped to spend the day working on the computer, but knowing that we were going to go out later, I pretty much had to plan for a nap. Got on with the morning routine and cryptos were pulling back again. šŸ˜­ BTC is back around $42k and MATIC plummeted well below two dollars. My very comfortable and safe DeFi position is looking scary again already and Iā€™m considering backing it off again (that didnā€™t last long), but left it for now.

Got my post done pretty early and got on with other stuff, i.e. making a GIFā€¦got embroiled in that and missed my posting time by five minutes. I really wish that brofund would fix the fucking bot already! Itā€™s been over six months that this has been a daily hassle. šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬

Anyway, Iā€™d had a vision of a GIF I wanted to make about pineapple crushing the Nopplers (No Pineapplers) with a Mortal Combat fatality for the Pizza Discord. Luckily, there are free resources for doing that stuff on the web and I was actually able to go in and animate it frame by frame and even make it look like it went behind! šŸ‘šŸ˜ Spent way too much time doing that šŸ˜‚, but not bad for a first go!

I want to get it uploaded to Tenor so that itā€™s accessible by searching on PeakD and in Discord, but so far the best Iā€™ve been able to do is share the link:


After I finished that up (and felt a bit proud of myself), I got a super early lunch and laid down for a nap. Slept about an hour, hour and a half or so and was a little slow getting up, but didnā€™t feel too bad, just craving sweet.

I felt like I should try and sit down to get some work done at that point, but even though I had a clear idea of the path I wanted to try, I couldnā€™t seem to bring myself to it. As is normally the case in these instances, I busted out the Oculus instead (and totally forgot about/missed Pizza trivia night šŸ˜­).

I ā€œworkedā€ some more on the Puzzle I started yesterday and made some progress, but itā€™s seriously hard and even just sorting through all the pieces is time consuming. Played for an hour or so and then started feeling bad that I wasnā€™t focusing on the goal I had set for mystery and shut it down.

Sat down and got to work on the website. Of course, it wasnā€™t straightforward at all, which is why Iā€™d worked out a plan to diagnose it step-by-step. It took an incredibly long time fighting with PHP to output a string that was parseable to JSON, having to escape all the quotes and get it to evaluate the variables inside the string rather than literally outputting the text.

I got that working properly and then immediately realized that I wanted to send a JSON within the JSONā€¦I tried for a while but I guess that was too much for it (or for me) since I couldnā€™t get it to not fire syntax errors.

Gave up on trying to do it that way and figured I could just construct the JSON in the JavaScript from the JSON sent from the PHP. Whew! šŸ˜°

Finally got that functioning (if not exactly the way I wanted) and built the Hive broadcast call. Fired it andā€¦nothing happened. šŸ˜±šŸ˜­ Not an error, nothing. šŸ˜”

Figured I was missing one of the arguments in the call, put in an empty string and tried againā€¦this time something definitely happened! I got mad kinda of error: ā€œt.scan is not a functionā€ in the Hive-JS! šŸ¤¬šŸ˜­

Wenche was home and waiting for me by that point and I was having difficulty disengaging myself from it, so I asked about it in a couple places over on Discord and then we headed into town for crazy bowling with her work colleagues.

Was pretty fun and even with all the crazy stuff we had to do, I won the first game. šŸ˜ Unfortunately, by about halfway through, my back really started to bother me. The second game was just straight bowling and I came in second, but by back was really killing me by then. Still, was a good time and healthy to get out and about once in a while.

Took a bit after we got home to wind down, and I actually had some steps left to do, but I got them done (barely) and then laid down. Wenche put something on the tube, but I didnā€™t even make an effort to watch and was gone before too long.

Well, for once my dShitty stated income and actual income agree, so thatā€™s something. I was ā€œsupposedā€ to get one SIM and despite two crises, I got one SIM. Fair is fair. šŸ˜›



Honestly, didnā€™t really remember to go in much on Rising Star today. Iā€™m sure I got one mission done, but I think that was about it. I went in on BeeSwap to check out the Starbits pools, considering I already have some, should maybe put them to useā€¦but some of the other pools look nicer, so I didnā€™t make a move yet.


Well, I put it off and put it off until I no longer really had any time to play Splinterlands today. šŸ˜¢ Iā€™ve lost yet another daily quest, but I suppose getting out and doing something in real life on occasion is good as well.


Didnā€™t even remember to go in and claim my drop for today! šŸ˜± Got caught up in other stuff. Went in earlier this morning and got it staked, but that didnā€™t help with vouchers for today. Speaking of which, still just sitting on the ones I have left on the marketā€¦a little less willing to sell them off now that they have another use case upcoming, but been looking at some of the other pools Iā€™m not involved with yet and some look pretty juicy, so going to have to make a decision.

Average Last 7 Days: 13,365

Lifetime Average: 15,104

10k per Day Streak: 36


Longest Streak: 204


Distance on shoes: 728.49 km
Distance on hikers: 67.07 km

#AutomaticWin Tally: 421
#AutomaticWin Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 53

#TripleTen Tally: 118
#TripleTen Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 7

#DoubleDay Tally: 229
#DoubleDay Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 37

Highest Floors: 120

Highest Daily Steps: 41,528

Zombies evaded: 0/0

Mindfulness Diary:

Health: 82%
Satisfaction: 84%
Energy: 77%
Productivity: 79%


Rising Star






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