My digital art - 9/5/23

in #artzonelast year

I love art, but I understand that art is not so integrated between body and soul, I just try to give birth to what is in my mind and continue it by hand playing the computer mouse and keyboard.

I also like something abstract because often it's not easy to guess what the meaning is contained within. Because everyone has different characters and feelings in assessing what is not real.

I'm trying to make an abstract digital painting of flowers and leaves. This type of painting is suitable as a piece of decorative art in your home or workspace. I am inspired by several well-known digital artists who make digital flower paintings, including Katie Rodgers, Irina Garmashova, and Robert Biebuyck.

The painting of dry leaves that I made only wanted to depict leaves that were dry or dead. this type of painting has a more brown or yellowish tint because the leaves I've drawn have lost their moisture.

Painting dry leaves can be a very beautiful and impressive work of art. some artists use dry leaves as a base material for their artwork, such as making collages or even creating leaf sculptures.

Apart from that, painting dry leaves in the form of digital art can also be used as inspiration for making other works of art, such as paintings, photography, and so on. Dry leaves have their own beauty and can be an interesting object to be used as material for works of art.

I admit that my digital art is far from perfect, because I'm just learning. I hope the digital art that I share today can inspire all my friends and always be successful for all of you.