Astrocartography + Human Design: Abstract vs. Logical vs. Individual

in #astrocartography6 months ago


Abstract vs. Logical vs. Individual
(The three types of circuitry to which gates/channels belong in Human Design.)

Having observed discussions in the online astrocartography spaces for a few years (and how they’ve reflected many of the same questions & outlooks both myself and seemingly many go through as exploring the subject), it seems rather apparent (now) how much of it is being approached through the LOGICAL circuitry.

Consider it: do not MOST questions in astrocartography groups/forums arise from the mind seeking certainty of logical patterns to how planetary lines will/do manifest consistently? Are the majority of tik-tok “astrologers” providing overgeneralized soundbyte summaries of “good” and “bad” lines not speaking from & to LOGIC, aiming to fit easily-digestible descriptions into the boxes of simplified logical patterns, catering to market demand driven by logical circuitry seeking structured formulas to inform mind-driven decision making?

Feel free to debate and prove me wrong, should you see it differently and/or have insight to share on why this is not so. However as consistently observed, the vast majority of inquiries, responses and content in these astrocartography groups originate in/from and (attempt) speak(ing) to the LOGICAL circuitry. However, there’s only so much to be learned down this path, as LOGIC is only one piece of the puzzle. IF we’re seeking deeper, intimate understanding, the ABSTRACT and INDIVIDUAL side of things cannot be ignored/overlooked.

While it may be natural for us to seek the LOGICAL answers as to what each line means, as though it all works like a predictable mathematical formula that can inform decisions with certainty of desirable outcomes, it cannot be denied that how ANY combination of lines play out will always be an INDIVIDUAL experience.

No two individuals will ever have the exact same experience of any line. And even while the LOGICAL mind may go further to try assess how our individual natal chart may provide more information with which to try figure out answers, you could take a dozen individuals with the exact same birth charts and put them in the exact same place(s), and they will ALWAYS have a different, INDIVIDUALIZED experience - irregardless of whether on “good” or “bad” lines, no matter whether those lines’ planets are ‘benefically’ or ‘difficultly’ aspected. To one INDIVIDUAL, Venus and/or Jupiter may be a great experience; to another INDIVIDUAL, the exact same lines with planets aspected exactly the same in their birth chart may be not at all the smooth, happy experience expected. Some INDIVIDUALs may have horrible experience on their Saturn, Mars and/or Pluto lines and take to the internet projecting their unprocessed traumas as one-size-fits-all “advice” for everyone to avoid those lines; other INDIVIDUALs, with t(he exact same charts & transits, may work with those energies completely differently and alchemize them into profound inner & outward power & success. No matter what LOGICAL formulas the mind seeks or attempts providing others (based on its cognitive biases), outcomes will ALWAYS be an INDIVIDUAL matter.

While the LOGICAL circuitry does often take this into consideration and try fit INDIVIDUAL situational & astrological details into the formulas LOGICAL mind may use in attempts to figure out patterns as a means to the end of bolstering its sense of certainty in what to expect on certain lines, we must also (if truly coming from a space of humility and openness to embracing the totality of the life experience) acknowledge the nature of what wisdom comes through the ABSTRACT circuitry: that there are things that cannot be known until a full experience is complete, the understanding not possible until in hindsight.

Any/every planetary energy/line can be experienced in an infinite number of ways; there’s a massive spectrum of its archetypal expressions that even the most knowledgeable/experienced astrologer cannot always predict with certainty. There may be hints available in an INDIVIDUAL chart which the LOGICAL circuitry may glimpse via formulas, yet the ABSTRACT nature of the human journey cannot be foreseen.

We can’t know who all we’ll meet or what events will occur in any place that’ll change our course. No one can foresee what mutations will take place as we jump into the portal of a new blend of energies or who we’ll be on the other side as coming out of them. As per the ABSTRACT circuitry, it is only upon looking back after an experience that it can become clear what any particular (combination of) line(s) was, uniquely for us in our INDIVIDUAL journey.

In some regards, this is kind of obvious & common sense. Yet, at least amongst many just beginning to explore the subject of astrocartography, it seems often overlooked - especially the ABSTRACT side.

T’is the ABSTRACT through which we all can come back to contribute our INDIVIDUAL stories, lesson and wisdom to these collective - adding more insights and perspectives that may (or may not) help upgrade some of the LOGICAL formulas that can assist in better understanding the complexities of astrocartography. Though, only the LOGICAL itself will never be enough to fully understand and inform the mind with all it wants/needs to substantiate a sense of certainty it often craves to accurately predict outcomes.

Just something to keep in mind along the way… ✨

(And to what extent does any LOGICAL assessments of “good” or “bad” astrology even come to ultimately matter when it comes time to decision-making if correctly following one’s INDIVIDUAL Strategy & Authority? Unless IF the assessment itself may be the thing to correct respond to, rather than just a relocation option itself - and there is the utmost diligence in keeping biases towards “good/bad” out of the final decision.)


  1. Logical (Collective Logical): These channels/gates are associated with patterns, planning, and understanding through logic and reasoning.
  2. Abstract (Collective Abstract): These channels/gates are linked to experiential learning, storytelling, and understanding through past experiences.
  3. Individual: These channels/gates are connected to uniqueness, personal insights, and transformation, focusing on individual expression and mutation.