Trusting God 24/7

in #bdcommunity11 months ago


Some things in life are seasonal. They could be events, food items, jobs and so on. But there is something very vital in life that shouldn't be seasonal, especially the life of a christian. That's the act of TRUSTING GOD all through the day and all through life, whether in the good times or bad times; when things are sooth and when they are rough. TRUSTING GOD is not a seasonal thing, it's a life time affair.

Why should you trust God 24/7?

Him alone has the answer to all life's problems. He knows just when and what to do to wipe your tears 😭 and give you a reason to smile 😄.

God sees the challenges that confront you, and He's willing to help you. So, when you are distressed by life's challenges, echo what the Psalmist says in Psalm 56:3, “What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee”.

Deliberately, shut the door of your mind to the whispering of the devil when you are faces with a difficult situation. Consciously, focus on the promises of God. The promises of God are infallible and reliable, they cannot fail. Trust God to be with you, for he promises “I will be with thee, and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee, when you walk through the fire, you will not be burned, neither shall the flame kindle upon thee” Hebrew 13:5, Isaiah 43:2.

You will never wall alon, God is always by your side. Don't allow fear, worries and doubt in your heart, they will only make you depressed and weaken your faith in God. If you are anxious or perturbed about God. Trust brings confidence in God and calmness in your soul.

You must learn to Trust God by leaving your worries in His hand. I peter 5:7. (NIV: Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you). Resist the temptations to murmur or complain, for the scriptures say “in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength” Isaiah 30:15.

You will do the greatest disservice to yourself, if you put your trust or confidence in any man. “For vain is the help of man” Psalm 60:11. Come to think of it, why would you put your trust in man, with all his frailties and and limitations? “it is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man” Psalm 118:8.


God cannot be limited by anything or anyone, Trust Him to always come through for you, no matter the season or situation. Trust God and you will have good news to tell every time. God knows your boardings He just want you to trust Him.

Thank you for your time. And Happy Weekend.

Still Me, @princefm

Always remember to pray for your love once
