Bitcoin- Both Sides of the Fence

in #bitcoin3 years ago


Both Sides of the Fence:

  1. Bitcoin Simplified
  2. Current Events
  3. Bitcoin Misunderstandings

1. Bitcoin Simplified

Bitcoin is a digital currency that uses blockchain technology. What you need to
know is that it's records or ledger is held up by computers all over the world, you can't simply shut it down or counterfeit it. No government controls it.

2. Current Events

After hitting a record high of around 69,000.00 a bitcoin is now selling for 38,000.00 Why did it experience this recent correction? A correlation(pattern) in stock and crypto performance has emerged. This suggests that crypto holdings are entering portfolios. The S&P 500 has had quite the positive run recently and had to eventually have a correction and crypto followed suit.

The federal reserve are giving signals that they will raise interest rates with the leader, Jerome Powell, saying "in the mind of" raising rates. This typically says to people that economy may be slowed and safer investments need a look. The government is showing more interest in regulation and some see it as a positive thing while others are probably spooked by what it will do to price.

Not a huge surprise, but governments are considering their own digital currency known as CBDC(Central Bank Digital Currency). Yes, the creation of this would probably spook bitcoin investors. However, major world governments will not create a limited supply such as bitcoins 21 million. It's just not how modern money policy works.

Bitcoin is a very volatile asset and has seen massive price swings. Some people think we're headed to a repeat of 2018. A counter to this is the established infrastructure surrounding bitcoin. Mainstream finance now covers bitcoin, crypto exchanges exist and are in compliance with the government, and projects(tools) have grown tremendously to assist crypto.

There are people on both sides of the fence. Nobel laureate, Paul Krugman, stated he is "seeing uncomfortable parallels" to the 2007-2008 financial crisis in cryptocurrency. Yet, we have intelligent, respected people claiming we'll see bitcoin prices of 100,000.00 soon. You'd expect this kind of division in opinion otherwise we would see it go straight up or straight down.

3. Bitcoin Misunderstandings

Bitcoin is worth nothing. Bitcoin is a pyramid scheme or ponzi.

Bitcoin is a digital gold and that makes it more practical to send across the world. The reason people can't understand how similar the precious metal is to bitcoin is gold has had a 5,000 year head start in agreed value.

Gold has a utility of being used in electronics, jewelry, and more. Bitcoin has the utility of sending a quick store of value across the world undercutting the cost of international bank wires. Some people accept gold as payment for things just as some accept bitcoin as payment. Bitcoin has a true limited supply of 21 million coins and it is not possible to identify how much gold there is in the world. If real utility exists then it isn't really a ponzi or pyramid scheme.

While bitcoin price may get ahead of it's utility or agreed value, the same can be true of any asset. Gold can be considered "overpriced". Just as gold is a hedge against inflation so is bitcoin.

Bitcoin is used for terrorist and criminal activities.

Yes it is true that it is unfortunately sometimes used for this. BUT, gold is used by terrorists and criminal activities. Small, non-sequential U.S. dollars are also used for the same thing. While bitcoin works for decentralization(no government backing) and attempts to bring a paperless record, I think you would be very surprised how advanced governments are at tracking it. Don't underestimate them. If they can use it to track illegal activities they aren't gonna let the public know they can.

Anything of strong value is going to bring fraud with it because there are people that deem it worth while to pursue it. How many times do you think fake gold has been passed off as real or something had a thin layer of gold on it's surface to deceive the recipient into thinking it was solid gold.

Bitcoin is dependent on electricity and makes it vulnerable

Earlier we discussed how the entire world of computers upholds the bitcoin ledger. Yes it could be vulnerable to an EMP, or electric magnetic pulse on a global scale. However, if you think governments and people are not protecting themselves from such an attack you would be mistaken. Things can be done to prevent it.

Bitcoin uses too much electricity

Well, how important is bitcoin? Many things have a cost that are needed or wanted. Cars need fuel and cause harm to the environment, but we use them. Gold is heavy and needs to be stored, but we use it. We clear out forests for our needs producing clear negative effects, but see it as necessary.

Bitcoin can be counterfeited

This is not possible because blockchain technology uses a ledger system backed by so many computers that a local change of bitcoin ownership will be discarded as not agreeing with the overall consensus. This is why the word "confirmations" is used in transferring bitcoin.

Which side of the fence will you take.


I have to agree with @smokelord that there is considerable manipulation in crypto simply because its increasing value has attracted the attention of financial institutions that don't know what else to do but cling to their fraudulent ways.

That said, I also agree that BTC being connecting to "bad stuff" is something people need to put into perspective. Every tool is neutral, and in the wrong hands that tool is a weapon. An axe-murderer doesn't make all axes everywhere bad, just the one they're wielding. If people want crypto to do good things, they have to wield it with good intent.


Thank you for your thoughtful comments! Great point about a neutral tool.
It's interesting that you brought up financial institutions. I just read this recently: Cantillion Effect

Indeed, take USD for example. High levels of criminal activity with it yet the powers that be want to paint this picture that its all BTC is used for. That's what happens when your MSM is bought and sold by Individuals with personal interests of dragging something up or down. The real crime is how we have little to no authentic news outlets in the world today anymore. All of them have agendas and are just used to try and brainwash and manipulate groups into thinking one way and it always has to do with money and power. Its quite disgusting when you look at it all as a broad interconnected picture. Really pushes the narrative of the cattle being led to slaughter. Thanks for the reply.

This paints a bad picture!

Bitcoin does nothing unique. The trustless system is blockchain itself. The only reason why Bitcoin is so high is an endless supply of fool and crypto is still shrouded in mystique.



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I am pro crypto but the markets we see today in my opinion are heavily manipulated by groups and institutions. The fact that btc now tracks with the stock markets fortify my beliefs. The coordinated pumps and sell offs we see are not organic in my opinion. I personally think until we see meaningful regulation then crypto will remain this way but in the end it will be a world changing technology. With all that said i am left with one question i keep asking myself....if crypto threatens the chokehold that the usd holds over the world, what do you think the outcome will be. I hope i am wrong and it is not banned or regulated to death but the odds are not in our favor. I guess i sound like a conspiracy theorist lol but it is the biggest question lingering over crypto. We see many countries now waking up to the threat that crypto holds over their power over its citizens. Hopefully i am wrong and we go the other direction of mass adoption while i continue to accumulate assets and do my part to help this technology and community continue forward into the future. Great thought provoking article sir.

Thank you very much for your thoughtful comment! I agree that if crypto is ever a threat to the U.S. dollar it will be punished severely, maybe outright illegal. Government ALLOWS it's people to hold gold which is really kind of scary. A quick search pulled this up, gold seizure

i remember learning about this in school. indeed it is scary and history tends to repeat itself. we shall see though.