Waste isn't waste until we waste it - unknown
Trashcan isn't always the answer to disposing of unwanted things around us. Most of them can be recycled and made into something new or something more beautiful than what it is.
Ever since I was a kid I've already seen how Mom keeps on keeping things and reusing them while Dad keeps on disposing of them. I wasn't aware then that what she did was recycling all I know is she washed the bottle of peanut butter or the bottle of mayonnaise and put it in the cupboard. She keeps the gallons of ice cream and used it as a storage for meat and fish before it was put on the freezer.
I love to recycle things too. I love recycling papers, cups, cloth, pet bottles, egg cartons anything that can be use to produce something cute or something really usable.
Like for papers, there are so many things that we can do with papers aside from putting them in the trash. We can use it to make origamis, we can reuse the other side of the paper when only one side is used. Can even be reused to make greeting cards or a scapbook. It is just sad that I can't find my stuff that I did before using old papers and magazine. And paper clips! I love paper clips because whenever I forgot to wear earrings I can easily make one whenever I'm in the office.
I recycled used clothing too. Tshirts can be recycled as ecobags or if it is really worn out can be used as kitchen handtowel.
Egg cartons? What about egg cartons? Egg cartons can be reused too! I used to whenever I plant seeds as they are easy to cut and easy to transfer to a much bigger pot. Others are using small plastic containers but I prefer carton as they all decompose with soil in time. Another thing that I used for my seeds are used paper cups that were used whenever we have a picnic.
There are so many things that we can reuse and recycle. Why don't we give some thoughts on stuff before putting it in the trashcan. Remember waste isn't waste until we decide to put it in waste basket.
And its been awhile that I was able to join the Silver Bloggers #BOM and now I'm doing what @tengolotodo usually do, submitting my entry before the deadline hahaha. Sorry, photos made me to this I had a hard time finding them but all the photos above are mine :)
And if you've come this far... I hope that I was able to entertain you and made you smile... and for that Thank you.
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And if you're interested to know where else I hang out you can click the links below.
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“Fall in love with taking care of yourself. Fall in love with the path of deep healing. Fall in love with becoming the best version of yourself but with patience, with compassion, and respect to your own journey.” —S. McNutt