Unforgettable experiences and Francis Mallman {EN/ES} Experiencias inolvidables y Francis Mallman

in #chef3 months ago

My trip to France was a dream come true, an experience I treasure in my heart. The invitation to meet Francis Mallmann, one of the world's most renowned chefs and Argentina's representative in the culinary field, turned this adventure into something truly magical. From the moment I knew I would have the opportunity to meet him and taste his food, I knew this trip would be unforgettable.

France already has a special charm. Its landscapes, its culture and its gastronomy are elements that seduce any visitor. But the promise of meeting Francis Mallmann raised my expectations to a whole new level. This chef, known for his unique style and passion for fire cooking, has traveled the world bringing his culinary art to luxurious and exotic locations. The opportunity to see him in action was something I couldn't pass up.

I arrived at the invitation venue, a beautiful chateau in the French countryside, with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. The setting was dreamlike: perfectly manicured gardens, vineyards stretching as far as the eye could see, and a mansion that looked like something out of a fairy tale. Upon entering, I was greeted by the staff with a warm welcome and a glass of champagne, marking the beginning of an evening that promised to be unforgettable.

Meeting Francis Mallmann was an honor. His presence is imposing and at the same time, full of warmth. Dressed in his typical casual attire, hat and scarf, he radiated a confidence and passion that was immediately contagious. He greeted us all with a smile and began to talk about his philosophy of cooking, explaining how fire is not just a means of cooking, but an element that transforms ingredients into something sublime.

The luncheon was held outdoors, under an azure sky that added an even more romantic touch to the evening. The tables were arranged around several fires, where Mallmann's team prepared the different dishes. The aroma of burning wood and fresh ingredients slowly cooking permeated the air, creating an atmosphere of anticipation and delight.

Every dish served was a work of art. From perfectly grilled meats to fire-caramelized vegetables, each bite was an explosion of flavors. The simplicity and perfection of each preparation reflected Mallmann's talent and dedication. The ingredients, many of them local, were treated with a respect and mastery that only a true artist can achieve.

One of the most special moments of the day was when Mallmann came to our table to talk with us. He spoke of his travels, his love of nature and how cooking over an open fire allows him to connect with the elements in a unique way. Her passion was palpable, and hearing her stories was inspiring. He told us anecdotes of his culinary adventures around the world, of the challenges and challenges of his craft, and of the challenges and challenges of his profession.
ompensions of his craft, and how he always seeks to create memorable experiences for those who try his food.

The evening continued with laughter, conversation and toasts. The setting, the company and the food combined to create a truly magical experience. I felt like I was living a moment out of time, a parenthesis in reality where anything was possible. Francis Mallmann's generosity and talent had made that evening extraordinary, an experience that left me deeply grateful and in awe.

As I said goodbye to Mallmann and the other guests, I took with me not only the memory of an exceptional meal, but also the inspiration of having met someone who lives and works with such passion. His love of cooking and his desire to share that passion with the world are qualities that resonate deeply with me.

SPANISH VERSION (click here!)

Mi viaje a Francia fue un sueño hecho realidad, una experiencia que atesoro en mi corazón. La invitación a conocer a Francis Mallmann, uno de los chefs más reconocidos a nivel mundial y representante argentino en el ámbito culinario, convirtió esta aventura en algo verdaderamente mágico. Desde el momento en que supe que tendría la oportunidad de conocerlo y probar su comida, supe que este viaje sería inolvidable.

Francia ya de por sí tiene un encanto especial. Sus paisajes, su cultura y su gastronomía son elementos que seducen a cualquier visitante. Pero la promesa de conocer a Francis Mallmann elevó mis expectativas a un nivel completamente nuevo. Este chef, conocido por su estilo único y su pasión por la cocina al fuego, ha recorrido el mundo llevando su arte culinario a lugares lujosos y exóticos. La oportunidad de verlo en acción era algo que no podía dejar pasar.

Llegué al lugar de la invitación, un hermoso chateau en la campiña francesa, con una mezcla de emoción y nerviosismo. El entorno era de ensueño: jardines perfectamente cuidados, viñedos que se extendían hasta donde alcanzaba la vista y una mansión que parecía sacada de un cuento de hadas. Al ingresar, fui recibido por el personal con una cálida bienvenida y una copa de champagne, marcando el inicio de una noche que prometía ser inolvidable.

Conocer a Francis Mallmann fue un honor. Su presencia es imponente y a la vez, llena de calidez. Vestido con su típico atuendo informal, un sombrero y una bufanda, irradiaba una confianza y una pasión que inmediatamente contagiaban. Nos saludó a todos con una sonrisa y comenzó a hablar sobre su filosofía de la cocina, explicando cómo el fuego no es solo un medio para cocinar, sino un elemento que transforma los ingredientes en algo sublime.

El almuerzo se llevó a cabo al aire libre, bajo un cielo celesteque añadía un toque aún más romántico a la velada. Las mesas estaban dispuestas alrededor de varios fuegos, donde el equipo de Mallmann preparaba los diferentes platos. El aroma de la leña quemada y los ingredientes frescos cocinándose lentamente impregnaba el aire, creando una atmósfera de expectativa y deleite.

Cada plato servido era una obra de arte. Desde carnes perfectamente asadas hasta verduras caramelizadas al fuego, cada bocado era una explosión de sabores. La simplicidad y la perfección de cada preparación reflejaban el talento y la dedicación de Mallmann. Los ingredientes, muchos de ellos locales, eran tratados con un respeto y una maestría que solo un verdadero artista puede lograr.

Uno de los momentos más especiales de la jornadan fue cuando Mallmann se acercó a nuestra mesa para conversar con nosotros. Habló de sus viajes, de su amor por la naturaleza y de cómo la cocina al fuego le permite conectarse con los elementos de una manera única. Su pasión era palpable, y escuchar sus historias fue inspirador. Nos contó anécdotas de sus aventuras culinarias alrededor del mundo, de los desafíos y las rec
ompensas de su oficio, y de cómo siempre busca crear experiencias memorables para quienes prueban su comida.

La velada continuó con risas, conversaciones y brindis. El entorno, la compañía y la comida se combinaron para crear una experiencia verdaderamente mágica. Sentí que estaba viviendo un momento fuera del tiempo, un paréntesis en la realidad donde todo era posible. La generosidad y el talento de Francis Mallmann habían hecho de esa noche algo extraordinario, una experiencia que me dejó profundamente agradecido y asombrado.

Al despedirme de Mallmann y de los demás invitados, me llevé conmigo no solo el recuerdo de una comida excepcional, sino también la inspiración de haber conocido a alguien que vive y trabaja con tanta pasión. Su amor por la cocina y su deseo de compartir esa pasión con el mundo son cualidades que resuenan profundamente conmigo.

Originally posted on DClub Community Articles. Hive blog powered by ENGRAVE.


Keep up the good work. 👏

You are loved. 🤗 + u deserve the best. 💪

Curated by Mystic artist Gudasol

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Glad you were able to meet him in person and have your dream come true 🤗.
The pictures are amazing and the scenery is one to behold ❤️
Why are there vegetables hung on a rope? Is it mainly for decor?

Thank you for your message! What you see in the pictures is a very old cooking system. They hang vegetables and they are cooked not only those but because it is a kind of dome they hang many vegetables at the same time and also meats.

Wow! That's very interesting 🤔. I'm sure they'll take so many hours to cook.
Thanks for explaining 🤗