Anyone Else Have That Weird Feeling of Dread?
This post is going to be a bit of a bummer. I usually don't post negativity however, I really have to know if it's just me or is everyone sensing this. I've had the worst feeling of dread for the last couple weeks. This isn't something that happens to me often. Lately, I just have this nagging sense of things being far from OK.
It started shortly before the Russia / Ukraine invasion. The Dood's spidey senses have been in overdrive. It's like a "disturbance in the force". Like something is terribly wrong in the world and I can sense it. The world is changing and not for the better. War, disease, inflation, the list can go on and on.
Right after the Ukraine invasion the sense of dread eased up a little bit making me think that was part of it. However, I have this nagging feeling like this is the start of something much bigger. On top of that, I have this feeling like all this stuff is conected. The virus, the war, the economy, it's all like a perfect storm. Maybe even a little to perfect!
I'm going to start with Covid. IDK what's happening here. From the start I thought something escaped a lab somewhere. Just by the way governments reacted when all this started. It was like they didn't know what was going to happen or what to expect and they were scared. I don't know if it was released intentionally, or accidentally, but I don't think Covid is naturally occuring. On top of that, seems like a great way to weaken general populations not to mention the INTENDED psy-ops it created. Covid was weaponized in more ways than one. I'm talking about the way we reacted to it and the divisness it created. There was no need to politicize this the way it was! Even the few statements I've just made will trigger some people. How dare I imply this may have been intentional or lab created. Should I point the finger at China? LOL. Calm down there sparky. This is just me thinking out loud, you don't have to agree and it's OK to disagree. Lets just be cordial and polite! The idea of not being able to talk about these things for fear of retribution is self-censorship... The worst kind of censorship. This IMHO was the intended effect. Silence people, ridicule those that dissent from the approved narrative, cancel the ones we can't control. Seriously, the very thought of what they did with the covid narrative is completely horrifying to me. Much scarier than the actual virus itself IMHO.
Now here's where my paranoia peaks with Covid. I thought this would be a great precursor to a war when this all first started. When this Ukrainian / Russian thing started it really sent a chill right down my spine. It almost seems like Covid and Ukraine were the first moves in a chess match.
Inflation / Economy / Supply Chain
I'm pretty sure most of us seen this coming. You can't hand out tons of money to your citizens and tell people not to go to work without there being serious future consequences. We now have damaged economies and some places are experiencing serious shortages in the supply chain.
This is either the perfect storm or it's all part of the master plan. When you start researching the great reset and similar conspiracy theories it starts to seem feasible.
The Russian / Ukranian war will also feed into these supply chain issues with much of Europe and other parts of the world depending on different grains and oil that is produced in these regions. I don't think we need a crystal ball to see that supply chain issues are going to be really big issues for some places in the near future.
Gas prices will rise everywhere, that's almost a certainty and will add to our inflation woes by increasing prices of the products on our shelves due to increased delivery fees.
Conspiracy Theories
I need to sneak this in here. I'm not really a conspiracy person. I've loosely followed several conspiracy theorists since the mid 90s. Some of it I agreed with, a lot of it I found laughable. As someone who loosely followed several conspiracy theories I have to say, it's undeniable... The conspiracy theorist were right. EVERYTHING seems to be playing out like someone ripped a page out of the conspiracy theorists handbook and started running a play by play. This is far to coincidental at this point. Something is wrong and it's painfully obvious even to the most skeptical among us.
World War III
Now I'm going to add to your paranoia. I'm going to come right out with it. This feels like the start of World War III to me. If the governments of the world don't calm down, and figure out a peaceful resolution to this situation in Ukraine, I have a terrible feeling this will be a precursor to a much bigger war.
I'm also paying attention to several other countries with border disputes like China and Taiwan and lets not forget about the huge spectacle we call the middle east and the conflicts between India and Pakistan over border regions. The world currently seems like a massive powder keg just waiting to be ignited. On top of that Russia has to be livid with all the help Ukraine has received from NATO countries and their allies. I don't think this is the war Russia was expecting. I support Ukraine, just saying in the bigger scheme of things this could further escalate tensions as well.
You Feeling This Or Is It Just Me?
I can't shake the feeling that I'm looking at a chessboard and the chess masters have all the pieces of the game in place. It feels like what we're watching now is the start of the end-game.
Is it just me? Have all these years researching conspiracies since the mid 90s finally caught up with me? Has my imagination completely ran away with me? Are you getting the same vibes from all this stuff? Seriously, I'm asking because I've got a really bad feeling deep in my gut and I just can't seem to shake it!
All animations taken from Shout out to RedKatLife on Twitter for posting the awesome inflation gif!