Sapien Loop Quiz 4

in #contest4 months ago

Hi Everyone,


Welcome to my fourth Sapien Loop Quiz. Sapien Loop is the title of my recently released ebook. I have published it on Amazon, links to all the relevant Amazon sites are provided in the signature of this post. Individual chapters are also available on my @captainhive account, as well as collections on this account.

So far, I have been very encouraged by the level and quality of participation in these quizzes. In the first two quizzes, we had winners who answered all the questions correctly. In the most recent quiz, I made the questions a little more difficult, reduced the duration of the quiz to five days, and expanded it to include Part 2. It certainly made it tougher, but I lost some participants. For this quiz, the questions will remain more difficult, and I’ll still be including questions based on Part 2, but I’ll increase the duration back to 10 days.

How to Play


These quizzes are very simple to play. Participants are required to answer multiple-choice questions. Participants choose from five possible answers. The answers can be found in the book. Most questions are simple and direct. Occasionally, there will be a few difficult questions that require the participants to interpret characters intentions and emotions.

Sapien Loop consists of the Prologue, five parts, and the Epilogue. The first few quizzes focused on content from the Prologue and Part 1. The third and fourth quizzes have included content from Part 2. The fifth quiz will include content from Part 3. The remaining quizzes for the year may include content from all parts of the book. I suggest you start reading now.

How to Win


The winner is the participant who answers the most questions correctly. If there is a tie, the participant who entered first wins. In order to win, a participant must also answer more than half of the questions correctly. For example, if there are seven questions, the participant needs to answer at least four correctly to have a chance of winning. The fourth quiz consists of seven questions. Therefore, the winner needs to answer at least four questions correctly.



The winner of this contest will receive 30 Hive Power. If this contest has no winner, the Hive Power will be rolled over to next month’s contest. The first twelve entries will receive an upvote.

Let the Contest Begin!


For Quiz 4, there will be seven questions based on the content in the Prologue, Part 1 and Part 2 of the book Sapien Loop: End of an Era. You must read at least that far to find the answers. However, reading beyond this point will provide you with a deeper understanding that might improve your chances of winning.

Q1. Who, initially, did not want Darius to join the Inquisitives?

A. Denise
B. Morgan
C. Orcille
D. Victor
E. Chase

Q2. Who is Genève?

A. Representative for West
B. Deputy Head Theologist in Adoy
C. Senior Philosopher in Adoy
D. Junior teacher
E. Traveller

Q3. Who was ultimately responsible for the kidnapping of the girls in Adoy?

A. Victor
B. Orcille
C. Jarlint
D. Arville
E. Pardi

Q4. Why did Lily visit Pardi in Chapter 34?

A. She happened to be in the neighbourhood and just wanted to say ‘hello’
B. She felt her position was precarious after the vote of no confidence
C. Pardi invited her over so he could gloat
D. Lily secretly admired Pardi and craved his attention
E. She was really visiting his daughters because they were also her nieces

Q5. What is Pardi’s excuse for disliking Sapiens?

A. He believed they were inferior
B. He was abused as a child
C. Something about moral boundaries
D. He doesn’t have an excuse
E. His father treated them better than he treated him

Q6. How is Yassmay different from her sister Yassme?

A. There are no noticeable differences
B. Yassmay is more intelligent than her sister
C. Yassmay is the leader of the two
D. Yassmay is more aggressive than Yassme
E. Yassmay is more playful than Yassme

Q7. In Chapter 43, why was Orcille enraged with Pardi?

A. Pardi revealed that the meat in the meal was actually the bodies of the kidnapped girls
B. Pardi never loved Orcille, and he had replaced him with the twins
C. Orcille hated how Pardi used others as test subjects
D. Pardi revealed a very deep and sensitive secret about Orcille
E. Orcille was not actually enraged, he was trying to deceive Pardi

Entry Format

For this contest, I expect to see entries made in the following format:


Example of Entry

Q1: D
Q2: D
Q3: A
Q4: C
Q5: E
Q6: A
Q7: A

The closing date and time for this contest is 6PM coordinated universal time (UTC) 06/06/2024. Responses after this time will not be accepted. The winners will be announced in the results post.

I hope everyone has fun and enjoys this Sapien Loop Quiz. I look forward to your participation next month.

My New Book, Sapien Loop


I have published an ebook on Amazon; it is titled ‘Sapien Loop: End of an Era’. The book is fiction. I do not normally write fiction. However, I felt it was appropriate considering what is happening in the world today. Freedom is the most important thing we have, but we are gradually losing it. I have covered this in many of my posts.

In the story, most citizens do not understand the concept of freedom because they have never really experienced it. In essence, the story is about an alien world that might represent our not-so-distant future. There are many other elements to the story that are an abstract and exaggerated version of our reality. I believe this book to be an important read, and I believe it has the potential to change the way you think.

Brief Summary of Sapien Lopp


This story is based on the fictional planet Sapia and its sole country, Sapey. Sapey is portrayed as a form of utopia for all its citizens. No poverty. No war. Almost no crime. Opportunities for all.

This was enough for most citizens, but not all. In one of the small regions, some of the citizens had become discontent. They felt something important was missing in their lives. Their discontent did not go unnoticed. Some of the Sapey elite wanted to weaponise this discontent to gain more power. This created more chaos than they anticipated. This led to further widespread social unrest.

On top of the chaos, ambition and greed provoked another enemy. This enemy was on a mission to settle both new and old scores.

If you want to buy a copy of the book, below are links to the relevant Amazon websites for each country it is available in. The book is priced at approximately US$5.08.

I am also running monthly contests where participants are required to answer questions based on the book. The prize is 30 Hive Power plus upvotes for the first twelve entries. You can recover the cost of the book with just one win.

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Q1: B
Q2: B
Q3: E
Q4: B
Q5: A
Q6: C
Q7: A

You've been curated by @plantpoweronhive! Delegations welcome!

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Q1: B
Q2: A
Q3: A
Q4: B
Q5: B
Q6: C
Q7: D

Q1: B
Q2: B
Q3: E
Q4: B
Q5: A
Q6: C
Q7: A

Q1: A
Q2: C
Q3: A
Q4: B
Q5: D
Q6: C
Q7: A

So you're the author of this ebook?

Yeah, that's right.


Can anyone publish an ebook on Amazon? Qualifications?

I guess so. Just download their tools. It's not that hard.


First time here, good luck.❤️
Q1: C
Q2: B
Q3: C
Q4: B
Q5: C
Q6: A
Q7: A

Q1: B
Q2: B
Q3: E
Q4: B (I guess you meant chapter 34 in regards to this question?)
Q5: A
Q6: C
Q7: A

Thanks once again for the contest! :D

You're right, it should be Chapter 34. I have changed it in the question to prevent confusion.

Thanks for the clarification! :D
Already looking forward to the results, I think the questions are exactly the level you described. Some 'literal' answers combined with some 'interpretations'. Have a nice day! 🙌

Q1: B
Q2: A
Q3: B
Q4: B
Q5: C
Q6: B
Q7: A

Q1: B
Q2: B
Q3: E
Q4: B
Q5: A
Q6: C
Q7: A