The Daily Meme #749!

in #crimelast month

There is too much crime in the world.
I think we can agree on that, yes, dear reader?

'Lock 'em up!' is the cry of the crowd.
But, don't you think that if prison was going to solve the crime problems then crime would have been solved when prison was the holding cell outside the arena?

Don't you think that public executions would have done the trick?

It seems that this is not the case.
Here we are thousands of years later with more crime than ever.

Maybe we should hire more people that only have jobs while criminals are running loose?
Maybe we should give a small minority of us impunity to kill us to control us?

Maybe people who get more money from having more crime is not the best source of information of how to eliminate their own jobs?

Perhaps, we should disavow rule by force?

Sure, sure, you can kill the ones that want to use violence to control you, nobody is saying you have to let criminals run wild.
But, maybe you shouldn't force your will onto peaceful people?
Maybe mind your own business when you see folks that disagree with you?

The fact is, it's the cops that protect criminals from us.
IF we didn't have the blue line gang and prisons, we would deal with criminals as they exposed themselves.

No need to do any legal dances.
No decades on death row.
Just immediate payment of the wages of sin.

'Oh, but anti, we can't have anarchy.'

Yes, we can.

Anarchy is the mother of order.


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I think it is first about the economic situation of a country then education.

In Goa, India (in the 70s) thieving junkies would be tied up to a palm tree for a night. Maybe we have to turn our criminals into addicts for this technique to be as affective as it was in Goa. 🤪

They were doing that last year in the ukraine.

That shrink wrapped thing was weird. 😳


Posted using MemeHive

I was going to tell a joke about hominy.
But it was too corny.

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