Wow, I can not believe that it has been two years since I joined everyone on the Hive Platform. It seem just a very short time ago. But when I received the below notification from @hivebuzz I could not believe it.
It seems like only yesterday that I joined. I was so over whelmed when I first started exploring all the various communities on Hive. There are so many communities on the Hive Platform that I did not know where to start. There was so much information that it was very easy to get lost in everything here on the Hive Platform
Therefore, since I had joined using the ClickTrackProfit program, I thought it best to start there and check out their @CTPTalk community.
@jongolson was very helpful and got me involved in Hive. However he made it very clear to me that it was not a get rich scheme that could make me a lot of money over night. He stated over and over that it was a Journey and that to make the most of it I should be active on a daily basis. It was also pointed out that "Slow and Steady" was the best way to approach all the information on the Hive Platform otherwise it would be very easy to lose your focus on what you wanted to accomplish.
So over the past two years, I have been as active as possible. Learning from many and many along the way. I also got involved with the @wearealive tribe with it's founder @flaxz who also encouraged me to be involved in various projects as well.
The CTPTalk and WeareAlive communities have taught me a lot about being active on the Hive Platform. They have always supported me on my journey over the past two years.
Since my background is Accounting and Finance, I started following @taskmaster4450 He was on the Crypto Maniacs Podcast with @jongolson which was posted on the CTPTalk frontend on a weekly basis.
I would join them and learn even more about the Hive Platform, the various Hive projects and Crypto in general. This also introduced me to the Finance Platform and community on Hive called @leofinance
The LeoFinance community have so many projects developed and in the works that you really need to check them out. Currently they are massive Hive onboarding project to get more exposure for the Hive Platform.
check out this post to learn more about that project:
There are also passive income projects and lots of games that have been developed on the Hive Platform. There are so many projects that in my first two years exploring the Hive Platform, I have only experienced the tip of the iceberg so to speak.
I know that over the next two years, it will keep me very busy with all the other things that I have yet to discover and learn about.
Share with me and others your favorite part of the Hive Platform. This will provide me even more things to check out going forward.