HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation #174

Welcome to the HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation Report!

This periodic compilation, highlights a selection of posts and authors, curated by some of the various curation projects and communities that use the HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot for curating.

It's a collection that showcases the top daily curated posts by each of these communities / projects. Highlighting the authors and communities to support their efforts.

Please consider visiting these authors and checking out their wonderful posts.

Highlighted Posts:

Curated By:
Author: @rammargarita

Community: The Ink Well
Assertive decision. - Creative Nonfiction in The Ink Well Prompt #88
Assertive decision. I have always been a person, as they say in my hometown, a person who goes forward, when I have a difficulty, no matter how difficult it may be, I look for a way to solve it, that is, if I go down a path when I think and see that it is not the right one, I look for a way to find the right path. This is how I achieve the goal I have set for myself. On March 1 of this year 2024, I had a fall when I was walking down the hallway of my house, I suddenly rolled on the floor and fell on the left side of my body, in a position similar to that of a soccer player when he throws himself to catch the ball to prevent the opposing player from scoring a goal ...
Author: @chm-writes

Community: The Ink Well
source "I wish you were never born"! Pa Aloy looked up at the heavens as he shouted this, oblivious to his 12 year old granddaughter, Nana's,Nana's, presence,presence, even though her question had promoted his outburst. She looked at him, hurt by this declaration.. "Why would you say that, grandpa"? ...
Author: @marriot5464

Community: The Ink Well
Celebrations And Flashbacks
With the story I'm about to tell you now, if you have been following my stories here you'll probably think that I have been unlucky with making friends that suit my lifestyle. Well, it's not my fault, it's just that the world today is just conforming to weird values. Everyone wants it the trending way not minding if it's bad or not. Not minding if they're hurting others or not ...

Curated By:
Author: @biologistbrito

Community: StemSocial
Megalithism Interactive Museum🌎👩🏻‍🏫🧠 (En-Es)
On one occasion I read on the internet that there was a land in Portugal called "Mora" that was unique in Europe for its large number of dolmens, in reality it is the region with the most dolmens in Portugal and we could even mention Europe as well, my curiosity made me travel more than 120km to visit the museum where we will learn everything related to megalithism, here we will see what the prehistoric man of Portugal was like more than 3 thousand years ago, and we will even show you real dolmens that are more than 4 thousand years old! Enjoy my experience at the museum. 👩🏻‍🏫🌎 En una ocasion lei en internet que habia una tierra en Portugal llamada "Mora" que era unica en europa por su gran cantidad de dolmenes, en realidad es la region con mas dolmenes en Portugal e inclusive podriamos citar a Europa tambien, mi curiosidad me hizo recorrer mas de 120km para visitar el museo donde aprenderemos todo lo relacionado al megalitismo, aqui veremos como era el hombre prehistorico de Portugal hace mas de 3mil anos, e inclusive te mostrare dolmenes reales con mas de 4mil anos! disfruta mi experiencia en el museo ...
Author: @melinda010100

Community: Photo-essay
Summer solstice- people and dog watching
Today everyone in the northern half of our planet will experience the summer solstice. It is the scientific start of summer and the longest day of the year north of the Equator. And we are definitely having summer temperatures to start the season off with a bang! After the summer solstice, the days will get shorter ...
Author: @vickoly

Community: Hive Diy
Tools of the Trade: A Shoemaker's Essential Kit and Vision for the Future
Creativity ideas often come from the heart; however, to bring that to reality, the right tools are required, and being a craftsman myself, I've got loads of tools that usually come in handy when I want to craft this masterpiece. Today I'll be sharing some tools I use often when making shoes, and I'll also be sharing my dreams about this and my plans to transfer this knowledge to my children. As most of my followers might know, I'm into shoemaking and often share do it yourself blog posts about how I made most of this footwear. Today, in response to the Inleo prompt in conjunction with hive DIY, I'll be taking you through the tools I often use, and without further ado, let's get into their details ...

Thank you for checking out HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation. Hopefully you can take some time to visit some of the featured authors.

If you want to know more about HiveDiscoMod, its vast useful functionalities for communities and curation projects, check out this introductory post.

For deploying a fully fledged curation system, this post explains the details.
Or if you are interested in deploying a delegations curation rewards distributor, you can check out this post to know how to set it up.

Which Curators Are Included In The Report?
Any community or project that deployed HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot on their discord server and are using the bot for their curation!

Each of the communities / curators featured in this report are added as beneficiaries on this curation report.
Any extra rewards received on this post will help with the continuous development efforts, maintenance and the upkeep of the bot. Keeping it running for the benefit of everyone.

Your friendly Discord Bot for your Hive Community, Curation, and Delegations Rewards Distribution Needs!

Currently deployed on 66 Discord servers, with over 7687 Hive users!

© 2024 | @hivediscomod | By: @yaziris