HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation #259

Welcome to the HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation Report!

This periodic compilation, highlights a selection of posts and authors, curated by some of the various curation projects and communities that use the HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot for curating.

It's a collection that showcases the top daily curated posts by each of these communities / projects. Highlighting the authors and communities to support their efforts.

Please consider visiting these authors and checking out their wonderful posts.

Highlighted Posts:

Curated By:
Author: @nancybriti1

Community: The Ink Well
Creative Nonfiction: Waiting for Godot/ Esperando a Godot (ENG/ ESP)
Waiting for Godot Since my uncle, the one who lived in Caracas, said he would spend a week with us in the house, our days became a slippery slope. And although my uncle had already told us on other occasions that he would come to the house and then canceled, my mother, his older sister, wanted everything to be perfect for when he visited us: "We have to paint the house and give everything a good cleaning" whenever a visitor came, Mom would clean the smallest painting in the living room. "We also have to buy some new towels and lots of fish: José wants to eat fresh fish". My face scrunched up when I heard that, and my mother, as if she had eyes everywhere, turned to look at me: "And I don't want you to pout while your uncle is here ...
Author: @ridgette

Community: The Ink Well
The Lost Present
The Christmas decor fluttered along the cool morning breeze. Christmas songs were already heard across our neighborhood. It's just September, but here in our country we already anticipate Christmas when the 'ber months start. I counted the coins that I've been saving up lately ...
Author: @rukkie

Community: The Ink Well
Creativenonfiction #100 - A Freaky Day Out
Have you ever watched those funny videos where people are asked to wash plates in restaurants because they are unable to pay for their meals? Well, I never thought I could find myself in that situation until it “almost” happened to me. It happened when I attended a computer training program after my secondary school education. Back then, one of the students there came from my direction,so it was easy for me and her to become friends ...

Curated By:
Author: @anusheyahmad

Community: OCD
Introducing myself
I tried hard to avoid this awkward situation of introducing myself, i think it's not easy to explain yourself in detail, but at last i had to do it. Are you guys ready to hear about myself ? ? ? ...
Author: @rashed.ifte

Community: Hive Gaming
Found the Laboratory we were looking for.
Then we reached the exit gate where I found the dead body of Lambert who died when we escaped this place and Amicia thought her mother died there. Now we're sure that Beatrice is alive. We found our way to the laboratories and the stairs were reminding Amicia of her childhood but her mother never wanted her to go down there saying its dangerous. Lucas was mentioning that they'd need her memories to search for the right place thought Amicia didn't find anything around here at her childhood ...
Author: @bipolar95

Community: Ladies of Hive
The journey - LOH #202
My hair is 17 years old and in all my hair journey, I'd like to think that I finally got it right with my hair care products and routine. I really do not do anything special, but I just make sure to reduce the number of times I process my hair with chemical products and heat. Growing up, I heard my mom talk a lot about how birthing my siblings and I caused her significant hair loss. She said the hair loss was more with my brother, prompting her to cut her hair and start all over ...

Curated By:
Author: @tikotiko

Community: Worldmappin
Trips and tips: Namibian tribes
Like I have shared previously, I visited Namibia during summer. And of course we wanted to see how people actually live. Not only the people you see but also the people you don’t see – that is the tribes! I concluded that it is not possible to actually see them unless you are local ...

Curated By:
10,000 SBT Giveaway 9/13! Winner of 9/12 Contest logen9f
Pixabay Image Congratulations @logen9f for winning 9/12 Contest and 10k SBT tokens! To celebrate the recent partnership between Pepe and Sbt, I want to giveaway 10k SBT. The SBT community is a Splinterlands community that does token giveaways and a weekly dividend drop. It's awesome, and I have personally purchased 300k SBT as well as having received a 2 million SBT delegation from @sbtofficial it's a token I will continue to purchase and I suggest you do as well ...
Author: @clayboyn

Community: Hive Polls
How do you feel about the current number of Splinterlands tournaments?
The purpose of this poll is to gather stake weighted feedback regarding the current sentiment of the SPS DAO Sponsored Tournaments. Please be sure to participate in all 3 polls to help make sure that we're meeting the expectations of the SPS Stakeholders in regards to the ongoing tournament structure. Fine As Is I am happy with the current 2 or 3 tournaments per day and do not wish to change anything. Go Back to 4 Per Day I was happier before the changes that happened a month ago and would like to return to the previous rotation of having 4 tournaments every day ...

Curated By:
Author: @youyowi

Community: Hive Gaming
HIVE GAMING-Los peligros de ser pirata. [The dangers of being a pirate.]
Hola gamers 😊 vengo a mostrarles mi pequeña aventura en los mares de dont starve, la última vez lo dejé en el día 11 y con un lugar establecido donde se puede cultivar, hay árboles y toda venia bastante bien, pero tuve bastante avance en este mundo y cada día que pasa se pone más y más peligroso. Hello gamers 😊 I come to show you my little adventure in the seas of Dont Starve, the last time I left it on day 11 and with an established place where you can grow crops, there are trees and everything was going pretty well, but I had made quite a bit of progress in this world and every day that passes it gets more and more dangerous. Lo importante es tener una base bien establecida antes de la primera estación peligrosa, al final casi todas lo son salvo la primera, que es la estación templada, luego viene la estación de huracanes, la estación de monzones y la estación seca, cada una es muy peligrosa a su manera, básicamente todas te matan muy muy fácil jajaja, así que tenía que navegar mucho para conseguir materiales y poder explorar, mejore mi barco antes de salir, hice una vela y a navegar, desbloquee bastante mapa y encontré bastantes cosas y casi una de las más valiosas en el juego, la maquina tragamonedas. The important thing is to have a well established base before the first dangerous season, in the end almost all of them are except the first, which is the temperate season, then comes the hurricane season, the monsoon season and the dry season, each one is very dangerous in its own way, basically they all kill you very very easily hahaha, so I had to sail a lot to get materials and be able to explore, I improved my ship before leaving, m ...
Author: @danielcarrerag

Community: Geek Zone
Black Ops 6 worth it for its OMNI MOVEMENT [ENG/SPA]
Warzone's 5th birthday is right around the corner, and the Call of Duty franchise is going all out to celebrate. That's why they're calling Black Ops 6 the 'game that will change the history of shooters. ' But, as long time COD players, we've heard that line before. Innovation has been pretty slim, and it often feels like more of the same ...
Author: @tennoribe

Community: Hive Gaming
Battle against the god of thunder / History Part 9 - Lego Marvel Avengers - PS3 - (Esp/Eng)
A warm greeting to everyone in this amazing Hive Gaming community. I hope you are having a great day. Today I bring you a game called Lego Marvel Avengers is an Action and Adventure game. I come to share with you the story mode in the format of lego games of this group of Super heroes that brought us so much joy with their movies ...

Thank you for checking out HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation. Hopefully you can take some time to visit some of the featured authors.

If you want to know more about HiveDiscoMod, its vast useful functionalities for communities and curation projects, check out this introductory post.

For deploying a fully fledged curation system, this post explains the details.
Or if you are interested in deploying a delegations curation rewards distributor, you can check out this post to know how to set it up.

Which Curators Are Included In The Report?
Any community or project that deployed HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot on their discord server and are using the bot for their curation!

Each of the communities / curators featured in this report are added as beneficiaries on this curation report.
Any extra rewards received on this post will help with the continuous development efforts, maintenance and the upkeep of the bot. Keeping it running for the benefit of everyone.

Your friendly Discord Bot for your Hive Community, Curation, and Delegations Rewards Distribution Needs!

Currently deployed on 71 Discord servers, with over 8051 Hive users!

© 2024 | @hivediscomod | By: @yaziris

You guys are doing an amazing job, well done

It's amazing

This is beautiful. Thank you so much for the support.

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