This periodic compilation, highlights a selection of posts and authors, curated by some of the various curation projects and communities that use the HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot for curating.
It's a collection that showcases the top daily curated posts by each of these communities / projects. Highlighting the authors and communities to support their efforts.
Please consider visiting these authors and checking out their wonderful posts.
Highlighted Posts:
Curated By: | @theinkwell |
Community: The Ink Well | generated with Leonardo. ai “Mum? It is a lunar day today! That means today is the day when elements of the forest bind with the energy of the moon and everything magical comes alive” ... |
Community: The Ink Well | Miranda is a beautiful girl who lives in an enchanted forest, which is hidden in the jungles of the Venezuelan Amazon. She has a huge heart, full of joy, and always has big dreams, which are accompanied by a huge and beautiful smile. Miranda, lives exploring the forest, and always walks with her great friend Camila, a little osaita frontina, who is very sweet and affectionate. They spend time together up and down in the forest, and one day, they passed by a beautiful garden, and there they met Roman, a beautiful unicorn, with his big magic horn on his head ... |
Community: The Ink Well | How trees are reborn after autumn It was lightening when Maria Valentina, saddened and bored, woke up and opened the window, after spending six months locked in her room due to her early widowhood. It was customary that mourning was lived for a month and after that time, the widow could receive visitors in the house. But María Valentina had preferred to spend six long months locked up, crying for her bad luck and misfortune. It had been Doña Guillermina, María Valentina's mother, who had insisted that the young woman leave her room and socialize again: "Criatura, look at the pallor you look sick! ... |
Curated By: | @hivepakistan |
Community: Geek Zone | We know that translation tools are based on artificial intelligence. Throughout their development, they have greatly improved, adding new features and further refining their accuracy when providing the best possible translation. An aspect that has been little explored could be real time voice translation. This is probably an approach that took some time to generate interest ... |
Community: STEMGeeks | Namaste everyone This is @alfazmalek02 from India, . jpg) Friends, welcome all of you to my today's post. Hope you all are happy and healthy. Friends, the biggest loss is caused to that society or that group in which the people leading the society or group do not get the knowledge or do not pass on the knowledge they have got ... |
Community: Hive Diy | 🌸✨️🌷Español🌷✨️🌸 Hola hola mi gente linda de hive ❤️ muy buenas noches para todos queridos amigos espero que todos se encuentren muy bien disfrutando de la noche 🤗 saludos para todos en esta linda y dinámica comunidad de hive 💕 es un placer encontrarnos acá nuevamente para compartir algo nuevo la noche de hoy ❤️ en esta ocasión quiero compartir con ustedes el diseño y la confección de un hermoso vestido para damas con detalle de manga bombache y corte princesa 👸🏻 los invito acompañarme en todos y cada uno de los pasos a seguir. ✨️Estos fueron los materiales que use✨️ • Máquina de coser • Tijera • Hilo de coser • Tela • Prenda de medida • Elástica ✨️Pasos✨️ •✨️Voy a iniciar cortando todas las piezas de mi vestido usando medidas tomadas con la cinta métrica y de las cuales voy a obtener una pieza delantera, dos piezas traseras, dos forros superiores uno delantero y otro trasero, dos mangas y dos tiros. •✨️Iniciare cosiendo las pinzas traseras y delanteras para proporcionar forma y caída al vestido luego voy a cerrar la parte trasera hasta la mitad con una costura recta y zigzag en ambos lados para asegurar luego voy a coser los tiros doblando la tela y dejando expuesto el lado reverso de la tela voy a coser con costura recta para luego voltear con la ayuda de un palillo luego voy a coser con costura recta el forro superior trasero e introducire de una vez el tiro. •✨️Continúo cosiendo el tiro delantero con una costura recta para luego coser el forro faltante luego voy a coser la orilla de la manga en la parte superior e inferior con una costura de zigzag y tensión en 1 ... |
Curated By: | @pollination |
English text is in the second half こんにちは、@go kyoです。 今週のコミュニティレポート、遅くなって申し訳ありませんでした。 @djynn さんによる 「Give A Spooky! 」23 今日からスタートです👻 今週も@djynn さんが「SpookyPops NFT HIVE SBI Giveaway」を開催中です。 今回もNFTが当たるタイプのギブアウェイで、SpookyPopsホルダーがSpookyPops NFTをプレゼントしたいノンホルダーをメンションして参加するルールです。ホルダーの皆さん、ぜひフォロワーさんをメンションしてご参加ください。当選するとメンションしたユーザーさんにNFT、応募者には5HSBIが当たります。 SpookyPopsNFTを保有していることで、djynnさんが開催するホルダー限定のHSBIシェアギブアウェイに参加することができます。HSBIシェアギブアウェイは多くの人が開催していますが、このギブアウェイはNFTのホルダー限定なので当選確率が高くお勧めです。 ぜひ非ホルダーのフォロワーさんをメンションしてご参加ください。また、まだSpookyPospsをお持ちでない方で「欲しいな・・・」という方は、お声がけください。私を含め、Hive JAコミュニティにはホルダーが多いので! ギブアウェイの詳細はをご覧ください😉 Snapsで待ってます! Hive JAコミュニティのSnaps、少しずつですがユーザーが増えています。 (※PeakDで開いてください) 現在、Snapsの投稿へのキュレーションを強化中です。Hiveに日本語ユーザーを招待するための入り口として、今後Snapsを宣伝していく予定ですが、その前に既存ユーザーの投稿がもっと増えると嬉しいです! Voting Powerに余裕がある方は、ぜひSnapsの投稿へのupvoteをお願いします!!! 特典のHSBIを送りました💰 今週も投稿特典のHSBIユニットを送りました。 ◆スコア65までの方 日本語本文300文字以上と japanese タグを含む投稿が対象です。週に1回以上投稿で1HSBI、投稿先のコミュニティはどこでもOKです。 (レピュテーションスコアはフロントエンドによって若干異なる場合があるため、HIVE BLOCK EXPLORERに表示されるスコアを基準にしています。スコア66を越えた方は、投稿特典の配布対象外となります) また、Hive JAコミュニティに加入していることも条件となります。 まだ参加されていない方は、コミュニティページより「join」(ecencyの場合)または「SUBSCRIBE」(PeakDの場合)をお願いいたします。 @suzanne7 (1HSBI) @penta555 (1HSBI) HSBIの残高は、以下から確認できます。 ※私から送付後、各サイトへの反映まで3時間程度掛かるようです。 ●HSBIのホームページ(アカウント名を入力してください) 今週も、11月10日(日)~11月16日(土)の間でカウントします。 さらに、Hive JAでは「Thanks Giveaway」と称して、10HP以上のdelegatorの皆さんを対象にHSBIのシェアギブアウェイを開催しています。@hive ja のアカウントに流動$HIVEが5以上貯まる度にルーレットを回し、当選者の皆さんにHSBIのシェアをプレゼントします。コミュニティを応援していただける方はぜひご検討ください。 コミュニティ概要(2024.11.10時点) ◆@hive jaのHIVE POWER: 16,947HP(先週比+42) ◆コミュニティメンバー:58(先週比±0) ◆@hive jaキュレーショントレイルフォロワー数:15(先週比±0) ... | |
Community: Holos&Lotus | LA CLARIDAD DE DESEAR Esto de desear es una forma de conectar con nuestra cosmovisión, lo que si creo importantísimo es saber lo que deseo. A mi por ejemplo me ha pasado, la ausencia de la seguridad de mi deseo, sin embargo, con los años me ha venido la claridad de aquello deseado. Aún más pedir el ordenamiento de mi mente y la claridad de tener conocimiento a lo deseado ha venido muy progresivamente. Porque los anhelos a veces me resultaban caprichos no claros… algo como tener sin saber el propósito de la tenencia ... |
Community: Holos&Lotus | Individuos que caminan desorientados llevando pesadas cargas Llevando en el alma y en la mente amarguras que apenas aguantan Las tristezas y penas les roban las energías y la paz que atesoran La causa de sus tribulaciones es lo que no han atisbado ni jamás podrán ver. La chispa de entendimiento en sus corazones e intelectos no tienen A causa de momentos que les han quitado la certeza de felicidad Ahora ellos creen que la dicha es un mito y la más absurda leyenda El miedo a vivir convierte sus vidas en mera agonía y sobrevivencia. Solo los valientes merecerán ver el éxito en su transitar Solo los de alma amorosa y corazón tranquilo lograrán milagros Lograrán lo que otros solo podrán ver a través de sus sueños La realidad de los que saben vivir supera las barreras y contradicciones. Saber vivir es descubrir la maravillosa joya que es el gran enigma Es percibir y consentir que el amor es mucho más que lo que dicen El amor es lo que le da todo el sentido y belleza a la vida El amor dispone y pone todo en el debido lugar y nos da fortaleza ... |
Curated By: | @gamingphoto |
Community: Hive Gaming | Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers! Something Awesome! So I tried a whackingly cool game yesterday! I'm sure most of you would fancy this without a doubt! ... |
Community: Hive Gaming | Today in a new battle in Squad Busters in the Boiler Room world I face the Angry Creepers challenge, where the map starts to close faster than normal due to the vines that eat away at the battlefield. That's why you have to make an offensive team that can quickly defeat the monsters in the center. The Angry Creepers challenge is one of my least favorites, because you have to change the game strategy in order to survive. I start the battle with El Primo a defensive style character who can withstand several hits, essential in a team ... |
Community: Hive Gaming | Version en español abajo . It seems hard to believe and even I had to sit down for a moment to watch the trailers and see the gameplays and finally see the public's reaction, but we finally have the Dragon Ball game that we have been waiting for for a decade or maybe even more, and I couldn't be happier at this moment despite not having been able to play it yet. Although we have had quite a few games, Dragon Ball is an IP that cannot afford NOT to release a game annually, and yes, most of these games were great and even several of them seem to me to be some of the best games that have been able to come out of the saga, but we are talking about a legendary successor. In many ways, depending on which gamer you ask, they'll tell you that Sparking Zero is a continuation of a game that came out more than a decade ago, called Budokai Tenkaichi 3, remember that name because for many it is the best Dragon Ball game ever released ... |
Curated By: | @visualshots |
Community: Street Photography | English Days ago I started a tour of several communities to show my work and exchange with the hivers of those communities, it is not the first time I do it, I think it is the way I have to support and socialize with others. This community has a title that I love streetphotography, I say this because all my publications are around this theme, there is no photographer who has not taken pictures in the streets, we all absolutely all have tried to immortalize some place at some point, it is also a practical way to learn to use and improve the handling of our camera. The photos that I show you on this occasion have been taken at different times and places in my province, Ciego de Avila, located in the center of the island of Cuba, all illustrate a little of Cuban life, habits, customs, lifestyles, also have been made both in the city and in the countryside. I show you some color photos and others in the blackandwhite style, the latter is one of the most practiced by me in the blockchain, I hope you like the images and are to your liking, they also speak and tell the rest of the story in this post, I end wishing you an excellent day and until a next post, best regards ... |
Community: Wednesday Walk | My Wednesday walk today is from the Black Sea town of Ahtopol. In the early November morning, I walked along the central streets of the town and the center. The weather was gloomy and very windy. The sky was cloudy and foreshadowed approaching precipitation, as was the forecast ... |
Community: Visual Shots | Hi fellow Hiveians, Today I wanted to share a few photos of animals I recently happened to snap some pictures of! Local Animal Models I've been trying to get some decent pictures of some of the local animals for a while.. but only recently had it work out! I've been trying, since we got this longer lens, to get some shots of the local animals for a while! ... |
Thank you for checking out HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation. Hopefully you can take some time to visit some of the featured authors.
If you want to know more about HiveDiscoMod, its vast useful functionalities for communities and curation projects, check out this introductory post.
For deploying a fully fledged curation system, this post explains the details.
Or if you are interested in deploying a delegations curation rewards distributor, you can check out this post to know how to set it up.
Which Curators Are Included In The Report?
Any community or project that deployed HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot on their discord server and are using the bot for their curation!Each of the communities / curators featured in this report are added as beneficiaries on this curation report.
Any extra rewards received on this post will help with the continuous development efforts, maintenance and the upkeep of the bot. Keeping it running for the benefit of everyone.
Your friendly Discord Bot for your Hive Community, Curation, and Delegations Rewards Distribution Needs! Currently deployed on 73 Discord servers, with over 8079 Hive users! |