Free writing: My five minutes a day.

in #dailypromtlast year

My friendship with Annie has been going on for sometime. Annie has been an amazing friend that has been there for me, in good times and in bad.

On this fateful day annie seemed to be distancing herself from me.Which is so much unlike her. As she is a bubbly and all over you kind of person. A person that always has to say and literally runs to you just to pour out juicy gossip as she calls it.

Her staying quiet and away from me for five minutes after she so me in the crawd. Bothered me and i decided to reach and and do what she does best be bubbly and pour out the juice. However she came out cold and burried in thought.

Worried about her. I decided to shake her a bit and ask her whats wrong? Is everything ok? Could you cheer up and disclose the secret if at all you are keeping one.