Roll out of 5G may be more than we bargained for. In fact we never did have a say in it's safety or implementation.
Like the corona jabs, which we were told to be safe and effective, with neither being true, The wonders of 5G are being taughted to the public, neglecting the horrors.
Already aviation industry has forced removal of 5G near airports due to instrument interference. Check out video ...
Now an even more serious threat can arise, interference and death to the worlds insects.
Check out video...
Well if it effects insects, can and will it affect higher life forms like birds an animals. Then there is questions about the plant kingdom, from small, vegetables to trees.
Funny trying to open site on why 5G may affect birds and deforestation, it comes up "This site can’t be reached" Gee censorship maybe?...
“Why 5G will disappoint everyone” and that’s fantastic news
5G Being higher frequency, so shorted wave length requires cell towers closer together to work. That will work in the cities but not the rest of the country. Open areas will not be reached.