Here is a cool sphere photo of Deer Lick Cave, in Brecksville, Ohio-one small part of the Cleveland Metroparks. This one turned out pretty good I took me a while to spot any imperfections in the trees.
Check out the link to the Dlux dApp below!
I did a recent post with a bunch of photographs here:
There are many more...and a little more detail about the adventure. This is an early and bare Spring look at the forest, which should fill in very soon!
We are very lucky to have such a huge park system in the Cleveland area, the Cleveland Metroparks. This is but a small piece of the 24,000 acres that there are to explore...Ive never been to all of the different parks and I've lived here my whole life! It literally wraps all the way around Cleveland in every direction.
Anyway, thanks for checking it out!...and GO OUTSIDE and have some ADVENTURES!!!