
He doesn't get much press anymore.

Why did the elevator move into the apartment building?
He wanted to take up residence.

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That seems like an interesting book. I will be looking for the audio also.

They should just bail. Keep their info. Seem defeated. Come back a few years later with a different name and start that game all over again. In the meantime, double up the decoy in the disguise on the different platforms that are available. Not everybody loves censorship.

Well, they kinda jumped the rails when they decided to allow unlimited downloads of copyrighted material for the covid.
Had they not kicked that hornet's nest they would likely not be having these problems.
Libraries operate on a one book, one loan, principle, and as long as the archive did that, things were fine.

That said, I sure hope they come back, I have thousands of links out there that will be broken if they don't.
Not to mention being cut off from the only library with most of the books I look for on the shelf.
Annas-archive is good for downloads, but I want to link the books to others, and it isn't as good at that.

Dang, kicking that hornets nest wasn’t worth it in my opinion.

I'm guessing it was a long play by people that want to close the platform.
Problem, reaction, solution.

Force them to shoot their own foot, I don’t see why not. Archive makes excellent bait if someone’s interested in expanding censorship tactics.

Blockchain will end this changing of history they seem to like to do.

They want to keep people ignorant. Can't rule over people who can think, read and write.

Correct. It’s not enough to stupid find language arts any longer. AI is going to make it easy for people to understand notification processes, the prevented understanding in the past. Censorship, in the end, a tyrants favorite tactic is censorship/burn the books/execute the smart ones, etc. etc.
Imagine someone reading this and stupid enough to think I am making this shit up.

Imagine someone reading this and stupid enough to think I am making this shit up.

There's plenty more out there who will get it eventually.

Censorship, in the end, a tyrants favorite tactic is censorship/burn the books/execute the smart ones, etc. etc.

Why burn books when no one is reading them?

It's low frequency think. Everyone must go through it daily. How they are brought up to handle those lower levels of consciousness counts. Hopefully, as they experience higher levels of consciousness something sticks that changes their behavior to something more productive.(Link will download "The Sumerian Swindle Vol 1 by anonymous")

Do you ever distinguish between socialism and Marxism?

Yes, here:

Socialusts use gov't violence to force others to comply, on the promise that the state 'withers' away in time.

I don't know much about marx other than his name was used as blame for what happened in the ussr.
I figured if that is what he was about, I didn't need to read him.
I've softened some towards his as I came to realize he wasn't doing it, somebody else was laying blame on him while it was being done.
He was a tool of the banks, as demonstrated by his finding enough money to raise a family but never working a job.

The bolsheviks ripped off the rhetoric of the an-coms but never intended to deliver on their promises to the people.
The holodomor is what the people got instead.

Much is left out of the gov't version of history taught in the skools.

He was a tool of the banks, as demonstrated by his finding enough money to raise a family but never working a job.

Absolutely spot on. And just for the record I believe there is a distinction, not much but it exists. Regardless of any distinction clearly socialism is the pre-condition for outright Marxism, or communism. It's difficult however trying to explain to people how communism has infiltrated capitalism in what is a very clever disguise. Try talking to people about corporate Marxism and they look at you oddly.

The global financial United Nations agenda, which relies so heavily on the banks, particularly the central banking system, has a huge Marxist element. But it gets blurry and confusing. These elites who are making all our lives worse, socially, culturally and financially, are employing Marxist ideals to advance their agenda there is no doubt. I do believe the latest variant in town is cultural Marxism, another layer to the whole perverse insanity.

But don't forget we had pre-Marxist Marxism. Communism has been around a very long time. The latest strain is clearly a global incarnation which uses culture, immigration, international organisations and banks as their weapons of choice. Fully endorsed by compliant governments.

Regardless of any distinction clearly socialism is the pre-condition for outright Marxism, or communism.

The socialusts co-opted the term 'communism', they did that intentionally to obscure the escape route to what they were planning.

Khazarians have a long history of name stealing.
The redshills are khazarian, and the source of the current anti-russia propoganda.

Why would 'muricans hate russians?
They are white, christian, and 1st world.

This fella knew the difference:

The global financial United Nations agenda, which relies so heavily on the banks, particularly the central banking system, has a huge Marxist element.

All redshill controlled flunkies.
Redshill flunkie rockerfella donated the land to the un.

Eliminate unbacked fiat currencies and all this comes to an end.
Ending khazarian mafia control of the planet will be the result.

Good people don't want power over others.
The responsibility is too high.