in #nature10 months ago

While the Czech mountains have lacked snow for almost the entire winter this year, the real ones offer great skiing adventures even now. It's true that it rains in the village of Aprica (about 1,200m), but at around 1,500m the rain turns to snow. Heavy snow. This hut is located at an altitude of about 1 800 metres and you can definitely appreciate the power of nature around here, if not the beauty. Taken earlier today.


Heh, čekal jsem takové to možná až lehce kýčovité panoramatické alpské azuro, ale beru i tohle. Kvalitní chumelenice, taková u nás bude k vidění opravdu už jen párkrát za zimu :)

V tomhle ohledu máme smůlu, sněží a sněží :)