in #hive-1277882 years ago

Hey @phortun,

last weekend, I trekked a bit around the mountain Králický Sněžník (Czehia). I slept out there. Here is a shot from the spot I was accommodated. The view shows low clouds below / sunrise above (sun was hidden behind the clouds) the main mountain ridge of Jeseníky mountains. Jeseníky❤️



Šupa! Ty mraky se tam dole vaří jak v hrnci :) Dechberoucí scenérie, dík.

Někdy se počasí zadaří. Upřímně jsem to tak zažil asi potřetí, takže to chce trpělivost😁 Koukal jsem na to hodiny, příjemná a klidná podívaná😌

Já to (být nad mraky) zatím zažil taky jen párkrát, nejvíc asi na Tenerife, kde se oblaky často povalují už i pod tisíci metry... Je to zážitek :)

jj, člověk si to musí takříkajíc zasloužit😄

This is super!!!!!OMG! That feelings when you are in actual place, this is close to heaven🤩🤩🤩

Indeed, I stayed there for hours and stared on it. You do not have clouds like that every day😀

Nope. especially windy. We have a place like this that excites me every time I'm visiting mom, sometimes just a little disappointing when it's not there and when it's there wow feeling like in cloud 9 though I don't know where that is.😀 Is this in Mt .Mala Fatra ?Thanks for sharing this @onlavu 🙂

Would be nice to see the photo of the place you are talking about😉

My photo shows Jeseníky mountains (Czechia) while Malá Fatra mountains are located in Slovakia. I've been there a couple of times, you can check my older posts here or there.

Sure, I'll be porting it here soon🙂