If Elon Musk can spare two seconds to tweet about the political turmoil in Romania, surely I can spend a couple of hours at a protest rally. Expectations were it was going to be large. It was huge, with people thronging the streets for two miles. The most optimistic estimates speak of more than 100,000 people, while the local CNN affiliate puts it down to a few thousands.
I’ve been to far too many such rallies in my life and I can’t say I have some great expectations about the outcome of this protest. Not for my country. But this is not a local political crisis, but a part of the greater battle between globalists and the conservatives forces Donald Trump stands for.
Judging by what Musk’s been up to these past weeks, it is obvious that Trump is intent on winning some elections in Europe as well. The other day Elon Musk did an interview with the leader of the German AfD right-wing party and made it abundantly clear that the future Trump administration wants that lady to replace the current German Chancellor. One of the worries is that the stunt the globalists pulled in Romania, when they cancelled the elections, could also be used in Germany if the AfD leader wins the elections scheduled for February 23.
It is important that Europe doesn’t lose the momentum created by Trump’s win and we do away with the globalist cesspool that has become Brussels. As Musk pointed out in one of his tweets last week, Brussels admits that it ordered the cancellation of the Romanian elections as they would not accept another nationalist right-winger in their midst. They have enough trouble dealing with Hungary’s Viktor Orban.
Here in Bucharest we tell ourselves change is inevitable at this point. Romania is an insignificant piece of the puzzle, with the biggest prizes being Germany and France. One recent poll in France says Macron has hit rock bottom with a dismal 21% approval rate. Hopefully, he will be forced to resign in the coming months.
With Brussels infested with Soros rats, many say they've had enough of Europe and they want out of the EU. That's the wrong way of seeing things. Why don't we get rid of the vermin and take our beloved Europe back?
However, for things to change it is important to show the world that here in Bucharest we are angry with the Brussels-orchestrated coup last month. I have little faith in those who organized today’s protest and I’m not convinced that Calin Georgescu, the guy they needed to stop, is the real deal. But, you have to play the cards you’ve been dealt. Take what you can get.
We’ve earned our right to some sort of democracy and we cannot let them take it away from us. This is a lesson we learned during the plandemic when what we thought were basic human rights were taken from us with the stroke of a pen. During the plandemic we went to maybe dozens of rallies, very small and depressing. Also, hopeless. We knew we wouldn't achieve anything. Yet we went every weekend because no one will fight for your rights if you don’t. This is perhaps the most important thing I’ve learnt these past 35 years.
If you cannot be bothered to fight for your rights don’t be surprised if they take them away.
When they cancelled the elections, they said Georgescu’s surprise score was because of Russian bots on TikTok. Ever since, we’ve been trying to show them we are not bots. We are real and we’ve had quite enough of the globalist agenda.
Thanks for reading
Images are my own