Week O8 Response - Universal Basic Income affecting Immigration

in #gradnium3 years ago

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This post is in repsonse to the question How would a Universal Basic Income impact immigration and citizenship in the United States? posed by @moneybagley

I think a Universal Basic Income would be a key driver in people immigrating into the United States. With the United States already being a very desirable spot for immigrants due to the ability to make far better money then they would in their home countries, a Universal Basic Income would make the United States look even better to those thinking about coming over. However, while this may not be popular, I do think that there could be a possibility of the stereotype of “hard working immigrants” diminishing, which would be a problem.

One of America’s staples over the past few centuries has been the stories of immigrants from various countries moving to America, and through hard work, building their financial success and living the “American Dream”. One fear that I would have with a Universal Basic Income would be a trend towards immigrants being known as “free loaders” or “hanger ons”. Immigrants, documented or not, are very vital towards our workforce, and with a Universal Basic Income, it could lead some to not have as much drive to work. It would be a real shame if one of the best, defining qualities of our great country turned into another way of other countries looking at Americans as lazy, like they already do.

I do not believe that a Universal Basic Income would affect citizenship, as citizenship would probably not be required to be eligible for the Universal Basic Income. Immigration as a whole though would increase, both legally and illegally. However, it may lead to immigrants loosing their status as the hardest working people in America, which is something that should be considered when thinking about implementing a Universal Basic Income. Regardless, the topic is heated, and although I am not in favor of a Universal Basic Income, it is definite possibility in the future with the way America is trending.