Week 09 Reflection - Are NFTs Truly Valuable? -- Are they Gold, Fool's Gold, or Tulips?

in #gradnium3 years ago

NFTs are way more valuable than some people think. Some NFTs can have more value than a house, skyscraper, and they can be worth millions of dollars. Most citizens of the United States have already heard about NFTs. The younger generation has become thrilled with the idea of them, but other generations are soon to follow.

There’s no doubt that NFTs have become a popular topic in the entire world. However, most people don’t quite understand them. They are a lot different from cryptocurrencies. You can not buy and sell them like you do with crypto. They display an amount of value on another business or product. The business or product may be worth billions or nothing. NFTs are also very new and they are changing everyday. We are learning new things about them all the time. As a result, the majority of people who purchase them will have no idea what they are getting themselves into.

Second, there are situations where NFTs might not be as flashy as people think they are. They are extremely vague and complicated. There are even a portion of people who think they are a pyramid scheme. They think they are just trying to steal money from you. The older generation are the main people who think this. Some people even think that NFT’s are limited only to be used in the art world, but you can use them anywhere you’d like.

The world may also come to a point where the people who have NFTs will be more highly regarded than others who don’t own them. I’m some respects this has already happened. People who have NFTs sometimes get “brownie points.” These are sometimes offered at casinos. Brownie points offer customers a higher running time and as a result, a higher chance of winning. NFTs can also be used in gaming, and on most gaming platforms they can help you succeed. They offer you perks that others without NFTs don’t have. These perks may soon come into real-life situations. NFTs might become so popular that they are used in everyday life to purchase things like food or clothing. You also might receive perks when you use them that others who didn’t own them wouldn’t receive.

In conclusion, NFTs are extremely vague and complicated in some respects. The majority of people have problems with them, because they know little about them. However, they need to take a hard long look and really see for themselves what NFTs are really all about.

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The people doing V2K with remote neural monitoring want me to believe this lady @battleaxe is an operator. She is involved deeply with her group and @fyrstikken . Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. I cant prove she is the one directly doing the V2K and RNM. Doing it requires more than one person at the least. It cant be done alone. She cant prove she is not one of the ones doing it. I was drugged in my home covertly, it ended badly. They have tried to kill me and are still trying to kill me. I bet nobody does anything at all. Ask @battleaxe to prove it. I bet she wont. They want me to believe the V2K and RNM in me is being broadcast from her location. And what the fuck is "HOMELAND SECURITY" doing about this shit? I think stumbling over their own dicks maybe? Just like they did and are doing with the Havana Syndrome https://ecency.com/fyrstikken/@fairandbalanced/i-am-the-only-motherfucker-on-the-internet-pointing-to-a-direct-source-for-voice-to-skull-electronic-terrorism