Week 10 Response - Google: Masters of Mind Control?

in #gradnium2 years ago

This post is in response to the question put forth by @moneybagley, "What are some ways that you’ve noticed Google has tried to influence your behavior?".

I have noticed many times that Google has tried to influence my behavior. They have stalked me, my friends, my family members, and everyone across the world. I believe this is wrong and should be stopped. For the duration of this essay, I will go over with you the ways that Google has tried to influence my behavior.

First off, my Google searches aren’t a secret. Every time I search for something Google will learn more about me. It’ll learn my hobbies, likes, dislikes, and tendencies. I will often see ads for things I search on Google because of this. Google will fill in my search line before I’m done typing with something that it thinks I will type in. For example, I bought some Nike dunk shoes two years ago and now Google often has pop-up ads with Nike shoes.

Secondly, Google promotes businesses and products that it wants to. Although, it can be argued that Google’s owners do have the right to do this. However, they shouldn’t have the right to control their users into buying products and supporting businesses that they do as well. For example, I have noticed that whenever I search for a small company or business on Google it will direct me to a larger and much more popular one. Google’s purpose is to be a search engine for anything we would like to know, and its purpose isn’t being fully fulfilled.

Google is also clearly very liberal biased. It directs users to liberal political candidates that it finds appealing. It also highlights bad reviews and comments made by people on the internet about certain political candidates that they don’t support. In my opinion, the way that Google operates is wrong. People should have more privacy with what they search, and they shouldn’t be forced to like to believe in something they don’t want to.

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