Week 15 Response - Under What Circumstances is the Use of Force Okay?

in #gradnium2 years ago

This post is in response to the question put forth by @generalfritz14, "What are some examples of times where police force should be permitted?".

The police force serves for the sole purpose of protecting the common good around the world and in every single town or community. However, there are times where the police need to use force to further protect and serve their citizens. This doesn’t happen often, but at times it’s needed.There have been multiple examples come up in the past few years of the police abusing their power of using force on citizens. Because of this, some believe that the police should use zero force, but there are certain situations where that’s not possible.

First, protecting an elected official is one reason the police are permitted to use force to protect. If someone tries to hurt the elected official in any way, the police should have the right to use any force necessary to protect. Additionally, stopping a riot is another reason the police should use force. Most of the time, riots cause other citizens to be injured or killed. Typically, they start out as protests, but they grow more and more violent as time goes on. Third, a person who has committed serious crimes refuses to submit to the police and goes to jail. The police force should have full use of as much force needed to take this person to jail. This person is a threat to society and deserves all the pain he’ll receive from the police. Lastly, if there is a person or persons harming someone else. This situation fully suffices for the use of force by the police. The police’s duty is to protect. It makes no sense to not give them the right to do that.

There are a plethora of other reasons as to why the police force should be allowed to use force. There’s a growing number of people especially in America who believe the police should never have this right, but I couldn’t disagree more.


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