Week 10 Response -- Oh my gosh Google! Take me on a date first!

in #gradnium3 years ago

Image via kronzit29/Reddit

@nziske Asks: Do you care that your data is being collected at all hours of the day and being sold?

Yesterday, I went to Mr. Epstien's talk about Google. He talked about Google's influence over politics, how they get your personal data, and what they do with it. As a computer engineer, I was already aware of the hardware and software monitoring that Google had and continues to be doing, but the political influence got me. But this question isn't about that, it's about Google collecting MY data. Epstein talked about why Google is free, it's because they essentially take your data as payment, selling it to other companies so they can market and advertise towards you, but I'm kinda fine with it. Don't get me wrong, it's very creepy, it's my personal data, and it's weird to think some company thinks highly enough of me to want to keep tabs on me. But other than personalized ads and marketing what are they going to do to me. Yes, they have my data, but are they gonna use it to hurt me? I'm doing nothing wrong so they don't have "dirt" or blackmail material on me, they just have what I like. I really wish that was the case though because, in reality, they do have a little bit more, they have passwords. You know, the stuff that unlocks secure parts of your life, like your online bank, subscriptions, and email? I'm not worried about them using it, they contractually cannot, but what if they get hacked? Then someone else has my passwords and my data and they can do whatever they please with those. Google is evil but because they hoard everything about you, a "cheat sheet" is all about you. But if there is one little breach or leak, one little hacker that gets into the system and gets ahold of part of googles hoard, there's no telling what bad could happen. So yes I'm fine with those creeps seeing my data, but make sure you get rid of it, because I don't want others looking at it. Maybe Google has a secret crush on me?