Week 05 Questions - The Road To Serfdom

in #gradnium3 years ago


  1. "Socialism was early recognized by many thinkers as the gravest threat to freedom". Do you think that true freedom can't be found in a socialist society? If so, what would that look like and where would the freedom be?
  2. "To be a useful assistant in the running of a totalitarian state, therefore, a man must be prepared to break every moral rule he has ever known if this seems necessary to achieve the end set for him." Do you agree that as a society heads towards totalitarianism, more and more morals will be lost, or is it possible to maintain your morals?
  3. It is stated that democracy and socialism cannot go hand in hand. Do you believe this to be true, or do you think that it is true to maintain a healthy balance of the two?

1.No, as part of the Venezuela starving socialism, NO. There cant be freedom and socialism in the same context

  1. Our original goverments where totalitariams, we had kings for several thousal of years and the "morals" before where a lot harsher than now.

  2. In fact most Starving socialism have democracy, the problem is populism and stupidity. Socialism countrys are particulary weaker to the influence of populism so democracy stumble on a really hard rock. But, beyong that they can coexist because the political party members are fixed and non participants on elections.