Week 10 -- Response -- Google: Masters of Mind Control

in #gradnium2 years ago

@nziske posed the question "Do you care that your data is being collected at all hours of the day and being sold?"

My answer to this question is conflicted. I am both okay with my data being collected and against my data being sold. I do not care when my data is being collected, as long as I knowingly allowed a website to do so, especially if I know what type of data it is. I have some experience with web application development, and some information stored is helpful and necessary for a site to run properly. Thus, I am okay with cookies being collected.

However, I am not on board with all my data being stored whether I want it to be or not. Many sites will save information such as your device type, sometimes even gaining more personal information such as email address, phone number, name, and so forth. This is usually hidden in some type of terms and conditions that is 30 pages long, a necessary evil to use sites to connect in the modern business world. I also am very against the constant collection of my data because applications and websites that do this use more of the computing power and battery of my computer and phone for this. Tracking information from other applications was in one of the newest updates to iOS, Apple's mobile software. I have opted out of all these and asked all apps not to track my data, mostly for battery saving.

The selling of personal information is one of the things I am most against. Targeted advertisements and other instances of this are things I did not want to sign up for. I think consumers that give one website their information, are letting the company borrow that information, rather than the other way around. These companies should not have the right to sell information that was given to them for free. Always remember, if a website or product you use is free, you are the product.

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