Strange Lights at Breakfast - Lunas and Foam

in #headstart2 years ago

Heading downtown early


I can't say that I love going downtown. It is grim and more grimmer on a gray day.

It was early so I had some time and I read the entire menu before ordering my old standby. It's called "coffee with milk and a side of media lunas." I like this as much as ever because it's the normal breakfast for this town.

This was my view until the rain hit.


I did avoid getting caught in the rain on the way to town which left me with time enough for breakfast of course. But I could not avoid the rain that came next which was dripping from the air conditioner above my head. I have a picture of that if anyone wants it.


I was the first one here so I had my choice of anywhere to set and, at first, I got the seat with the best view and of course rain.

my next move was to the table with the great chairs in the strange view of the obelisco -everyone's going to say that UFOs are real now that one landed on the tippy top of the monument.

I'm not sure about that but here's another view of it.


The long, short, beginning, and end to the story is that I had a great breakfast, did what I had to do, and got home before the rain ever struck!

You can never share things that @YouDontSay first...

Originally posted on DClub Community Articles. Hive blog powered by ENGRAVE.


It sounds like you're not a big fan of the downtown area, especially on gloomy days. Nevertheless, you took the time to start your day by visiting a local establishment and ordering your favorite breakfast of coffee with milk and media lunas, a staple in the town. Despite your feelings about the environment, it's great that you found comfort and enjoyment in the familiar routine and flavors of your favorite breakfast.