My God.

in #heartchurch2 years ago


Matthew 27:45-53, you can read the verse at your pleasure time. But I want to emphasize on verse 46 that says; And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?. KJV Source

As Jesus hung on the Cross, suspended between Heaven and earth, He uttered several phrases. Of the things He said while death approached, one phrase seems to stand out in it's intensity in verse 46, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" Does Jesus forsaken? Yes!! God had turned His back on Him and He abandoned Him so that He could be our sin-bearer. Those worlds, “My God, my God" represent the deeply felt emotions of Jesus as He suffered on the Cross.

Now, contract the painful way Jesus uttered the statement “my God” with the way it is being tossed around in our society today and you can sense a problem. So often, those words are used flippantly and casually.

Many people use it as an offhand reference to mundane experience. God's name is Holy. Use it intensely, Use it boldly. Always use it reverently.

If you use God's name loosely, you are taking God too lightly. So, use it wisely and not flippantly. Remember, words are recorded in Heaven. So, be careful what you say always, and do not take God's name in vain.

Let us pray.

Say Father, help me not to use your name in vain.

Thank you for your time.

Always Remember To Pray For Your Love once. SHALOM

Still Me @princefm.