Info für deutsche Leser: Die deutsche Ausgabe wurde unter @hiq veröffentlicht. (Anm. d. R.: Ihr findet sie hier.)
By: @quekery
The last issue in 2022 is here. We started extremely strong. But will we also end extremely strong? (Editor's note: Don't worry, we're only ending 2022, LOOL. 2023 will be even more epic.)
We have successfully implemented our resolution for the year 2022 - one issue every month ... without a break. It was hard, but we feel good about it. Fittingly, there is a year in review about us. (Editor's note: Best!) So that you don't go away empty-handed, you can even win something and top up your INKome a little.
In our review of the year, you can read about everything we've been through. One highlight is our podcast format, which you can find at @hiq.smartcast. You could also listen to the Smartcast as a podcast in a podcast app and even donate to us via Lightning. Since we can't put into words how amazing THE Amazine thinks this is, we've made the man (Editor's note: @brianoflondon) who will probably revolutionise podcast and podcast donation our MVP of the year. Fun Fact: In a podcast we could hear from him that there is now even Hivetube. The Amazine thinks that's amazing, LOOL.
The Amazine also interviewed @Spiritsurge, who is not only planning a game on Hive. Fomo inkoming? Read it for yourself in our cover story. But this much is already revealed, the anonymous interviewer, whose name we don't want to mention (Editor's note: @felixxx) is celebrating his HiQ debut.
Another milestone for 2022 is the announcement of CraftInk. If you've never heard of it, there's a stylish overview in the latest issue of HiQ (Editor's note: don't worry, just for this year, LOOL.). On the occasion of the successful INK token presales (Editor's note: there are still some left), we have also changed our payout model for the HiQ, as 25% of the CraftInk revenue is intended for the HiQ team. We now also let 25% of the HiQ and HIQS income go into one pot to be able to pay HiQ supporters more. EPIC!
Because we are in a change mode, we will also be changing the Commentary Discount Sale from now on. Originally, we started the month with a price of 0.3 SWAP.HIVE per HIQS and then increased by 0.05 SWAP.HIVE every week. We are now going to change that. Every week (Editor's note: normally Thursday.) we will price the HIQS and calculate a percentage discount.
At the beginning of the month there is a 40% discount, the following week there is a 30% discount ... until we arrive at a 10% discount. If 1 HIQS is worth exactly 0.5 SWAP.HIVE, everything would be the same. If the HIQS price is below that, the Commentary Discount Sales are cheaper than ever before, and if the price is above that, you have to pay more, but you still have a discount.
And while we're on the subject of discounts, you can once again take part in the Commentary Discount Sale and get up to 270 HIQS for the price of 0.415 SWAP.HIVE. (Editor's note: Current price: 0.691) Write
!HIQS HereYourReQuestedAmount
in the comments. After 3 days, we will publish a post at @hiq.shares that will wrap up the sale.
Of course, this issue has much more to offer. @solymi has pushed himself financially especially for you, so that he now has hardly any money left for eyebrow care products. He tested the PsyberX demo with the latest gaming equipment and also not glossed over his skills. He also introduces you to the HMVF project more without bias.
The issue is rounded off by a very special community in which @tengolotodo is a bit of a fomot (Editor's note: Dreemport), @smooms' column, Hivestyle for Hivian, Gossip, letters to the editor and much more.
PS: Vote HiQs Witness. Now. LOOL! ★
➀ HiQs MVP - @brianoflondon
➁ The Column - Always keep the ball rolling...
Cover Story
➂ HiQlights - Our anual review
➃ CraftInk - OUR Trading Card Game
➄ Interview with @Spiritsurge
➅ PsyberX - Alpha Testing
➆ Dreemport - A dream come true
➇ Music + Film = HMVF
➈ Gossip
➉ Hivestyle für Hivians
➀➀ Reader's letters ★
By: @smooms
➀ HiQs MVP
We are his biggest fans. We love his Value4Value as much as his Proposal Begging Bot loves our @craftink posts. Hence a well-deserved Most Valued Poster.
At HiveFest we listened to his angelic voice as he talked about Value4Value and @podping. But @quekery and @smooms already knew about this project. How else are smart Hivians supposed to get their supermarket vouchers and pay for them with HIVE? Right... Value4Value.
We love to spend money. But more than that, we love voting for proposals. Oh, what a fancy transition, @brianoflondon has a proposal going on right now. You probably didn't know that yet, those of you reading the article now. You can vote for the proposal here. Even if he hasn't yet voted for our Witness (Editor's note: Which you should also vote for, by the way, if you haven't already.)
You know what the coolest thing is? Podping is also from @brianoflondon. He's also partly to blame for the fact that we now distribute "Hivestyyyyyyyle" in podcast form with @hiq.smartcast. If you haven't already, check out the podping app of your choice. It's awesome.
We support him hard and hope he stays with us on Hive for a long time. (Editor's note: Yo Brian. Make v4v fees cheaper for HiQ editors, pls. LOOL) ★
By: @smooms
2022. Ups, downs, insights. Like every year, we get the best out of ourselves and show our potential. But if we don't, it doesn't matter. Listen to smooms' granny. LOOL
"You always have to keep the ball rolling, child. Everything is not always perfect." That's what my grandma used to tell me. I was just a kid then, so I didn't really understand what this message was about and how important it would become. Was she secretly a time traveller from the present? Did she know about the bear market in 2022?
It doesn't really matter. But at times like this, as HiQ editor, cryptocurrencies "suck" to German. Many have already withdrawn from Hive and are hibernating. Not HiQ. It's staying on the ball. That's when the thoughts come back to me: "You've got to keep the ball rolling, kid...".
But it is not only at HiQ that we can see that the bear market is not affecting them. Many hive luminaries remain steadfast. After all, the hive gears must keep turning. Stagnation is death and the case of HiQ is no different. If you do nothing for a quarter of a year, you are forgotten.
In addition, if the prices should rise at some point, which I secretly hope they will, then you will have earned the same money in terms of value as you did during the bull market. Just keep your eye on the ball is the motto. Do it like HiQ. Be smart, stylish, sexy and steadfast. ★
By: @quekery, @smooms & @mary-me
The year 2022 was a very eventful year that was full of many ups and downs for us. Find out what a wild ride 2022 was for us in our annual review.
We are sure some would like to say to us now, "Hey HiQ, you're being a bit uncreative. We know what you did last summer last year!" That may be true, but just as we started the year with a year in review, we're ending it the same way, because what we pulled out of the hat this year knocked even us off our feet.
Unfortunately, we didn't end 2021 on a very glorious note. We were burnt out and took a break. But in January 2022, with renewed vigour and a sense of satire, we returned from our resorts (Editor's note: Yes well, we admit we were holed up in our basements.) and banged out the first issue of the year. We came back with a bang. HiveFest was over and the long-awaited summary of HiveFest6, which still took place virtually-really last year, was still covered in the HiQ. The whole thing was rounded off with a touch of Hive Year in Review 2021 and issue 1-2022 or HiQ №15 was finished.
For this year we had strictly resolved to publish one issue per month. Did we keep our word? Go to the profile and see for yourself. (Spoiler Alert: We pulled through! LOOL)
February, what month? We dived deep into another world. We became HiQsekait. The crude HiQsekai was about PollenLoopNetwork by @nectar-queen. @nectar-queen is a "DeFi-Game" (Editor's note: No financial advice.) by @thegrandestine based on Cicada 3301. Whether he is a lone perpetrator or not, we don't know. But about 60 tokens (Editor's note: More likely about 59 tokens. LOOL) and several diesel pools were created. The tokens and pools represent the "game". This BEEcadaHole is not exactly small and would certainly go beyond the scope here, but you can find a brilliant summary in HiQ №16.
The puzzling nature of GameOfDefiance, which is only surpassed by sublimely confused chaos, kept us on our toes. Even if we still can't answer the question "Who Lambo?", we certainly had our fun in the BEEcadaHole. But every HiQsekai has to come to an end sometime.
March & April
Have you ever thought of tokenomics to find a project? Spoiler Alert: Don't, LOOL. In March/April we launched our in-house token "HIQS - The Supporttoken" complete with BEE:BEE proposal and whitepaper. We created all this from nothing and it cost us a lot of sleep. But thanks to support from the German-speaking community, we made it and had our model, including funding. You could stake HIQS for advertising space or fund our HIQS:BEE pool with a hefty APR.
The HIQS Commentary Discount Sale also came into being during this time, was supported by the HiQ Smart Bot and enjoyed great popularity. In addition to a lot of support, we also faced headwind, one could almost say sabotage. But we overcame that too.
We also got the HiQ Smart Bot for Discord out of the chaos, which offers many useful functions, such as the reading of diesel pools. This is a feature we've been thinking about since frontends like Beeswap and Tribaldex don't offer it. (Editor's note: You have to do everything yourself.) You can find more detailed information in HiQ №17 and HiQ №18.
Our proposal (Editor's note: we are talking about a sum of over 100,000 BEE.) was to support the HiQ and the token HIQS. This went quite well for a few weeks and we were already popping the WINE token corks. But then came Proposalgate...
We were not the only ones to come up with the idea of creating a BEE:BEE proposal. (Editor's note: Did we open the BEEdora box?) @splinterskins came up with the idea of creating 3 BEE:BEE proposals, which he only voted into the funding through his vote and thus claimed a large share of the proposal pot for himself. Many suspected that this was some kind of 50% attack.
In the absence of ideas for a solution, Hive-Engine simply shut down the proposal fund and no one who was paid out of this fund got another measly BEE. This affected @splinterskins, us and of course our own Hive Engine pools.
Also in May, @powerpaul presented @cryptocompany in the HiQ for the first time. You can find out when you can visit the HiQ Tower and many other Hive-related "towers" here. Of course you can also highlight yourself or your project in the game. All you have to do is accumulate enough SQM and you can then order your own tower.
PS: Here is the May issue HiQ №19. (Editor's note: MayQ?)
Witnesses exist like blocks in the chain. Well, we haven't quite reached almost 80,000,000 blocks yet. But in June there is at least number_of_witnesse+=1 thanks to us, the HiQ. We finally decided to set up a node, and the fact that it is still humming like a BEE that is not threatened by death fills us with a little pride. We are touched by the success of the Node and would like to take this opportunity to thank all supporters and if you are not one yet: "Don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness, LOOL!"
The dark uncertain days of Proposalgate continued until June. Until the supposed mastermind behind Proposalgate @splinterskins contacted us and asked for a rebuttal. Stylish as our journalist hearts are, we took the opportunity to interview @splinterskins in HiQ №20.
We were under the impression that @splinterskins' propositions were not scam intent and even tried to work out a compromise with HE and @splinterskins. HE did express interest in a compromise, but unfortunately it has gone quiet on HE's part. To date, there have been no updates on the case and the BEE:BEE Proposal Fund remains disabled to this day.
HIQS became increasingly worthless and they remained like lead on the shelves. The end for the support token? (Spoiler Alert: Not fully.)
In July, we collected a lot of data on the topic of Tribe Tokens. How do you create one? Which ones are there? Which tags do you have to use? The list is not complete, but it is still worth looking at. But it's best to read for yourself in HiQ №21.
And then it came, the announcement of the HiveFest. We were at the digital, virtual-real HiveFest, but do we want to take on the challenge of an IRL festival? Since we don't like to do things half-assed and well-considered (Editor's note: True enough as it stands. LOOL), we thought we'd hit HiveFest with a bang right away. Presentation? Check! Travel funds? Check! Official HiveFest print edition made by Team HiQ?
A month of crunch and tight deadlines later - check! They always say that maybe you shouldn't set your goals too big. Well, we didn't listen to that advice. And the quest wasn't exactly easy either. (Editor's note: WARNING: Don't copy!) Contacting around 50 potential advertising partners, layout, article, interview with @blocktrades, Adobe, printing costs, ... We have mastered all these hurdles.
The dreary times of HIQS came to an end in August. Who would have thought that we could still recover from Proposalgate and massive token dumps? The reason? !hiqvote was invented and many hivestylers loved it and still do. Just stake lots and lots of HIQS, write !hiqvote in the comments and miraculously loads of accounts will vote for you. (Editor's note: Most of the time, LOOL.) We'll spare you the complicated algorithm full of exponential and power functions here. (Note from @quekery: unfortunately...)
Anyway, our curagement system is a mixture of Tribe Curation, Hive Curation and Management. There will be more on this topic in 2023. (Editor's note: We just don't have enough time.) Until then, our Smart Bot is still in beta. But not for long, LOOL.
September was the month of HiveFest7 in Amsterdam. "@roelandp is a beast!" Not only did he organise and host Hivefest, he also made it possible for us to put HiQ in physical form in the goodie bags of every HiveFest visitor. We were on site and reported about the presentations and the hustle and bustle in HiQ №23.
It was an exciting and also very exhausting month. Nevertheless, we were and are happy to have pulled everything through as planned. The HiveFest was a complete success for us and we are still proud as punch to have produced a print HiQ. And we will never forget the moment when we were allowed to hold the physical copy of the HiQ in our hands.
In our HiveFest presentation @smooms mentioned that we were looking for proofreaders for the English edition. Promptly @tengolotodo got in touch - his input makes our English-language output of even higher quality. We are infinitely grateful that he answered our call and hope for many more future editions that he will contribute to.
If we had to take stock of September, it would probably be Schrödinger's HiveFest. It was an extremely cool experience to meet so many Hivians IRL and also the most exhausting time of the year.
It seems that not much happened in October, but only apparently. It was the month after HiveFest. We made many new acquaintances. @minigunner and @artakush from @coldbeetrootsoup, who we met in Amsterdam, wanted to pimp our Twitter account and came up with a competition where you had to follow our account, among other things. That was the necessary push for the account, which currently has 295 followers.
The verve and drive of @minigunner even prompted us to make him MVP and thus put him on the cover of HiQ №24.
What moved us in November could not have been more magnificent. The HiveFest was over. With the motto "More than HiQ", we had to step it up a notch even now. As we existed like this in the HiQuarters, we thought about what our next stroke of genius could be. Right, every serious project has a homepage. So we had to have a homepage. Fortunately, at HiQ we have a "guy" for everything. We have proofreaders for German and English, a mathematician, several graphic designers and a computer scientist/programmer/web developer. In fact, everything a website needs. Our HiQ landing page, which you can reach at, came out of nowhere.
Since November is also Podcast Month and some of us love podcasts, we thought we needed a podcast too. (Editor's note: Well, we discussed the possibility for a long time.) Fortunately, at HiQ we have a "guy" for everything. We have a streamer, a mathematician, several proofreaders, a filmmaker and even a sound designer. In fact, everything a podcast like this needs. Luckily, @solymi agreed to take on the podcast quest. For 5 episodes now he's been putting our most important articles to music and we love it. Find out more at @hiq.smartcast. (Editor's note: You don't have to praise us. We know we make the most awesome names. As in the next paragraph.)
But let's get to the hat trick of the month. We have a website, a podcast and ... what's still missing? Hmmmm. Ah yes. We still need a game, LOOL. The idea for @craftink sprouted. A game around Hive, where Hivians can also become cards. Totally cool. A trading card battler themed around the Hive Blockchain and the work of HiQ.
Now there just need to be people who can work on it. Fortunately, at HiQ we have a "guy" for everything. We have several proofreaders, a mathematician, several graphic designers, a computer scientist/programmer/web developer/games developer and even a sound designer. Actually, everything a blockchain game like this needs, LOOL.
Now that the world finally knows about CraftInk (Editor's note: And we've even played it, LOOL.), Hivestylers can also become cards, provide ideas for cards, stake INK and get rewards in the form of HIQS and fomo into our two INK Pools. All that's missing now is the CraftInk homepage and we'll make the year complete.
It was a year with many highs, but also one or two lows. As far as the low of the HIVE course is concerned, you can already look forward to the next issue, where we will look back together on the Hive year 2022.
Finally, we'd like to thank the almost countless Hive projects we worked with in 2022, which would be: @cryptoshots.nft, @lmac, @lolzbot, @cryptocompany, @coldbeetrootsoup, @wrestorgonline, @psyberx, Kicktipp by @danielhuhservice & @reiseamateur, Pimp by @enginewitty, @point-fr and @oneup-cartel.
And to all the hardworking permanent and freelance team members of 2022, we also want to thank you for your time and support: @mary-me, @smooms, @quekery, @bubblegif, @themyscira, @balte, @kvinna, @thatgermandude, @tengolotodo, @manncpt, @solymi, @damus-nostra, @ravenmus1c and @felixxx. (Editor's note: aka Last-Minutes-Felixxx)
And now it's your turn: What was your HiQlight 2022? Write it down in the comments. We will giveaway 10 000 INK amonst the commentors. 10 participants will get 1000 INK each. Cool, isn't it?
Thank you for your trust in our project and here's to a successful new year! ★
Ad (Sponsored by @balte)
By: @quekery
As you may have noticed or read in HiQlights of 2022, our next big thing is a game or THE game! Are you still ignorant? We can change that. Here you get a short overview.
@craftink will be a play2earn&play2support NFT trading card game penned by THE Hivehacks. (Editor's note: Us! Yes, we know we are amazing as Amazine [Amazing Magazine] and Game-Creator.) The gameplay is based on classic trading card games, but also offers game mechanics of its own. At one of our infamous internal IRL meetups (Editor's note: Wasn't that the first?) we gave shape to the idea with brilliant card prototypes. We haven't revealed many details yet. But you might be able to guess a few things from the picture.
! [Spoiler] This is not final ingame footage! LOOL
In addition to the brilliant haptic card artwork (Editor's note: I wonder if we'll ever sell these in limited Collectors Editions?), we also have digital card prototypes. You can find more explosive details at @craftink.
An important part of the concept is that 25% of the game revenue is used to fund HiQ supporters and scribes. Gone are the days when we write for a pittance?
In addition, the cards, which were modelled on real Hivians, will also generate revenue for that Hivian.
We have already brought some INK to the masses. But what can you do with the INK already? For example, you could stake your INK. All INK stakeholders who have staked more than 200 INK will receive HIQS as a weekly reward. Would you like to see the current INK Staking APR? Then just drop by our Discord Server. There you can find the Smart Bot Ink (Editor's note: Reward for best name of the year?) It shows you the current APR in its status message. We will gradually add more functions to the bot.

INK's staking will also get more use cases in the future, such as presale advantages. In addition to staking, there are also diesel pools. We already have the HIQS:INK Pool (Editor's note: Also worthy of a nomination for the name of the year, LOOL.) and now brand new and exclusive to read in this HiQ issue: The... drum roll
We have also stocked this with 60k INK and it serves to stabilise the price for the time being. Let the Diesel Pool Game begin.
And if you want to suggest a new card, you still have a few days to do so. Every liquidity provider of the HIQS:INK Diesel Pool who drops us a comment with their item idea under the current post by CraftInk and tags 2 people will be entered into the competition. You can still participate until the countdown is over.
Inkcome inkoming? ★
By: @felixxx
Today, we present to you an interview that we did 18.12.2022 via Discord and transcribed it. Gamesdeveloper @Spiritsurge enlightens us about his Hive Mission.
HiQ: For our readers this might be obvious, but why did you choose the best chain on the block for your project? (HIVE)
Spiritsurge: Crypto Gaming has a steep learning curve and more people are coming into web3 gaming with the perspective of earning....
For example: Axie Infinity during the bull run of 2021 released a result of the survey which stated that 70% of their players had NEVER played a game before...
Considering this...we looked at the journey of the user....and one of the most punishing things when starting out in web3 gaming is the gas fees
Playing on ethereum is punishing and so it is on 90% of the chains...hive is the only chain which is not only gasless BUT also has a social media dApp attached to it...
For us hive was a no brainer
HiQ: Strong points, indeed!
Can you tell us a little about yourself and the team behind you and why you chose the name @SurgentGaming for your studio?
Spiritsurge: So our core team consists of 4 people...which is myself, @entrepidus, @japex and @newenx...
When I started out we had no name...just a concept which I shared with entrepidus...who is a game design junkie...he immediately came with hundreds of ideas across all genres which he had been gathering since forever I was then and there i decided my game journey was going to be with this guy...our name comes from the mix of our names...Spirit SURGE ENTrepidus
Our artist and musician are both people i have worked with before in my time in the it was a no brainer to bring them onboard
HiQ: Interesting!
I understand the game is a turn-based pet tactics RPG. Can you explain what that means and why you chose that format?
Spiritsurge: Tactics style games are one of my favorite genres...FFT, Tactics ogre, star ocean, disgaea are all games i have spent countless hours into...
However this is a fading genre as games have turned isometric games into strategy ones...I wanted to bring it back...
We went for familiars because i also have a lot of affection for collection is a total coincidence that there are not many games that have this kind of combination...
HiQ: Your whitepaper mentions 3 tokens $GOLD, $ASTRA and $STELLARIUM. Why should a stylish reader hodl them?
Spiritsurge: One of the biggest concepts when designing tokenomics is "staking" a token/NFT in return for something that has value...
The idea of gaining positive returns is something i favor a lot...and the systems we are designing will benefit the user who holds over the user who doesn't
While at the surface this may seem like what we are doing, I am instead looking at long term... $ASTRA is not a single game token and neither is $STELLARUM...the work on our second game that is being made by our partners Antix is already in the works...
While a lifecycle of making a 3d game is longer, we are using this opportunity to galvanise the community and prepping the token economy for the time when our 3d game is close to release which could be within a few years..
Gold is an in-game cant get rid of it even if you are forced to hodl it lol.
HiQ: Wait... Who is Antix?
Spiritsurge: Antix initially started out in 3d modelling...until their CEO Roman had the brilliant idea of making procedurally generated avatars called Avagen as well as they are currently working on an environmental generator...and ever since then have changed their services to offer a full suite of technological solutions for companies and brands looking to expand into the Metaverse. They boast an amazing clientele including: Game of Thrones, FIFA, PUBG, EA Games, Wargaming, Tencent, World of Tanks, HBO, and Warner Bros.
HiQ: Impressive! At the time of this interview you are giving away 500 NFTs for marketing, if those are gone by the time this interview is released, will there be future giveaways that a sexy Hivian should be aware of?
Spiritsurge: Of course we have tons of events and giveaways planned...but you know what they say about the first few events being the best 😉
HiQ: Nice and consice, I like it! When can we play Astral Revelations, how could interested Hivestylers become part of the closed testing phase?
Spiritsurge: We are in development and a fair part is done...we do not want to release an incomplete or bugged while we can positively say the end of Q1 2023...this is subject to change...
To be part of the Alpha, you have to take part in the presale happening on 26th much you have to invest will be revealed next week but it will be cheaper than what most people have in mind...
HiQ: We will keep an eye on that!
@quekery loves games like Advance Wars or Wargroove and would like to know if he can send his familiars into a similar type of PVP in the future. So: Wen PVP??!
Spiritsurge: Before PvP we want to focus on bringing some sort of Co-op into this that is what truly brings people together...we will focus on PvP after that...
Also since there are no rebuyable packs that you can will take time for people to gather familiars...
Only after we see users with better tier familiars will we churn out PvP.
HiQ: Last but not least. The question that everyone has to answer and could determine your fate. Let's go. If you punch yourself and it hurts, are you strong or weak?
(Interviewers note: They forced me to ask that 🙄)
Spiritsurge: If you don't cry after you hurt yourself and keep moving forward then you are strong...
You can never stop getting hurt...the world is designed like that...whether you can move forward after you have been hurt defines your strength...
(Also I answer things very literally so you may not get the answer you were aiming for)
(Interviewers note: This was the type of reply they probably were looking for 🙄)
HiQ: Thanks for taking the time! We will keep an eye out for future announcements and wish you the best of success in your enterprise.
Spiritsurge: Thank you and HiQ for having me. ★
By: @solymi
Psyberverse - from poor @solymi, who had to pawn all his Splinterlands winnings to take part in Alpha Testing. He made his eye and writes his 3 lines on the Psyber-X teaser here.
There are many games on Hive (Editor's note: We're making one right now, LOOL.) and one we've been waiting for a long time is Psyber-X. @solymi and @balte, for example, got into it relatively early. Solymi has a Tier 3 Founder NFT (Note from @solymi: back when SPS was still worth something ...) and is a big Psyber-X Twitter warrior. He's also won a few NFTs on Avalanche. The game has built bridges to other Chains. Among other things, you can buy NFTs for the game on the Myria Marketplace.
Solymi has been holding 400,000 LVL tokens for some time and farms so-called Psyber Crates. These are already tradable on the marketplace and you can also open them (Editor's note: Baltes' tendonitis from opening so many crates has still not healed. I wonder if that's cronical.) In them you can find various NFTs that can be used in the game when the time comes.
There is also an official trailer:
And here is Solymi's take with many headshots - film editing makes it possible. The game is still in the pre-alpha test phase and can only be played by the "chosen few". The "skin in the game" factor is definitely right. After all, the in-game token LVL is worth 90 % less than when it was purchased. However, the team has already started to drum up publicity.
It probably won't be long before an open beta phase is launched. (Hashtag: SOON) Wen will soon be now?
Solymi has rented a gaming setup to test the latest games. Psyber-X runs smoothly and without judder. The sound still needs to be adjusted, because the gameplay sounds are barely audible compared to the music. That's why it's shot or stabbed from behind quite often. (Editor's note: Noob, LOOL) You don't see that in his gameplay video. There it looks like he's the killer-in-chief. LOOL
It's fun and it definitely brings back memories of his younger days when he used to walk around town with a PC and screen in a shopping trolley to play Counter Strike at the LAN party. Fortunately, it's easier today.
We are looking forward to the upcoming land features. If the game takes off and is a success, then Psyber-X was a great investment. If not, then you can still play a cool FPS game for a few LVL and make life difficult for everyone else stranded in the Psyberverse. Anyway, Solymi has a couple of annoying drones that automatically stalk all players.
Solymi had a brief conversation on Discord with @bobthebuilder....
All this is coming our way:
Looks like multiplayer mode and maybe psyber decks will be out in the next few days.
Decks will have different modes: Cut throat, which means slit throat, where you can win your opponents' NFTs, not just LVL.... This is something for the brave or crazy among you, but bets can be made from 1 LVL.
Psyber-X, will release in the near future (few weeks) not only the multiplayer mode, but the kill-to-earn function on top of it. Multiplayer, full NFT integration and then the kill-to-earn function. There is parallel programming on all these things.
Also this: LVL:SWAP.ETH Pool has been started!
There will be so many different weapons, upgrades and buffs that it will most likely be a cool slaughter. We are curious to see more.
Update: Shortly before the editorial deadline, we received another announcement that might be interesting for Founders. As of Friday, the game will be available for download on Steam for holders of the Founder title. You can pick up the key at the Discord Server.
No Founder title? You can also buy it - check out this post to find out more.
Whitepaper: ★
By: @tengolotodo
Engagement, curations and eyes on your posts. That all seems far too good to be true! However with the Dreemport project that is a distinct reality, if you follow their fun guidelines.
One of the problems when you join something new is that you don't know anyone and nobody comes to read your posts. Hive is no different, and we have lots of people sign up and then they don't come back, the retention of new users is not good.
What if there was a project that people could join which would let people see their posts? What if there was a project which would let people engage with like minded authors and make their Hive journey fun and enjoyable?
What if we told you that such a project already exists on Hive. We know that you are reading this (Editor's note: Well hopefully you are reading this. LOOL) and thinking to yourself that you don't need an engagement boost, well that is true but what about the people you bring to Hive?
Dreemport is the project which we are talking about and it is the brainchild of @dreemsteem.
Dreemport is an autonomous, platform-agnostic tribe of content creators united by a primary objective: forming connections between reader and writer, no matter the platform. We screen for quality content, promote and reward genuine engagement, offer a united support system, and help to increase your content's reach.
Quote from Dreemport.
The biggest thing that you may notice with @dreemport is the emphasis placed by everyone involved on FUN and support. The author had the pleasure to have been involved with many of the Dreemport challenges which you may have seen on Hive during 2022, so has first hand knowedge of how wonderful this project is for a newbee or oldbee alike on Hive.
Basically Dreemport collaborate with new projects and/or existing communities and tribes. What results is a win win for everyone involved. The featured project, tribe or community gets invaded with some keen dreemers eager to learn something new, and the dreemers are nudged out of their comfort zone and grow as creators and human beings as they do something new.
If you would like more information or to sign up to become the newest dreemer then hop on over to their website or visit their Discord server. ★
By: @solymi
The basic idea behind @HMVF is to connect musicians and filmmakers to produce music videos. Currently, the team consists of @ravenmus1c, @indiebandguru and @solymi.
The first project involves Raven as the musician and Solymi as the director and producer of the music video.
The aim is to get a music video through from pre- to post-production with content rewards and donations from Hivians who are absolutely hivestylish. (Note from @solymi: Whoever feels addressed here, just send 1 000 000 000 tokens of choice to @HMVF. LOOL) Solymi is donating his parents' house... as a production office and base.
A professional shoot is not cheap. A large chunk of the money usually goes for food and accommodation for the team. This is reduced many times over through contacts Solymi has in the Lake Balaton area. (Editor's note: That's somewhere near Hungary and Austria, LOOL.)
The team has access to a hangar where they can shoot in bad weather. Talks with local businesses have already been initiated and some sponsorship from the local community is sure to come up. This is mostly about in-kind donations such as food, transport, help on set etc.
Next year, it's supposed to start in September/October. Raven and company will come from Germany and we will meet in Vienna. From there we will go on to the lake.
Everything will be produced as sustainably as possible and maybe soon there will be some pubs and shops in the area that accept HBD and HIVE as payment?
If possible, the team wants to keep the budget on the Chain. Light rental company that accepts HBD? @HMVF have a good chance that @rhzm is willing to help. It will be interesting to see who else is willing to stand by the musicians. The main thing to think about here is the organisation of the project.
@HMVF is looking for reinforcement and hopes to be able to enlarge its team. New team members will be cast on Hive as far as possible.
This is an experiment and is meant to be a reference for projects that want to do the same. Ideally, if @HMVF networks its infrastructure globally but decentrally, every person who makes music on Hive can produce a music video. In every country there is a film industry and the infrastructure that goes with it. With the help of Hive, the Foundation can connect artists, producers, actors etc. peer to peer and we are excited to see how the future develops.
They also plan to become a contact point for all musicians and people interested in music on Hive by creating a kind of encyclopaedia. This will list all Hive musicians who want it. Project operators will thus be able to find and contact musicians for their projects directly on the chain.
If you want to learn more about HMVF, check out the blog and read the interview series with Hive Artists! ★
Ad (Sponsored by @reiseamateur)
Do you also want to fomo into the competetive leaderboard of HiQ - The Hivestyle Magazine? Then stake HIQS like there is no tomorrow! The 10 highest stakers are determined anew in each issue via snapshot and then immortalised here. If you also want advertising space in the HiQ, then stake yourself in the top 5 and send us a banner in the format 728x90. You can send us the banner via Discord or by mail to ★
1st | @wrestorgonline | 2245 |
2nd | @balte | 2090 |
3rd | @reiseamateur | 1471 |
4th | @points-fr | 1420 |
5th | @kenechukwu97 | 986 |
6th | @powerpaul | 769 |
7th | @danielhuhservice | 645 |
8th | @alex2alex | 601 |
9th | @psyberx | 500 |
10th | @blue.rabbit | 463 |
By: @quekery, @mary-me & @sloymi
Not only news is rare in December 2022. Gossip is also ultra rare. But we have still found a few delicacies for you. As the saying goes, "Small but mighty."
Living to the Moon
Before LVL moons, @dynamicrypto wanted @psyberx to note that he was not suicidal. (Editor's note: Not a bad move. We should think about that too. HIQS and INK to the Moon!)
Wen Stable?
December was plagued by unstable Hive and Hive Engine nodes. Many ask themselves: "Wen stable?". But they don't get an answer. There is a lot of talk in secret chats, but nothing concrete can be found there. Is it because of outdated Api Node versions? Why are Hive and Hive Engine affected? Why is there hardly any talk about it?
We ask ourselves: "Wen transparent?". Until then, we'll probably have to reinforce many scripts and services to make them more stable.
As we are operators of an extremely exclusive and select bot (@hiq.smartbot), we have noticed the instability of Hive and Hive Engine nodes on many occasions now, resulting in failures when retrieving data on Hive and Hive Engine. "Wen stable?" ask the visibly confused Code Monkeys of the Hive editorial team. For the past week, curiously, the nodes have always gone down at the same time. Hopefully, as soon as CraftInk is released, everything will be stable again.
@chifibots has chilled a bit too much and therefore started a 2nd presale. On top of that, there are "technical difficulties" at the moment and the Founder NFTs already purchased cannot be found in the Stacks wallets because they are not there yet. WTF is Stacks?
Symbol: STX! Check it out for yourself! (Editor's note: We'll help you with the search.)
POW Blockchain with Accelerator Programme? @nftstudios thinks his chances are good, according to the official comment under their post, in which several hivestylish hive gamers expressed their unease. @solymi has to admit, he still has to do some research himself.
LOOL, @balte doesn't know where his Tier 5 Founder Package is anymore. @solymi almost knows... Ultragossip direct from the editorial office: The NFTs could not be delivered for "reasons". @balte and @solymi continue to wait patiently. (Editor's note: Let's hope you didn't get dlived, LOOL.)
If you want to learn more about Chifibots and pay the developers with the help of the warmed-up microwave presale Part 2, you can find out more here. ★
It's been a bit quiet on Hive in December. But we still managed to scrape together some Hivestyle for Hivians for you. We don't take Christmas holidays, LOOL.
PeakD Stats
You can check out stylish stats at from @peakd. (Editor's note: What kind of crass detectives.) Around Christmas time we see the post count go down a bit. But it's slowly recovering. Just glad word count wasn't looked at. (Editor's note: Who has the longest?)
PeakD also has a new spoiler function for posts via update for us as a Christmas present. Have fun not spoiling anymore.
For a long time it was quiet about Ragnarok. But now there is an Update Post on Ragnarok. There we can read that there is already a test version of the game. However, we haven't had a chance to try it out yet. The code for the game is supposed to be open source and the community is supposed to help drive the development of the game. There are even supposed to be bounties for finding bugs.
Playtoearn Awards
Splinterlands is well on its way to winning the award for the best blockchain game at You can still vote until 29.12.2022.
SL Land
In the Mav-Chat (Editor's note: The secret chat for SL-bonzes, which is now ruled by wannabe-bonzes, LOOL.) everyone screams and still nothing happens... That's why there is now Land 0.5, where you can claim your long rotting land NFTs as a so-called Deed on the map of Praetoria (version 0.69).
@solymi is still waiting for the right moment. He wants to land somewhere in region 69 or so. Unfortunately, there is no region 420. In the lower right corner you can see where the next region or tract on the map can be conquered. Also the next plot (The smallest landing unit so far - why so far? Because everything always remains different...) is shown here.
Account of @solymi on (Note from. @solymi: Yes, not much DEC left in my account at the moment.... Bear Market mää.)
PS: @solymi really needs to get an important message out to the hive world: "Maybe someone will buy this? ALPHA GF FS LVL5! Super cheap to give away!"
The HiQ distances itself from this extremely affordable and worthwhile purchase recommendation.
Wen WOO-Land?
Not only SL can do land, WOO can do land too. @wrestorgonline will hold a land presale event from 14.02. to 14.03.2023. You can buy land plots with Cryptos but also with PayPal. But you have to be listed to be able to buy land. To do this, you must have earned enough points by 14 February. You get points by holding WOO assets like tokens or NFTs. Once you reach the Platinum rank, you can buy as many plots as you want. If not all plots are sold during the presale phase, there will be an official sale. You can find out more here.
You can't write @brianoflondon without @podping (Editor's note: All right, maybe we need to swap a few letters like b for p and put the whole thing in a different order.) and you can't run @podping without Value4Value. (Editor's note: We feel the attempt at a joke placement at least. If we were writing a review right now, it would probably read, "The author of these lines has always tried to be funny. L O O L")
V4V is a Lightning Bridge to Hive and Podping is a podcast index protocol on Hive. (Editor's note: We reported.) We at Amazine (Editor's note: Amazing Magazine, for sure.) think both are amazing. If you want to support his work, you should vote for Proposal 244. (Editor's note: And your comment bot is still a bit twitchy, Brian.)
Ecency Proposal
Not only @peakd provides a cool user experience on Hive, but also @ecency does not let itself be left behind. Who uses what, when and how is of course a matter of taste, but one thing is certain: we wouldn't want to miss @ecency. We find @ecency's mobile app particularly important. Of course, the desktop representative also has its fans. If you want to support it, there is a Proposal that still needs votes.
Meet Ups
If you need the full blast of IRL Hive Meetups in January, we've picked out a few places for you to go. On January the 5th, meetups will take place in Vienna and Brussels, organised by @manncpt and @jnmarteau. The next meetups are on January the 19th in Leipzig and on January the 26th in Graz. Both are organised by @reiseamateur. ★
We want to be praised and admired all the time, so leave us a kind comment. If we like it, we will "print" it as a readers' letter into the next issue.
@allonyx.ngs knows what is the best blockchain magazine:
This is the best blockchain magazine thank you very much for the info about craftlink and the HBIT update. I recommend it ... it's very interesting and fun information, it's really a very good reading material.
The ONLY blockchain magazine on Hive. Thank you for your compliments.
@fun.farms wants to know more:
Where can I find more info about the new game CraftInk? Sounds interesting 🤓
In a world where every project has its own account.
Even CraftInk goes up and beyond and creates one.
Loaded with information, giveaways, card spoilers
and MUCH
FOLLOW NOW at @craftink
@thetimetravelerz is in love with Solynskys voice:
Great post as usual and loved the podcast
@solymi. Did you read that? Thanks to you, too.
@slothlydoesit is now a fan, too:
Wow, great post. Had seen this posted from Raven a couple of places, finally stumbled onto it in my Hive feed! Awesome coverage of some of the great Hive projects and creators! Can't wait to see the next edition, I'll be sure to follow from here!
You will not just see the next edition, you will be in one. Thank you for your compliments.
Got myself about 8 tabs to check out from the article! Thanks for sharing quality content!
Quality and quantity content. Fun fact: The German version again didn't fit into a Block. We had to post it in batches.
@r1s2g3 knows the last issue by heart:
Took my time, read it full. It's awesome. Best of luck for your upcoming Craftink project.
It's nice knowing that some of you read the whole thing. We know it's a long post and we are more than happy to read about that. We think our readers are awesome and we love them.
@enginewitty the real PIMP:
Love the cover, @ravenmus1c is a hottie hottie! Wish I could get to Germany and hang out with @detlev again, he was good people. And this cracked me up -
"OMG, Steem Engine still exists?"
Bwahahhaaa! Great issue y'alls!
What shall we say?! This magazine is a piece of precise German (Editor's note: And Austrian.) engineering. No fun only work. We are efficient as fuck and work 25/7! Also: Germany has the hottest women. ;)
Made by: THE Amazine of the Year! ★
Immeasurable thanks go to all the donors, delegators, upvoters, rebloggers and subscribers!
Thanks also to the authors and content creators, which are @quekery, @smooms, @mary-me, @tengolotodo, @solymi, @themyscira, @kvinna & @manncpt.
Not to list, but still worth mentioning are of course all the little touches, ideas and tips from the community. Thanks for that! You guys are awesome!
All writers' opinion are their own and do not constitute financial advice in any way whatsoever. Nothing published by HiQ constitutes an investment recommendation, nor should any data or content published by HiQ be relied upon for any investment activities. Hiq strongly recommends that you perform your own indipendent research and/or speak with a quialified investment professional befor making any financial decisions. Image material or raw image material is, unless otherwise stated, from or is screenshoted. HiQ does not make any representation as to the accuracy or suitability of any of the information contained in advertisements and does not accept any responsibility or liability for the conduct or content of those advertisements and the offerings made by the third parties. If you are interested in placing an advertiseemnt with HiQ please refer to:
Editorial Core Team/Publisher: @quekery, @smooms & @mary-me.
HiQ - The Hivestyle Magazine is a project of the HiQuarters 2.0 Team.
If you're stylish and smart, you're subscribed to us: @adedayoolumide @adncabrera @akida @alex2alex @allonyx.ngs @alucian @alz190 @andy-plays @andy-vibes @andy4475 @animaya @atra-aranea @balte @bananofarmer @bechibenner @beeber @bitandi @blue.rabbit @btcsam @carolinmatthie @chaosmagic23 @chappertron @chrislybear @cloudlynx @coldbeetrootsoup @cultus-forex @dafusa @danielhuhservice @dauerossi @dieradikalemitte @ditsch @dragon-ti @dynamicgreentk @dynamicrypto @ervin-lemark @failingforwards @flamo @florian-glechner @fredfettmeister @fun.farms @ganjafarmer @hannes-stoffel @hatoto @hiq @hiq.magazine @hiq.redaktion @hive-loto @ischmieregal @itsme9001 @jeenger @jfuji @joseph23 @kadna @kaeptn-iglo @kenechukwu97 @kheldar1982 @klausklaus @konstice @kryptodenno @ksam @kvinna @lammbock @lauchmelder @leosoph @louis88 @madame-cyntaia @manncpt @mario89 @markus.light @mary-be @mary-me @melinda010100 @miketr @mima2606 @misan @mrdalle @mryoung1979 @music-beatcz @mwfiae @nessos @nkemakonam89 @noctury @oceanbee @oesterreich @photomoto @platuro @points-fr @powerpaul @prinzvalium @pundito @queker-bee @quekery @quelled @querdenker @r0nny @rachaeldwatson @ravenmus1c @reiseamateur @remotehorst23 @saffisara @saggi07 @satren @schmidi @sebescen81 @shakkei @simsibee @smooms @smoomslive @sodom @solarwarrior @solymi @stickupboys @stresskiller @syalla @tengolotodo @thatcryptodave @thatgermandude @thetimetravelerz @thoth442 @tibfox @trading-tokens @tribemieregal @twicejoy @twinner @twistytango @untzuntzuntz @utopia-hope @vasupi @vugel @yeckingo1 @ynwa.andree @yoshi-and-family @zockerpeine