A Jolly Good Time at Warwick Castle - From Dungeons to Trebuchets

in #history11 months ago

Warwick Castle, Right in the Heart of England

If you're looking for a place filled with a lot of history, then this is definitely an option if you are in the area. We've gone to Warwick castle various times over the years and I always learn something new!

A view from the front entrance

The Dungeon: If You Like Being Creeped Out

This place seriously gives me the creeps every time I go. There are these really tight spaces where prisoners would be dropped in with no room to even turn around. People would just be left there and fed through a tiny window that can be accessed outside of the castle. I get claustrophobic just thinking about it!

Amanda attempting to look scared, I think?

The chamber dates way back to the castle's early origins in the 11th century. To start, it was designed to be a defense against invaders but it had many functions throughout the centuries.

In its early years, the dungeon was primarily used as a storage space for food, supplies, and even prisoners of war. However, as time went on, it gained a reputation as a place of horror and torture during the medieval era.


Political and military adversaries were locked up there, experiencing harsh conditions and horrible treatment. The dungeon was an awful place during this time, talked about in scary stories all around the country.

These days visitors can explore the recreated dungeon, getting a glimpse into the grim past and the tales of the poor folks who ended up stuck in there.

Ye Olde Privy

In medieval days, using a toilet was quite a different experience compared to modern times. The castle's toilets were typically simple stone seats with holes, situated on the walls of the castle's towers. These holes would open directly to the outside allowing waste to fall directly into the castle's ditch.

The seat itself was usually made of stone or wood and was far from the comfortable porcelain thrones we're accustomed to today.

I only managed to get a photo of the toilet pictured below, which was obviously not made of stone. I think this one belonged to someone very important living within the castle walls. Or perhaps it was upgraded in later years?


Privacy was a luxury that few enjoyed in these early privies, as multiple seats would often be placed side by side without partitions. If you were lucky, there might be a curtain for a modicum of personal space.

And, of course, there were no flushing mechanisms – waste would be exposed to the elements and decay over time. Can you imagine what that must have smelled like walking around the perimeter of the castle? The stuff they never talk about in the period piece television shows.

The Trebuchet Demonstration

This is a pretty cool spectacle that brings history to life in a jaw-dropping manner. It's been a few years since I visited, so I'm not sure if this is still going going on daily. However it is awesome to see if you get a chance.

The enormous trebuchet, was reconstructed in a manner faithful to the original is as a testament to the genius of medieval engineering. When you see this thing in action, you wonder how the heck people were able to build such things so long ago.


As the demonstration starts everyone gets super quiet. The trebuchet crew, dressed in period attire, contraption. Then with a powerful thunderous force, the massive wooden arm swings and a projectile hurtles through the air.

It feels like the ground moves a little and then the audience lets out a huge cheer and applause. For a minute you feel as if you've been transported back in time and imagine what it must have been like to experience this when all of this was state of the art!

Amazing Recreations Inside

Warwick Castle boasts an array of interesting recreations inside, each representing different points in history. Every exhibit shows an example of life as it was centuries ago.


As you walk though all of the different rooms and wings of the castle you come across an array of props and wax figures positioned as if they were frozen in time. They've gone to a lot of pains to make the experience feel authentic. Not like I'd be able to tell the difference, though!


Visiting Warwick Castle really feels like taking a time machine to the past. Plus, there are fun things for the whole family to enjoy - so, if you're into history, architecture, or just looking for an awesome family adventure, make sure to plan a trip to Warwick Castle. It's a place where the past comes alive!

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This place looks nice and quite historical and you have shared nice shots.

Thanks, we always have a great time when we go through this area. We stayed in a really cool hotel as well which is over 500 years old! I wish I had taken photos because that place on its own would have been a nice post!

EPIC castle!!! I think I will want to visit it, or lay siege to it... Hrmmm.

lol! Well, maybe they'd stay in character as you 'lay siege' to it using modern weapons. haha

These are the sort of experiences I want to have when I have enough to travel around.

When i read posts like this, it makes me question if i could survive those times. Imagine having to share a toilet space with strangers. I would be stricken by embarrassment. I would probably go into the bushes to do my business.

Can you imagine trying to do a number 2 with a dude sitting right next to you? Hell no, for me! haha.. Even when we go camping, I have to walk like 1/2 a mile away from the other people into the woods to do my business. Well, not if I just need to pee, but you know what I mean.

The most impressive thing for me was the trebuchet, man. Did you get a good look at him? It's crazy how people in the past would take it into battles and fight.

Yes! I got to get a closeup look at it after the demonstration later in the day. The thing is huge! It must have been a logistical nightmare getting one of these things into position to attack an enemy with getting destroyed in the process.

It's amazing man, I need to see one of these close up one day. I was playing Mount & Blade II: Bannerord and have trebuchets there. Looks very similar :)

Warwick Castle's tales of dungeons and trebuchets are mind-boggling! It's wild to think about stone toilets overlooking castle ditches back then. Those medieval engineering feats are awe-inspiring. 🚽🚽

It kind of surprises me that the waste was just dumped like that into a ditch. I wonder if it was more of a deep hole. Perhaps they put other composting materials in there to keep the odor down. Who knows!

Geez, I already have the creeps. Lol, hehe. I have to admit it interests me. Maybe because I love creepy places.

The toilet looks... phew..

And I have to admit the dungeon look screams, be good ye sons of men.

Yeah, the toilets were super gross. But yeah, the dungeon is probably my favorite part of the whole place. Mostly because it is a reminder of how better off we are in a lot of ways than people from way back then. Well, unless you live in a country where people still behave in a medieval way!

Yes, lots of things have changed. That's why history is always a gem meant to be cherished.

A nice time at the castle. Will be great to explore the castle one day

I hope you get the chance!

That looks really cool. You know I've been to many Japanese castles over the past several years. I've learned all about them and know more than I ever would have thought I'd know about them. Never visited a European style castle though. I need to change that one of these days.

We talk about visiting Japan all of the time. It seems like such an amazing people with a really cool culture. Sometimes I hate the fact that we have such short lives. Well, I guess they aren't necessarily that short, but I feel like the 'young' years are way too short.

It is great here. If you ever do visit, let me know. Maybe I can give you some pointers. My own traveling has slowed down a lot since I had kids, but my knowledge and awareness of the country just keep growing.

Sometimes I hate the fact that we have such short lives. Well, I guess they aren't necessarily that short, but I feel like the 'young' years are way too short.

I am totally with you!

I will hit you up if we ever make it out there. But I'm in the same situation with the kid now, so we are traveling a lot less! Maybe when he gets a bit older.

Undoubtedly, an extraordinary place full of history. So much to tell has been enclosed in the walls of its dungeons.

Thank you very much dear @nuthman for sharing your visit to this picturesque place, and for all the information of that medieval period.

Best regards!

Thanks a lot for taking the time to read it, @bravofenix! I've seen a lot of castles in the UK and this is definitely one of my favorites.

I've been to quite a few British castles, but I don't think I've done Warwick. It's amazing how well some of them are preserved. You get to see how life could be good for the 'nobility', but pretty crap for the rest. Things seem to be going that way again unfortunately.

It's amazing how well some of them are preserved.

I know that a lot of the time the old buildings are heavily restored and a lot of the time very little of the original remains. But it is still pretty amazing to see.

And yeah, it must have been terrible for the average person in those days!

This looks like a really awesome place to visit. I can't imagine what the smells must have been like everywhere back then! It had to be pretty horrible. Reminds me of that scene in The Holy Grail where they can tell Arthur is a king because he doesn't smell like poo. I remember seeing a scene in one of the Spartacus shows on Starz where they were using a public restroom in Rome and it was all open with like seven people sitting next to each other.

I guess it would be like when you go in a bar and there are like 5 drunk dudes having a full on conversation at one of those long communal urinals. So awkward! But somehow sitting and doing a number 2 around a bunch of people seems impossible to me.

I'm pretty picky about public bathrooms in the first place, so I know what you are saying, but I can't really relate. Even when I drink, I need privacy to pee. I get gun shy.

I've spent some time in the UK and one of the coolest things were the castles and ruins...unsurprising for a history guy like me I guess. My only regret was that coming back into Australia customs confiscated the trebuchet I was going to set up at my house.

Seriously though, I've seen one in action...mighty beasts of war huh? Imagine you're a pikeman standing on a wall peering between the crenelations for the enemy...and then you're smashed into pink mist by a boulder. Not fun.

I never went to Warwick castle, so many castles, so little time.

Aw man! So sorry to hear that. Those pesky customs officers really frown upon entering the country with huge medieval weapons of mass destruction. Oh well, you can always try again next time!

I never went to Warwick castle, so many castles, so little time.

Yeah, I know the feeling. Throughout my 30s when I used to visit the UK a LOT with @afturner she would always take the time to bring me to a new place. We've been all over England and seen a ton of stuff. Yet there are still endless places to see. Maybe in another life! Unless I magically become rich, at which point I'll be dedicating the rest of my life to exploring the world.

I'll try again, maybe hide in my pants this time so they mistake it for my...never mind.

Below is the entire UK overlaid on the State of South Australia where I live...what blows my mind is how small the UK actually is and yet how much there is to see. I spent almost five weeks there and in a straight east-west line never got above Oxford and saw so much with so much more to see.


Unless I magically become rich, at which point I'll be dedicating the rest of my life to exploring the world.

Magical richness...I could accept that too, and would do the exact same thing...travel everywhere.

Very cool! None of those places could have smelled very good back then. The people also rarely bathed, it would have been horrible smell wise. At least the Romans had sewer systems, but not in the middle ages.

Castles are really fun to tour, but I definitely wouldn't have wanted to live back then. Talk about a rough life. Then again people in five hundred years will probably look at us like we were cavemen! Great pictures by the way, I don't think I've been to Warwick before, I'll have to check it out the next time I head to Europe!

I think it's one of the biggest things that are left out of historical tv shows and movies. Just how filthy and smelly the average people would have been.

I definitely wouldn't have wanted to live back then.

I am 100% with you on that one. For one, I wouldn't ever want to live without my technology! I'm sure there were other interesting things to explore, though.

I myself am very fond of going to such old places where we get a lot of history and learn a lot of new things the way we are seeing all these old things very much.

Good job,I would like to visit such places in life.

I have visited a place like this last few years, it also had hidden rooms for prisoners. I am just wondering, how they were surviving in these small places.

It is kind of bizarre to me that they had prisoners living right underneath the residents. I think I remember that there was a bedroom for a princess that was literally right above the tiny dungeon window where they held people being tortured. So crazy!

Oh they enjoy seeing people getting tortured?

This Castle seems like an incredible destination. Your descriptions and photos provide a vivid glimpse into the castle's various attractions, and it's clear that there's much to learn and explore. @tipu curate 10

It really is a fascinating place to visit. Thanks for your comments, and for the @tipu curation!

You're very welcome. It's great to know you find it fascinating.