Fake Fried Rice

in #hive-10006711 months ago

The other time I made a post about fake rice and I told you that you could be creative with this, and from that day on I already had in mind to make fake fried rice, today I got to work and was ready to share my recipe.

La otra vez hice un post sobre un arroz falso y les dije que con esto se podía ser creativos, y desde ese día ya tenía en mente hacer un arroz frito falso, hoy me puse manos a la obra y lista para compartir mi receta.


I will make this portion just for myself, I will start by making the egg, we beat it well with a pinch of salt and place it in the pan until it is ready, we reserve it and use it and leave it already cut.

Esta porción la haré solamente para mí, empezaré haciendo el huevo, batimos bien con una pizca de sal y lo colocamos en la sarten hasta que esté listo, lo reservamos y aprovechamos y lo dejamos ya cortado.


Now we continue with all the vegetables that we will use, in my case it was: Red pepper, cauliflower, broccoli, chives, peas, garlic and ginger. I used small amounts, I didn't measure it.


Ahora seguimos con todos los vegetales que usaremos, en mi caso fue: Pimiento rojo, coliflor, brócoli, cebollín, guisantes, ajos y jengibre. Usé pequeñas cantidades, no lo medí.


Now to start, it is important to infuse the oil, what I did was grate 3 cloves of garlic and a small piece of ginger, I added it to the hot oil, waited a couple of minutes and strained it, the oil was left with the flavor of garlic and ginger, ready to use.

Ahora para empezar, es importante infusionar el aceite, lo que hice fue rallar 3 dientes de ajo y un pedazo pequeño de jengibre, lo agregué al aceite caliente, esperé un par de minutos y lo colé, el aceite quedó con el sabor del ajo y el jengibre, listo para usar.


I started by adding a little of the infused oil to sauté the vegetables and I also did the same with some pieces of chicken breast.


Empecé por agregar un poco del aceite infusionado para saltear los vegetales y también hice lo mismo con unos trozos de pechuga de pollo.


Now our important ingredient, the cauliflower. We are going to grate it and we are also going to place it in the pan with a little of the infused oil for a couple of minutes.


Ahora nuestro ingrediente importante, el coliflor. Lo vamos a rallar y así mismo lo vamos a colocar en la sartén con un poco del aceite infusionado por un par de minutos.


Now we start adding the vegetables, chicken and eggs.

Ahora empezamos a agregar la vegetales, el pollo y los huevos.


We will add a touch more flavor by adding MSG, soy sauce and a little oyster sauce, mix until we obtain the desired flavor. I should mention that I didn't add salt because soy sauce is very salty and I didn't want to overpower the flavor.


Añadiremos un toque más de sabor añadiendo MSG, salsa de soja y un poco de salsa de ostión, mezclamos hasta obtener el sabor deseado. Debo mencionar que no añadí sal porque la salsa de soja tiene mucha carga salada y no quería sobrecargar el sabor.


A funny fact is when I started to serve my dish I remembered that I had cooked my peas (they were raw 🫛) and I forgot to add them to the recipe so I did it last.


Un dato gracioso es cuando empecé a servir mi plato me acordé que había puesto a cocinar mis guisantes (estaban crudos 🫛) y me olvidé añadirlos a la receta así que lo hice al final.


When serving I added a little sesame seeds and also a touch of alfalfa sprouts.

Al momento de servir incorporé un poco de semillas de ajonjolí y también un toque de germinado de alfalfa.





The cauliflower looks as if it were rice that you placed on the plate. The meal looks so beautiful and, at the same time, tasty. I am tired of my country's food, and I want to really taste something different.

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Yes, it was tasty!! Well you need to gather few ingredients and then you can do a little experiment 🧪

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