Bees, hidden hunters and 40 days shift.

in #hive-1015872 years ago

yellow ruccola bee pl 8.jpg

So much work and so little time.
Did you know that a bee (regular one, not a queen) lives only for about 40 days? And all she does in that time (all worker bees are a "she" by the way) is work, work, work. Flower after flower. Gardens, meadows, fields and forests.

All day.

Every day!

Until she dies.

yellow ruccola bee pl 6.jpgyellow ruccola bee pl 7.jpg

Not a very pleasant vision but only thanks to this the bee colony can prepare for winter and survive on the stash they manage to collect until spring and the first blooming flowers. If they don't have enough honey store - they all will die together with the Queen bee.

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This flower is done, hop to another one.

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The bee (can't remember now if it was one that I was talking or a few) you see here was shot at my mums garden on ruccola (arugula) flower last fall.
The whole plot was filled with the small yellow and white flowers since the herb just keeps growing, produces seeds and spreads like mad on it's own.

But that's good. That means fresh greens for the whole year round until the frost kills them later in the year.
And plenty of flowers for insects to feed on.

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But don't think it's all fun and easy. Among all the flowers are hidden predators that just wait for a clumsy bee to get close and be their next meal.
Can you see him?

yellow ruccola bee pl 4.jpg

How about now? :)
A nice and very well camouflaged little spider.

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5 done...
Thousands to go!

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yellow ruccola bee pl 1.jpg

Shot with Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105mm lens
All photos and text are my own.

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I love such photos! ☺️ Bee or bumblebee on flowers. This is the personification of a warm sunny summer. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you!
Nice to see especially in the middle of winter :)

All pictures are perfectly doubt it has a very much of hard work to click such shots ... awesome work done by you 👌💖

Thanks a lot! It is a pleasure to shoot them :)

Great photos to go with the nature lesson 🙂

Thank you! Nature is pretty amazing :)

The cycle of bees was interesting to me. This is God's destiny in the fate of all beings. I enjoyed reading this post, added to my information 😄 I really didn't know anything about this. And is the existence of these worker bees important or the queen bee in producing more honey?

The worker bees produce honey so the more there is - the more honey. Queen doesn't produce it. She is the Queen :)

It is really interesting. I have not thought about this until now

Nice macro shots buddy thanks for sharing with us.

Thank you!

Therefore, the Russians have this proverb:
"works like a bee"

Beautiful photos!

We have the same saying :)
Thank you!

My grandpa had bees. Fabulous creatures.

Mine too :)
I got to know a lot about them even without paying much attention. Funny how things just go back to you now.

I was into macro photography just recently and im enjoying hunting those insect everytime i got the time . I just know that the fact that worker bee span is only 40 days.

They are cool to shoot and completely harmless if not annoyed :)

:). Thanks for the advices , i ll try to shoot it in future if i got that chances. !LUV

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the insects in the flowers are very good.

Thanks :)

Talking of things that die in winter if they aren't fat enough, I should go and deal with the wasps outside my front door...

I presume they were fat enough and did not die :p

Yup, only the males die in winter, the dominant females all hibernate successfully. Anyway, mission accomplished. I'm not proud of myself, but I am highly allergic

Beautiful 🥰🌸

Thank you :)


All day.

Every day!

Until she dies.


My father had honey bees, and I spent a lot of time with bees. They are lovely, admirable creatures for all they are doing.

Yeah, the predator who camouflaged was spotted 🤓

My family always had bees too... I watched all the processes that are required to keep them and was stung so many times! They are so nice little things though.

Interestingly, I almost never got stung. Maybe I was just an observer from a safe distance 😇

What a sweet way to die....

yea... from overworking :p

40 days only! Wow 😮 I probably heard it before and it flew out of the other ear 🙈 I’m so bad at remembering random facts.

What can I say? At least all those 40 days are spent looking at beautiful flowers and flying. Not a bad life, really 😁

!LUV bees 🐝

In inter they live longer cause they have to make it to spring. But yea... 40 days is not much.
... and producing honey for winter.

@ewkaw, @fantagira(1/1) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | <>< daily

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Bees are important in the pollination process. But sad to say they only have short life span.

That's how the nature works. Must be a reason for it.