I was reading a story today about a baseballer who saved a kids life during a game and after reading wondered how many other incidents have happened. There are plenty, but not so many at sporting events. There are a few where players have helped save other players lives by rolling them over and removing the tongue from blocking their throats which is actually fairly common. This is one of the first things you learn to do and look out for as it can happen to anyone.
One of the life saving incidents that stood out and don't forget these are not Hollywood stunts, but real life and death situations was the actions by Martellus Bennett. Martellus had just finished playing a game for the NY Giants and was heading down the players tunnel to the locker rooms when he noticed something odd looking above him in the stand. A fan had lost his balance and was about to head over the rails and he was ready to catch him which he did. You never hear about stuff like this and we should.
Anyway back to why I wrote this post as I found the story inspiring enough to read up about what happened on 7th August 1982 at Fenway Park. As we all know or should know Fenway Park is the home to the Red Sox Baseball team (Liverpool owners) and that day they were playing the White Sox.
You often see on television home runs and foul balls heading into the crowd where some lucky fan catches the ball and has a great keep sake for life reminding them of their day out. Have you ever wondered if anyone gets pinned by a ball and what happens. Today there is medical staff at sporting events just in case and this happening only 41 years ago you would have hoped this was also the case. I am starting to sound old as 1982 was not that long ago really yet I suppose it is.
A foul ball was hit over the first base dugout which unfortunately hit a 4 year old boy in the face. Great to take the family out, but dads you have to pay attention and need to be over protective at all times. I watch the cricket on television and see kids unsupervised and not paying attention to the balls flying around. Accidents happen and this will happen again as the odds are stacked against it not happening. A tragedy I fear is around the corner as parents seem oblivious to the dangers of a white hardball flying around.
Anyway back to the story as this boy is now in critical condition and one Red Sox player Jim Rice jumps into action and grabs the boy and heads to the locker rooms to get immediate medical attention. The teams doctor along with medical staff who were called at the Children's Hospital all aided the boys full recovery. People crying for help and not doing anything is the same as doing nothing and action needs to happen.
Jim Rice who is a Hall of Famer describes this as the highlight of his career as it makes all the sporting achievements seem small compared to this event. If anything is going to leave a lasting impression on your career saving a life will most certainly do that. This kid was seriously lucky that there was someone who never froze and was quick to work out what was needed to happen next.
Thinking about what would happen today as most of society are not exactly proactive and get involved as they would rather film this on their phones type people. It only takes one person to take action and you wonder if there are more Jim Rice's around as you hope there are when the chips are down.