A Problem? Let's Rectify It!.

in #hive-1020666 days ago


Well Hello There Fellow Technicians And Hivers!

In So Many Words!

There's lots of words I can use but to put it plain and simple we've got a fuckup! Laughs I don't think that big of one but we've got one, bossman thinks otherwise! He thinks we took too much on our plate! But I'm a fat eater! I love biting deep and trying to swallow what I cant fit!

Mostly I succeed! So we took on a job of which we don't really have that much parts available! It might be a problem yeah?

Let's rectify the situation!
We need this valve body from this transmission and I hope it's good! None the less we will deep clean that thing like we've never done before!


Bolts Galore!

Oh it looks splendid to say the least! What happened to this transmission is that it broke its torque converter and it would have been a quick stop after that! No trying to drive on hope and actually causing more damage!

Anyways! It has a massive amount of bolts right? Way too much! Only two of them holding the actual valve body together!

I suppose the designers knew what they were doing right!


A Lot To Consider!

Okay well there are quite a few things to consider and that's all the small parts inside the valve-body. Now I've never actually quite done one like this before but I have done quite a few of them, the problem is that these take up a considerable amount of time and Bossman doesn't like to fully inspect thoroughly...

He was caught slacking...

This one doesn't look too bad, there is the look of some metal and clutch linings in the system but heck beyond that it looks smooth. The metal has not started to eat away at anything, yet....


Dig In And Feast!

Time to tear this one open and get to cleaning it the good old way and check what's going on in there!

Might be we need to chuck it all away and buy a new transmission? That might be the case we will just have to open the lucky packet and find out what's lurking!


The Cleaning Part Was The Easy Part.

It was tedious none the less, these things are tedious as I mentioned earlier but oh do I love them!! Everything about them!

The best part of all this is obviously the assembly of it all! Oh I get a crack out of this yeaahh!
I do like to think I do it better than most people, I don't of-course but building those does give you some kind of header over the other... Stupid mentality I know but one I can't deny!


Remember all those small parts, okay those aren't as many as other valve bodies have! Boy oh boy you can't just split one of these open and not check where everything is going! Laughs!

Carefull not to drop em!


The only adjustment needed to this valve body! Getting the correct sequence of the solenoids on the valve body.
They have these numbers on them and a certain range of numbers has a certain strategy that it reads in. Wonderfull stuff!

We had to swap out two of them, literally just switch them up!


I decided on using the other bolts as well then I can have a nice clean fit with clean bolts and everything! Clean... so to say it's still going to be a oily mess!

Ready to be fitted! Let's get it going!


Almost Done!

Well it's back to this nightmare of a car! Seriously it got me bugged up!

This is the bitching about it part xD Those tight spaces where you just can't seem to work with the tools! Oh those are the days that will be remembered! The days where the learning happened!


The Space I Had!

Enough alright, but not nearly enough!

Yeah why I said the bitching about it... Okay the work isn't as bad as the oil slicking down your arm! Oh the creeping feeling of a drop of oil slowly rolling! Tense stuff.

Still better than anti freeze spilling into your arm pits!



Take note this is not a how to guide, merely myself talking about the work I do and my thoughts around certain things.

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

If you found this entertaining or educational please consider a re-blog and up-vote.

Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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This level of work requires a lot of meticulous and detailed process. You're really skilled

Thanks, I do appreciate the comment, be good bud!!

Hi, I have done this type of work on automatic transmissions, and it is really tedious because of the components that are many and small, from the pictures you have done a great job for this work that was really clean, I hope you make the changes in the right way, that would be the success of the work.

It can be tedious yes🤣 but it also gives one a sense of achievement right..

The car is driving smoothly, I just finished off the last things on it. She's ready to go on home!

To add to this... what is there that I can do to make the community more active? It use to be pumping but not anymore?