Splinterlands SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge - 🐙🥀💀MYCELIC MORPHOID🐙🥀💀 "Tendrils of Death await to infect those who dare touch them"

in #hive-1022232 years ago

Roots and vines entwine around the swamp, multiplying as they spread the blight. Cut one down and another appears. Poisonous Tendrils of death and disease await to infect those who dare touch them 🐙🥀💀

I always find the thought of a bog or swamp horrifying. You can't see through the waters which are all thick and covered in mud. Who knows what horrors lurk beneath them? Now imagine tripping over a what you think is a root, and then being dragged under by it. Slashing it off with your knife only serves to make it multiply as more tendrils drag your helplessly to your doom! 😰💀

The theme of this week's Share Your Battle Challenge - I give you the MYCELIC MORPHOID!

Mycelic Morphoids are in a constant state of growth and development. As part of Queen Mycelia's brood, Morphoids work to spread the growing blight on Praetoria. Infected themselves by the poison, they take root near streams and rivers, contaminating it with the blight. In turn, the waters feed them, and a second Morphoid sprouts from the original. Together, the two travel as one until they split and continue the process.

🐙🥀💀From Splinterlands Lore on the MYCELIC MORPHOID🐙🥀💀

syb mycelic morphoid.png

The Mycelic Morphoid is a Common card released during the Chaos Legion expansion. It has definitely found it's place in many Earth decks given its availability and usefulness. At LEVEL 1, it has 1 ⚔️ATTACK⚔️ and 1 🏃🏻SPEED🏃🏻, with 0 🛡️ARMOR🛡️ and 2 ❤️HEALTH❤️. It has NO abilities. It's summoning cost is also just a mere 1 🧪MANA🧪.

These stats alone make the Mycelic Morphoid simply an extremely low cost cannon fodder unit. It's main purpose is to fill up any slots if they're still available, and then take 1 or 2 hits before it dies.

The Mycelic Morphoid's true strength lies in it's overall cost effectiveness. Even though it has no abilities and low stats, it is a really cheap casting cost card that has just enough health to take that crucial 1 hit (or perhaps 2 if you're lucky). What it loses in abilities and stats, it has gained through it's sheer ridiculously low cost. This could make all the difference if the battle comes down to the wire where the slightest advantage is the fine line between victory or defeat! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Mycelic Morphoid_lv1.png

The release of Chaos Legion has given the Earth splinter another 1 mana casting cost card. The other 2 cards which are similar are the Brownie (Epic out of print Reward card) and Epona (Legendary Dice card). Seeing as it's "rivals" are basically no longer in circulation, and not to mention they cost roughly 200+ times and 3000+ times MORE respectively 😱💸, this ensures that the Mycelic Morphoid will definitely have it's own place here in all Earth decks. This is definitely what I'd consider game changing! 😱😱😱

📊Card Stats by Level📊

stats mycelic morphoid.png

As we can see here, the main purpose of the Mycelic Morphoid is to be what I would call "Cannon Fodder". Every level barely improves it's stats all the way to level 10. We won't really see much point in upgrading it completely all the way to level 10. However, we must remember that because it only costs a mere 1 mana, it is a REALLY CHEAP card to field in your deck! There will definitely be plenty of situations whereby you'll end up with just 1 mana lying around to fill up that one last slot, and that is where the Mycelic Morphoid will come in too.

The REAL magic comes into play at level 3! That is where it gets the THORNS ability! Now instead of simply dying in 1 hit, it'll also deal some damage back in return if it's a melee unit which attacks it.

My advice is to simply buy the Gold Foil version of this card. It's ridiculously cheap at just $1, instantly comes to you at level 3 (Thorns ability), and it'll also give you the Gold Foil bonus DEC when used in battle!

It's negligible casting cost combined with its Thorns really make this a most useful unit with a perfect mix of cost and utility.

📝Important Rulesets Rundown📝

Here, I detail the list of combat rulesets that may affect the Mycelic Morphoid.

Mycelic Morphoid
👍🏻 It's attack will never miss
👍🏻 Gives itself more protection. Always good, especially for a unit whose purpose is to take hits.
👍🏻 Loses all it's abilities. But who cares? 🤣 It has none to begin with!
👍🏻 Ranged units can't be used.
N.A. Ranged units can attack from the front.
👎🏻 will be able to last at least 1 round with it's health though.
👍🏻 With its really low HP, it gains the most from such rulesets.
👍🏻 Able to lend it's attack from any slot.
👎🏻 Even summoning cost
👎🏻 Blast will probably kill it instantly
Situational. Could add more damage if the opponent's front unit is stunned
👍🏻 Improve it's own survivability
👎🏻 Melee units are affected.
👍🏻 Costs 4 or less mana
👍🏻 It's a common card
👍🏻 Magic units cannot be used
👍🏻 Gives melee the positional attack advantage enjoyed by ranged/magic
👎🏻 Will die to poison.
👍🏻 Odd summoning cost
👍🏻 It's slow speed makes it fast
👍🏻 It's a common
👍🏻 Doesn't really depend on Summoner abilities
👎🏻 Enrage works out well for units who can take a few hits
👍🏻 All units abilities stay intact
👍🏻 Allows melee to attack even if it's not in the first slot.
👍🏻 It is NOT a Neutral unit.
N.A. All ranged/magic units have the Snipe ability.
👍🏻 It has no armour to begin with.
👍🏻 Only Melee units can be used

⚔️🛡My Battle Showcase🛡⚔️

Let me present a battle I fought recently in which I used the Mycelic Morphoid. My opponent used the WATER splinter while I went for the EARTH splinter. At first glance, it would seem like my opponent had a slight advantage. He had his Gold Foil Djinn Oshannus and it's Void ability against my mostly Magic Attack lineup. Would I be able to turn the tide of battle against such an opponent then? Victory or defeat would lie in the small details.

I would say that the Mycelic Morphoid was DEFINITELY one of the the MVPs of this match, having played it's role in turning the tide of battle. It did what it was supposed to do by taking not just 1, but 2 hits! All the while chipping off at the opponent with the Thorns ability. This ensured that the other units could eventually wear down the opponent until victory was achieved! 🏆🏆🏆



👯‍♀️👯👯‍♂️LINEUP CHOICES👯‍♀️👯👯‍♂️


Furious Chicken fills this slot. It's role is simply to absorb 1 hit before the actual battle starts. At 0 mana cost, it's an obvious choice to use to fill up any available slots.


Mycelic Morphoid fills the second slot. Just like the Chicken before it, it's main purpose is to take a hit whilst filling up a slot with it's really cheap 1 mana cost.


Chaos Agent sits in this middle slot. It's primary purpose is to once again take a hit. Not to mention, it also costs just 1 mana like the Mycelic Morphoid. Another good and cheap cannon fodder card!


Mycelic Slipspawn occupies slot number 4. Sitting in the middle with it's taunt ability. It's role is to draw damage to it whilst being able to dish out a decent amount too. This is the real Main Tank and DPS-er of the deck.


Regal Peryton occupies the 5th slot. It's purpose is to sit behind to deal damage and also to take hits from any Sneak or Opportunity attack, thus protecting the backline. With it's Flying ability and fast speed, it'll serve this purpose perfectly.


Mushroom Seer occupies the 6th and last slot. It's purpose is to negate magic damage across the board against the opponent. It is also one of the main DPS-ers with it's decent damage. It sits right behind where it should be safest.

⚔️🛡Battle Action Report🛡⚔️

syb mycelic morphoid.gif

As you can see, both of us fielded very similar decks from opposing splinters. 🌳 EARTH 🌳 VS 🌊 WATER 🌊.

My opponent used the Hardy Stonefish as his cannon fodder tank in the first slot and Djinn Oshannus stood behind as the real Main Tank/Snipe Tank/Main DPS. Both of which were VERY good choices, given how suitable they are as tanks. His Venari Wavesmith and Ice Pixie were lined up in the 3rd and 4th slots, and the River Nymph and Xenith Archer rounded off the rest of his team.

My choice of the Main Tank was not in any of the first few slots though. The first 3 slots were all occupied by cannon fodder units in the form of the Furious Chicken, Mycelic Morphoid and Chaos Agent. The Mycelic Slipspawn (which is the real tank of the team), followed by the Regal Peryton and Mushroom Seer occupied the 4th, 5th and 6th slots as my DPS.

The battle started out with all our units just duking it out pound for pound via the TARGET PRACTICE Ruleset which basically gave all ranged/magic units the Snipe ability. This gave my opponent and advantage as his Djinn Oshannus basically got a pseudo Taunt ability just like my Mycelic Slipspawn, except that it also innately had the VOID ability which reduced the DPS of my entire magic based DPS team. For a moment, it seemed that this battle would be lost as his Oshannus seemed to counter my team perfectly.

Fortunately, thanks to my Mushroom Seer's Silence ability, all my units also got a pseudo Void ability and both our huge Main Tanks/DPS died at the same time. This meant the battle was exactly where it started.

The Furious Chicken died immediately as expected, taking a hit as it was meant to do. This brought the Mycelic Morphoid into play at the forefront of the battle. Now remember when I said it would be best to get a Gold Foil Mycelic Morphoid? I followed my own advice and this is what contributed to winning the day. My Mycelic Morphoid managed to use it's Thorns to bring down the opponent's Hardy Stonefish's armour, AND THEN finished it off with a melee attack. So this unassuming card managed to

  • Take 1 hit
  • reflect damage via Thorns to remove the armour from the Stonefish
  • Deal 1 damage to finish off the Stonefish
  • Take 1 more hit before it died

Talk about doing WAY MORE than it was supposed to!!! 😱🤯🥳 All i expected was for it to take just 1 hit before dying. Yet it did ALL OF THE ABOVE! Surely that made it the Man of the Match for this battle, punching way above it's weight!

Well as you can see here in this GIF of my battle, the results were pretty good! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

This was truly an eye opener! 😁🏆

Slowly, but surely, I wore down the opponent's team and the match was won handily with 2 of my units still left standing. My team selection proved to be the edge I needed to eventually overpower my opponent. 💪🏻

🔮🔮🔮Hindsight is 20/20🔮🔮🔮

Would I have done anything differently? 🤔 This might have seemed like a really close battle, but IF I had to use the same cards again, there would be no better lineup than what I had already used for the match. Any other combination MIGHT have resulted in a loss for me. I'm really satisfied with the results against such a worthy opponent. 🏆🥇

💭🧐💭Ending Thoughts💭🧐💭

Mycelic Morphoid.png

I definitely can appreciate the Mycelic Morphoid and it's strengths. This is one of those cards which are very strong if surrounded with the proper team. The role it brings to the battlefield will give a player the edge in squeezing out every tiny advantage to get the win. 👍🏻

For any players looking to try out the Mycelic Morphoid, I hope this article has given you some insight into its potential. 😉


To any new players who wish to explore the world of Splinterlands, do feel free to sign up with my REFERRAL LINK 😊.


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