Although we have been talking for almost two months, today I consider it official, I accepted a new position as Regional Manager of Pandon Reach. What is Pandon Reach you ask? Here it is, in all its glory:
So I will be doing some ongoing content and calculations about this topic, @abrockman has given me full reign to publish and promote, and we are going to have a lot of fun. I was in a mastermind meeting this morning for a few hours with some major land holders - there is no shortage of calculations and conniving going on behind closed doors!
In the end this is a market game, and I have promised to do a deep dive on some of the market phenomenon that is already happening. But first I want to marvel at this Region of land known as Pandon Reach.
We can first see the distribution by land types, and see that we got extremely lucky with 139 magical plots (EV 120) and 45 occupied plots (EV 30):
Our magic plots are pretty well distributed between type as well, with only one water magic plot, but at least one of every type:
I also am very happy about the terrain, we got a very wide distribution. From grand canyons (37.5%) dominating the east and heading north, sprinkled with Caldera (5.7%) and opening up into a northern Desert (6.7%). The west is dominated by mountains (25%) sprinkled with Tundra (3.3%). The south breaks away into Plains (7.5%), Forest (7.3%), Hills (5.8%), and even a few Jungle (0.7%) and a single River (0.1%) plot. As such we have 10 terrain features of 14, only missing the Badlands, Bog, Lake and Swamp.
Hidden high in the Mountains of Pandon Reach, exists such wonders as a Legendary Tundra Water Magic Plot:
In fact, no less than 3 Legendary Magical spaces exist within Pandon Reach, a fact that we will forever be proud of!
Our harsh but rich conditions also create a wide spread of occupied plots to deal with. Our monsters will have their work cut out for them to overcome the forces that have crept into this land for its bountiful resources.
Although there was no legendary occupied score, overall the RNG was very good to us, here's a list the way I like to see it:
3 legendary magic
10 epic magic
34 rare magic
92 common magic
1 epic occupied canyon
6 Rare occupied
38 common occupied
1 castle, 9 keeps
9 legendary natural
Epic Natural: 35
Rare Natural: 174
Common Natural: 588
Now the game really begins
There is a lot of work for the market to do as people judge how much value each and all of these variables have, including proximity to one another and neighbors, relative bonuses, and expected fun level. I have really enjoyed so far just looking at these cards.
And just in time we put the Millions of DEC in money into this project too, the airdrop is rightfully shifting away from people with claims and unsurveyed plots to people who have surveyed their plots.
Now we will all be analyzing this things about our terrain, and comparing to our cards, and comparing to our plots.... 3 months of this type of 'gameplay' preparation.