Hello SplinterFans...
I really hope that you are all doing allright, figthing and winning glorious battles on the battlefields of #Splinterlands...
Today is the end of an era, and a start of something new..some very exiting new. Season has come to an end, the last season with the old reward system has passed, and the new one is starting up...a lot of us have been waiting...biting our nails for this to finally happen...The new reward system...
Everything has changed, love the looks of the new layout...Even more, I love the fact that you are going to be rewarded for the highest league that you have achieved...(like back in the old days)...it takes away a bit of the pressure, and it actually motivates me to play more battles...I guess that I don't have be careful on the strategy anymore, to make sure that I will end in the highest possible leauge...points for that...
Another screenshot from the Splinterlands webpage..
I am very excited to see what this will do to the rewards, you can be sure that I will do anything to reach the FP goal of the day...to see what has changed...I have been around since June 2018, fought more than 11,600 battles and my deck is more than 50% Beta cards...at least the cards that I use...I'm very curious to see if my Beta deck will turn up the rewards...But yet again, we'll see about that...
Wish you a very happy day, and all the best for the upcoming season...
Well, that was what i wanted to share with you today... Hope that you enjoyed...
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