Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge: My Recommendation on Cards You Should Rent (Part 1)

in #hive-10222310 days ago

Hi everyone, Welcome to my post. For this week, the post I bring you is not BATTLE MAGE SECRETS anymore but Community Engagement. In this Splinterlands Community Engagement, I'm going to recommend some cards that you should have (either by buying or just renting) to compete in Modern Ranked Battle...

My Recommendation on Cards You Should Rent

DISCLAIMER: This is just my personal opinion. If you disagree with my reasoning on which cards are required to rent, you can comment on this post.

You should know that the cards I will be recommending this time are limited to the cards I often use in MODERN RANKED BATTLE, namely CHAOS LEGION edition cards (along with RIFTWATCHER, Reward, and Promo Cards) and (possibly) REBELLION edition.


Conqueror Jacek is a Summoner card that I must rent whenever I want to play Splinterlands. Compared to Tarsa which is a Rare Summoner and has a lower Mana, I use Conqueror Jacek more often because he provides an additional 2 SPEED which is quite rare for Summoners. He also provides PIERCING ability which can make Melee or Ranged monsters with large Attack Power not worry if they have to attack targets that have ARMOR and SCATTER SHOT ability which is not affected by the effects of TAUNT or CAMOUFLAGE ability.

Unfortunately, Conqueror Jacek can only be used maximally if the amount of Mana provided in a battle is not less than 20 (30 is ideal). And what if the available Mana is brought to 20?. I will use a Summoner other than Tarsa that has 4 Mana Points (such as Kelya Frendul or Quix the Devious)

Exploding Rats is a Reward Card from the CHAOS LEGION edition. Although it has 1 Health, it has a high enough SPEED that several times makes the opponent's attack fail to hit it. And if coupled with Conqueror Jacek and some monsters that have the SWIFTNESS ability, it can increase the possibility of attacks from Melee or Ranged monsters failing to hit it (as long as they don't have the TRUE STRIKE ability).

Iidri Fyre is the Reward Card version of Soulbound. With its TAUNT ability, it can at least give other monsters time to attack before they become the next target if Iidri Fyre is defeated.

What is the correlation between the two of them?

Exploding Rats and Iidri Fyre both have the REDEMPTION ability. REDEMPTION is an ability that will deal 1 point of damage to all opposing monsters if the owner of this ability is defeated. Although it looks trivial, if these 2 monsters are brought together, they can at least deal 2 points of damage to all the opponent's monsters (even 4 points if they are in the BORN AGAIN ruleset).

If you want to take advantage of REDEMPTION , you only need to own or rent Iidri Fyre level 2 (if the budget is very limited)


Flying Squid and Tide Biter are both monsters that have the REACH ability. However, they have their own advantages and usage times.

Flying Squid has other abilities such as BLIND and BACKFIRE . These 2 abilities will be very useful when facing Melee or Ranged monsters because one ability (BLIND ) will reduce the attack accuracy of the 2 types of monsters (Melee or Ranged, Magic monsters have less effect with this Ability) and the other ability (BACKFIRE ) will be used to deal 2 points of damage to the opponent (Melee or Ranged) who fails to land an attack on it. To maximize these 2 abilities, additional SPEED (or reduce the SPEED of the opponent) is required which can come from monsters that have the SWIFTNESS or SLOW abilities and use Kelya Frendul or Quix the Devious as Summoner.

As for Tide Biter, he has the TRUE STRIKE ability that allows him to still be able to attack without missing even if he is hit by the BLIND ability or abilities that can reduce attack accuracy (FLYING and DODGE ). He also has a REFLECTION SHIELD that he can use to protect himself from the effects of BLAST when opponents attack nearby monsters or when he has to attack monsters that have the THORNS ability.

Flying Squid should be used in battles with more than 20 Mana while Tide Biter can be used in battles with any amount of Mana (but it is better to use it in battles with low Mana).

Again a monster that has the TAUNT ability. And this time for the Water element we have Wave Brood. Although it has low Attack Power and SPEED, Wave Brood has quite high Mana points due to its large Health points.

The reason I recommend Wave Brood is because it can be used in the first position despite being a Ranged monster. That's because it has the CLOSE RANGE ability. In addition, Wave Brood has VOID and RETURN FIRE which are useful for dealing with attacks from Ranged and Magic monsters.

Wave Brood will be useful when in the KEEP YOUR DISTANCE ruleset where Melee monsters cannot be used. But that doesn't mean it's useless if Melee monster(s) are in the battle arena. Just like other TAUNT monsters, Wave Brood will be useful to temporarily distract the opponent's attention so that the damage taken by TANK can be minimized.

There are many more monsters and Summoners that I want to discuss. But if I discuss everything here, it will probably consume more than 2000 words. Therefore, the discussion about "My Recommendation on Cards You Should Rent " will be divided into several parts as long as the theme for the next week is still related to this (if not, then I will save this discussion as a draft).

That was my post about the "Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge" where I discussed the cards I recommend for use in Modern Ranked Battle. If you have any feedback or criticism regarding what I discussed this time, feel free to write them in the comments below.

Thank you for visiting and reading this. See you in the next post....

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