in #hive-1028793 years ago


2pac quotes: "am not saying am gonna rule or change the world but I guarantee you to spark the brain that will change the world"



The quote above was a sentence made by legend 2pac who lived by hope and spark the brains of those who will change the world, he didn't say he must change the world or rule it alone but he created a vacuum for hope to occupy peoples mind and act towards the reward at the finish line.

Dear legend 2pac speaks for his community, country and world at large, his words were truth and light leaving an exemplary life through his songs and lifestyle.

Today, 2pac has not just succeeded in sparking the brains of world youth but has been a foundation for people to have hope for the future to have a black American president, a black and white community someday, and a united nation regardless of skin colour but united by culture, religions and freedom of individuals.

2pac gave hope to the future of the young people to keep fighting for good governance and liberty of self, family and society. The hope expressed in his music, character as a leader and lifestyle has lit a kindle in our hearts that will keep burning for generations after another. Imagine your son or daughter picked up your jotter after you passed on this life and notice you strive to be the president of the united state of America but was able to become speaker of the house of representative, your child will have the same hope carried on to next generation even if they didn't achieve it


Everything man has a passion for comes as a hope to achieve the desired goal in his heart. So we need hope to fuel this passion.

Love, hope and faith but the greatest of all is love but why do we love? Christ Jesus came to the earth based on love and guaranteed the world with the hope of eternal life for those who believe that the redeemer blood forgives all sin, we hope in the Son of man Jesus because we have hope for greater glory and the reward for our labour which will be crown on our heads. What makes you love is not seen now but await us here in the future(earth and in heaven) which makes all our present circumstance invalid to produce something preciously valid.

Evil men love themselves and carry out attacks with the hope of a reward being promoted to a higher rank, hope is what fuels our passions and desire to keep pressing on to the finish line. A car is nothing without fuel(hope) to travel to its destination.

When the vision is clear the path to the destination will be followed carefully, having the hope to keep us going.



Hope is the evidence of things not seen but believed, every second of our lives are chance to change our mindset, elevate us from grass to grass, strengthen us when we are weak and make us focus on what we ought to achieve. The circle of friends and people you meet to have conversations with matters in nurturing your hope.

For instance, a woman who lost her son or husband and is going through hard times and trauma and still having or about to give up her dreams could be nurtured by her family through genuine love and care, friends who are ready to be with her always to advise, experience women who had overcome such hard times and a council of women who has similar problems been council in church or by a professional.

Words of hope sharpen each other like an axe, when you walk into the council of people with like-minded and focus on their goals then success is sure for everyone. When you hear people's personal experiences you will love to keep the candle burning despite the challenges arising to tear you apart.

Look for people who have overcome such situations to hear from them it will help hope to be nurtured and a valid reason to go the extra mile.



Hope is the door to success and this success can be perceived in our everyday hope. There is a popular saying that: if there is life, there is hope and I will add that as any living thing seek God there is hope. Hope is an assurance that covers one lifetime but whatever, whoever, whenever you hope on what you have at hand is no more hope but a prayer answered which is the product of hope, whatever we have as possession we don't hope anymore rather we utilize it. Some hope in their riches, chariot business, family, friends, wisdom, and knowledge but I hope in the Lord, creator of the universe. Couples may be hoping for a child after long years of barrenness and finally, when God answers their prayers they will seize to hope and pray again because what they had long hoped for has arrived.



Only in Christ Jesus that one can rejoice in suffering not conforming ourselves to the evil desires of the world 1 Peter 3:14. Whatever we seek, eat, drink let be unto the Lord according to his will pressing on with hope, love and faith in the Son of God(Jesus) that at the end a crown awaits us who kept the faith and hope for it despised the challenges.

Challenges are like manure applied in our lives to push us forward and higher, the challenges that we face daily mould and shape us into the image of what we hope for in the future. Someone might be sick to a point of death but hope to survive the illness keep the person stronger, I see people die with the hope to live and that is true and well-defined hope, some give up their dreams along the way because of their little faith, troubles on the part of the vision they had or they need the shortest part to the success



Assume you hope for $12.5 billion you will start talking like a dollar man, when you hope for the second coming of Christ our Lord saviour you will wait diligently, patiently and gaze spirituality into the things above so that when He comes will find you waiting and not guilty of sin and your image will be transformed to what you hope for. For instance, if an American soldier hopes to see his wife soon after the war on the battleground, he will fight with the whole of his strength, spirit and mind against his enemy having the mental picture of his family in his mind and brain and transforming him into the image of his wife. His colleague will notice his combat format is extraordinary in fighting even if the war seems not to be favourable.

Whatever engineers your mind is what you are.

Nigeria America and many other countries who fought for freedom never gave up because they hope for a better world for their children and generations to come.



Hope stabilizes us and helps us to resist the things that threaten our stability and continuity of our goals. 👍

The interesting thing about that is that once what we hope for arrives, hope is no longer needed. That is why you are right that love is greater.🌷

Greetings @danladi 🍦

Thanks for having time to read