Ways to Strengthen and keep Hope alive.

in #hive-1028793 months ago

Greetings to all my friends, the subject of hope is of high importance and it’s good to share ways that will help strengthen or give life to hope as we engage our daily activities.

I will like to start by giving my understanding about this subject of great concern, “HOPE”, Hope is an amazing feeling, that expectation and desire that you have for a particular to come in the future. I will also want to say that if there is no hope, there is no need to live, for you to be alive, there are expectations, the nature and the configuration of man permit man to desire and aim greatness and that means hope.

The reason why people give up in life and with life, is because of absence of hope or very little hope, we run out of hope because we have not learnt how to keep hope alive or to strengthen hope. Here are few tips that can be of help.

Have a picture of your target and behold it :

A life without goals is like strolling to no were, when you have a target, definitely there must be an expectation, what you can’t see nor imagine, will only remain as a wish, having the picture of your target and always beholding it will give you something to live, no matter how difficult the struggle or life may be, the picture of your target will fuel your hope to keep believing until it materialize.

Acknowledge your effort or success:

One I saw lizard falling from a tall tree, the lizard landed on the ground and began to nod it head, my dad ask me if I know why the lizard is doing so, I said no, and my dad told me that the lizard noticed that none of us showed concern, considering the height it fell from, so the lizard say to himself I have tried, even if no one say so I know I have tried. Many times life will beat us down, at that point its difficult to see your own past effort or successes, most time you will feel that you are not even good enough or at anything, yes it’s a stage in life but the truth is that you gotten many and plenty of successes and accomplishments.

So stop telling yourself how many times you failed, look back to the once you did right and celebrate yourself, possibly begin to make a list of your success and accomplishments. Whenever you remember that you had it right before, it will fuel your hope for the next, this will fire your hope back to life. Take some time to celebrate yourself for what got right, give yourself some love, be happy, like I said make a list, past it were you can always see it before you step out for the next day.

Build healthy relationship:

The truth is that, we reflect the people we associate with, if you are mostly surrounded with or by people who are depressed, uninspired, or unmotivated, there is every tendency that they will squeeze the very little or remaining hope off your life, so you need to have good network of friends structured around your life, friends full of life, vibes and energy, who are readily supportive, I mean capable people, do well to hang around with people who helps you feel good and encourage you stop hanging around those who talk you into depression and hopelessness.

Do well to nurture a healthy network of friends who share your interests and goals, always look towards joining or engaging a community of people who are often helpful and useful.

Do the things you are fun of:

To strengthen your hope, you must frequently do things that makes you happy and give you a sense of hope, stop living a boring life, take yourself off the boring zone, if it is cooking, gardening, singing, gaming, sporting or taking a walk, anything that fuels your joy and give you pleasure, try it my dear, you will be glad you did.

Self Love:

Many time and often times when we have the feeling of hopeless, our natural instinct will want us to crawl into our bed with heavy blanket over you but when you healthy you often want get out of the bed to get things done. I want to say from experience, even if you had nothing doing start exercising, get moving, start doing something, this will fire you up and inspire you for the day.

Again I will not forget to tell you to eat healthy food, its part of self-love, filing yourself with junks is not healthy and will make you inactive, thereby lunching you weakness and discouragements and letter into depression.
Do yourself a favor of looking good, look presentable, drink healthy water, and be friends with water, do well to get some rest, turn off your garget when need be and have a healthy sleeping habit.

Thanks so much for the privilege to share, it’s your friend @emylight, I believe this will help you keep your hope alive, God bless you.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Hello dear @emylight 🙋‍♀️

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Thank you for bringing us your important opinion on the subject of hope. 🌷