Love language// lenguaje de amor

in #hive-1028792 years ago


As a lady, I know that there are so many ways to get to my heart. Don't worry, I am not that expensive so get a chill pill. Every man or woman who wants to enjoy a relationship is expected to at least know his or her spouse's love language.

Como dama, sé que hay muchas formas de llegar a mi corazón. No te preocupes, no soy tan caro, así que consigue una pastilla para relajarte. Se espera que todo hombre o mujer que quiera disfrutar de una relación conozca al menos el lenguaje de amor de su cónyuge.

Every one both male and female have a love language. And as a lover boy or lover girl, you need to understand your partner's love language in order to get through to their heart. It could be sweet talks, material things, or even gestures.

Todos, tanto hombres como mujeres, tienen un lenguaje de amor. Y como amante chico o chica amante, necesitas entender el lenguaje de amor de tu pareja para llegar a su corazón. Pueden ser dulces conversaciones, cosas materiales o incluso gestos.

The reason why so many relationships are going down the drain is because either of the partners have refused to learn the love language of their spouses. For instance, if your partner loves to be pampered, it is important that he or she gets to be pampered.

La razón por la que tantas relaciones se están yendo por el desagüe es porque cualquiera de los miembros de la pareja se ha negado a aprender el lenguaje del amor de sus cónyuges. Por ejemplo, si a su pareja le encanta que la mimen, es importante que la mimen.

Sometimes, knowing your partner's love language helps wave off some arguments or even quarrels that should have risen. Sometimes I wonder what couples even talk about in courtship. You should have your partner's love language at the tip of your fingers.

A veces, conocer el lenguaje de amor de tu pareja ayuda a evitar algunas discusiones o incluso peleas que deberían haber surgido. A veces me pregunto de qué hablan las parejas en el noviazgo. Debes tener el lenguaje de amor de tu pareja en la punta de tus dedos.

My friend will always say that knowing her love language is an indication that you really love her and want to always make her happy. I agree to that point because if you know your partner's love language, it shows that you are caring enough to want to do anything that makes him or her happy. I also see it as a way to show that you value your relationship so much and cherish your partner too.

Mi amiga siempre dirá que conocer su lenguaje de amor es una indicación de que realmente la amas y quieres hacerla feliz siempre. Estoy de acuerdo con ese punto porque si conoces el lenguaje de amor de tu pareja, demuestra que te preocupas lo suficiente como para querer hacer cualquier cosa que la haga feliz. También lo veo como una forma de demostrar que valoras mucho tu relación y que también aprecias a tu pareja.


I once had a friend who had issues with her partner every time. It got so bad that whenever she called, I just knew it was to complain about her partner. I didn't see the compatibility in that relationship and both parties weren't ready to work things out as mature people. They were both claiming each other for the constant arguments. One day she called to say they had broken up and I was glad. It didn't take long, she got into another relationship and she is now married to that new guy. What changed? This husband of hers was ready to understand her love language.

Una vez tuve una amiga que siempre tenía problemas con su pareja. Se puso tan mal que cada vez que llamaba, sabía que era para quejarse de su pareja. No vi la compatibilidad en esa relación y ambas partes no estaban listas para resolver las cosas como personas maduras. Ambos se estaban reclamando por las constantes discusiones. Un día me llamó para decirme que habían terminado y me alegré. No pasó mucho tiempo, se metió en otra relación y ahora está casada con ese chico nuevo. ¿Qué cambió? Este esposo suyo estaba listo para entender su lenguaje de amor.

She realized that she couldn't stay mad at him for long because he had a way of making her calm down and resolve things as soon as possible. That's how a relationship should be. You need to consciously understand your partner all of the time.

Se dio cuenta de que no podía estar enojada con él por mucho tiempo porque tenía una manera de hacer que se calmara y resolviera las cosas lo antes posible. Así debe ser una relación. Necesitas entender conscientemente a tu pareja todo el tiempo.

It takes patience, tolerance and sacrifice to understand your partner. Knowing the love language of your partner is a conscious step to ensure that you both live happily and peacefully.

Se necesita paciencia, tolerancia y sacrificio para comprender a tu pareja. Conocer el lenguaje del amor de tu pareja es un paso consciente para asegurar que ambos vivan felices y en paz.

So I want to ask, do you know your partner's love language? If you don't, ask him or her and work towards making them happy too.

Así que quiero preguntarte, ¿conoces el lenguaje de amor de tu pareja? Si no lo hace, pregúntele a él o ella y trabaje para hacerlos felices también.

Thank you for reading and see you next time.

Gracias por leer y hasta la próxima.



Knowing your partner's love language is actually one of the first thing we should look out in relationship.
You should know their likes and dislikes, what makes them happy.
Those little things matters alot though
Thank you for sharing

Knowing our partner is an essential part of maintaining a good relationship with him/her. As you say to different love languages, we all show our affection in a different way, so knowing the way our partner shows it will help us to realize how much he/she loves us.

I like what you mention about what it takes to achieve this, and you are right knowing another requires effort, patience and dedication. I enjoyed reading your post, thanks for sharing it with us, hope you have a great day @joydukeson 🌞.

Thank you for your contribution. If everyone will understand this and play their part very well, we will have less cases of separation.

Have a good day too💕