Loneliness : Though a painful Experience but Brings a new season if well managed

in #hive-1028793 years ago

Thanks so much to all the active members and the admin of the community for the job well-done, this community for me is one of the place i will spent my precious time on the hive blockchain. This going to be my first post in the #Feelings&emotions community, i hope to do so as God grants me grace. I got to know this community thro


loneliness, for me is a distressing experience that takes place when the social quality of a relationship is less than desired, also the experience id highly subjective, because an individual can actually be lonely without the feeling of loneliness. even the psychologists, sees it to be generally, a stable trait for both old and young, i will say that its not an experience that anyone would even desire for his enemy.

My experience

when i was sixteen, i had a young guy that was really charming, he was the desire of every young lady in our school, we were in a boarding school, at some point i did admire him but i was thinking that am not his class, so i continued my usual daily engagements, I never new that he has repacked to the same street with me, one funny day, during vacation, as i was driving out with my daddy, i saw him along the same street, i ask my self a question could it be that this guy is living in this same street with us?, i was not saw but i held myself until school had resume.

One day i summed up courage to ask him were he lives and he told me that he lives close to me on the same street, so He told me that he have been seeing me along the street and i said same, That communication, lead us to the beginning of our relationship, it was an amazing experience, having him in my life, it was like am going to die without him, I had believed we will spend all our days together but little did i know that i was dreaming. the journey went on for about 2 years, all my friends knew him, and my mind was already settled about him.

A month letter he had admission to study engineering in the Nigerian university, for me, it was an added advantage, because i was to join him the following year in the same institution. but when he left the house, he never remembered that he left someone at home, I tried reaching him, days turn to month and months turn to years, like a joke, he left me for another girl on campus. it was hard for me to move on because of the way we related at first, I was depressed, loneliness then set in, I was living all by myself, just to make myself happy.

My new season

In those two years of avoiding to be emotionally attached to any guy, I took out time to build myself, not because i was expecting a difference but i wanted to be the best that can be, I did not know that God was planning something huge for me, On a good day, i was just on my own, I met a young man who drove into a meeting venue, looked at me and ask me were i have been all this while, it was as if he has met me before, but i knew we never met.

He got my contact from the leader of the meeting, He called me latter and ask for a date, initially it was like a joke, i wanted to say no, but i thought within me, that i have been lonely for too long a time, so i said yes to him.

I never had believed that at any point in time, my life will make so much, I got to the location of our date, reaching there, i received the best treatment ever in my life. i will tell you the truth From that day till now, its been full of smiles, life have been beautiful and amazing in my new season, to me i feel like the lonely experience, brought this beautiful and amazing experience.

This may not be same for everyone but i believe, mine was divinely uncastrated. thanks for this great privilege, i do not take it for granted. this is my new home, i will be glad to always be here, thanks for having me.


Greetings @joyfullheart 💖

We are glad you shared your first post here 🙌

Good that after having that bad experience you had a better one. And that you feel better now. We wish you good things ❤️

thanks so much, i really do appreciate, thanks also for thr amazing job you are doing, its really a relief for many. also to thank my friend @ekotmordemy for helping me come onboard

so to know that you are having a good time here, like in did say, consistency and diligences is the key to success on the hive blockchain

We are very happy that you like the work we do 😍 @joyfullheart

We do it with a lot of love. The posts of all our dear subscribers are a blessing ❤️💕

Thanks to your friend 🙌