If there is anyone who is yet to learn better ways to handle from anxiety whenever it comes, that would be. I don't get to feel anxious and stressed often but the few times I've had to struggle with, I learn one more way to handle it although they are all slow process but effective at the end. Someone said "Anxiety sometimes is a sign that you are human, it is natural to feel that way".
But anyone who feels that way should know it isn't okay to remain in that feeling or feel that way all the time, that would be bothersome and needs good attention. As regards "Blue Monday Day" in 20th January, which I'm actually surprised there's a day like that, I'll be sharing my own little way of coping with anxiety when I am faced with it.
Just as the fear to go back to work on Monday after a long break or the weekend fun, it happens to many of us in other areas. I mean, not everyone of us have to work harder on Mondays but there are some situations and instances where we feel anxiety and that is the case for me. I get into that feeling and it's a struggle out of it.
Focusing on the root cause: It was very difficult to identify with this strategy when I was feeling anxious. Anxiety comes in different forms and one of them for me is when I have to take an exam or important decision. I tend to fear the possibility of failing or losing out so focusing on what matters (my preparations) is what I do.
In cases where I can't focus, Forcing positive feelings kind of works. I keep telling myself just the words I want to hear to feel better about how I feel and what I am about to do or go through. The feeling of anxiety tends to come with all kinds of negativity so changing all the negative words with positive words help me fight anxiety.
Listening to music does little but do play an important role in getting me out of anxiety. Sometimes, I won't remember to play a song when I feel anxious about a situation coming but for the times I do, it helps me calm down and act even much better on what I have to do. Feeling no fear is a great feeling, almost musical lol.
Talking with family and friends has come to be the most effective way for me. I do talk to my mum a lot about anything and other times, I'm ranting up and down to my younger sister, they both know how to calm me down and have me thinking positively about a situation I find myself. There is the feeling of being loved when you share your worries with a loved one for support.
There are many ways to deal with anxiety and I would love to learn more from the experience of others, so do share yours with me in the comment section if you have any. My entry to the Januaryinleo prompt for Day 20, check it out.
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