Buenos días a todos ❤️
Good day to everyone ❤️
I am pleased to post again in this community to participate in the theme of the month of February: "resentment". To delve a little deeper into the topic, I have to say that we feel resentment when someone does something we don't like, hurts us or offends us. It may be deliberate or through no fault of our own, but at the end of the day it affects us and we feel offended.
El resentimiento es un dolor moral que se produce como consecuencia de una ofensa. La persona que lo sufre no logra olvidar esa ofensa, de manera que lo vuelve a sentir una y otra vez (re-siente). Este sentimiento va acompañado de rencor y hostilidad hacia quienes causaron el daño
I found a very accurate definition of this emotion while researching on the web and I found it very congruent, it is the following: Resentment is a moral pain that occurs as a consequence of an offense. The person who suffers it does not manage to forget that offense, so that he/she feels it again and again (re-feels). This feeling is accompanied by resentment and hostility towards those who caused the damage.
I believe that at some point in life all human beings have experienced it. From near or far, resentment is like an acid that eats away at our insides and kills every last cell of goodness and joy in our body. It is what comes after a negative feeling such as anger, hostility and hatred. The only effective antidote to resentment is forgiveness, eliminating all negative feelings about the person or situation that has caused us harm. It is not easy, but it is not impossible. Forgiving who or what hurt us is fundamental to heal and grow at all levels. But I know firsthand that it is not easy because at the time, who or what hurt us needs to pay, a thirst for justice is unleashed without limits, but when you open your eyes, think again and come to realize it, it ends up filling your life with sorrow and bitterness because you have the concept that karma has taken too long to collect your debt.
Resentment and the past are very close friends. Because even if what we disliked, hurt or caused harm is long gone, the negative emotion remains latent every time we remember it. Now my question is: Do I want to live with this heavy burden for the rest of my life? - Well no, it is too exhausting. I have felt this baneful and abhorrent emotion in the past knocking at my door over and over again to end up blinding my sense of reason. Today I ask myself: How on earth did I waste my time waiting for equis people or equis situations to pay for the damage they did to me? As Shakira says in her song 'No' : You can't live with so much poison 🎶 Because I admit it, I have felt my stomach twist and my blood boil when I have seen the person who hurt me in close-up. This is unhealthy as it can cause anything from a simple stomach ache, to a blood pressure spike, to a lethal heart attack.
Over time I learned to forgive those who once hurt me for my mental and spiritual health. No one rests in peace with such torment in their life. It is important to let go of this negative emotion: accepting and acknowledging the harm, eliminating resentment and not expecting anything in return. The process of letting go or eliminating it from your life is not overnight but if you do not think you are capable of doing it by your own means it is important that you seek professional help. Because no one in their right mind lives happily with so much resentment in their body. Life takes its toll, and it takes its toll in spades.
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|||🇪🇸Todos los derechos reservados / 🇺🇲All rights reserved / @royvego55 |||
🇪🇸Todas las fotografías fueron tomadas y editadas desde mi XIAOMI REDMI 9T / 🇺🇲All the photographs were taken and edited from my XIAOMI REDMI 9T