Finding beauty in the struggle [Dealing with Hard time]

in #hive-1028792 months ago

Our life is unpredictable. I alwsys assume it as a roller coster ride, where ups and down alwsys greet us from time to time. Just like in the ride, when we going down we get scared, while going up gives us little bit of comfort. Likewise hard time and good time are part of our life. While people alwsys enjoy the good time in life, hard time alwsys comes up with testing phase. It sometime gets to tough even breaks you down to nothing. Surviving It requires a lot of patience and resilence.

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Hard times, or difficult periods, are a common part of life. They can be caused by many things, including financial setbacks, health challenges, loss of a loved one, or other reasons. However, some research suggests that up to 70% of people can experience positive psychological growth from their difficult times. Hard times can affect our lives in many ways, but they can also make us stronger and help us develop important life skills:

Mental and emotional strength: The struggles can help us confront our fears and overcome obstacles, which can make us stronger mentally and emotionally.

Life skills: Adversities can help us develop important life skills like problem-solving, perseverance, and adaptability that can be used in future challenges.

Mood and outlook: How we deal with emotions and view the world can impact other areas of our lives. For example, feeling discouraged can make us less likely to pursue goals, and difficulty managing emotions can damage relationships or make it hard to maintain responsibilities.

Mental health : Letting go of control and allowing ourselves to not participate in certain situations can help maintain our mental health during difficult times.

Making lemonade out of lemons.

I have been in such situation on numerous ocassion. From heart break in relationship to financial losses to other challenges in life. I was shaken, found myself in darkness. But coped up to lead to normal life. During those hard time, I learned many things. Here are some other tips for getting through hard times:

Express our feelings : Avoiding our feelings can cause them to build up inside you. It better to let them out in whatever way we can.

Avoid making big decisions : Unless it's absolutely necessary, try not to make major decisions when facing uncertainty or adversity. Instead, give ourself time and reach out to someone we trust for counsel.

Keeping a positive outlook : Nothing stay permanent in life, and so does the hard time. Styaing positive can help us communicate better with others, attract positivity in life, and even impact brain function. For example, laughing releases dopamine in the brain, which can cause more positive feelings. Avoid all kind of negativity even people of negative thoughts, as they demotivates and demoralize us.

Connect with our support circle : Focus on our relationships with people who care about you and can offer practical help, encouragement, or advice. Talk to them, keep them in loop and when feel scared and lonely reach out to them.

Consider meditation : Meditation in difficult time can be a hard process, but it can help us feel safe enough to discuss painful emotions and experiences.

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The Hope to sustain our life is alwsys a boon in hard times that allows us to cope with different situation. It is importsnt to hold on to our hope of a better tomorrow. Rather than losing patience try to strengthen our hope. Here are some ways to strengthen hope:

  • Always be grateful to what we are no matter how hard things are.

  • Learn something new every day and share what you've learned with others.

  • Take a break from normal life. Sometimes it is best to pause and find hope again. It helps us to concentrate and focus towards life.

  • Try to limit the amount of bad news you consume. Avoid bad company that alwsys talks about negativity.

  • Spend time with hopeful people, Surround yourself with people who are hopeful and have motto in life.

  • Prayer can be a powerful tool to bring hope, and can remind you that we are loved and supported.

Nothings is permanent in life that is a universal truth. It is better to face the tough time and rather than breaking down, face it with resilence to over power and move towards a beautiful tomorrow.

This is my Day-11 entry to "Inleo writing initiatives". Click here to take part each day for the m/o July.


Namaste @steemflow

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Hope really does help im the hard tough times....

Sometimes just a bit of faith and hope is all people need.

Hope helps us to survive in all.the is only because of hope that we are living.

The complicated times of life are an opportunity to learn and come out stronger and like everything else in this life if we do good we will attract good and we have to be very careful with what we think.

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There are some that started well according to your article but along the line they met with challenges like financial losses, economic disorganized through that it makes many to compromise and stay away from there faith and even some destroy quality relationship as you passed through just because of money and competition. There is time for enjoyment and there time for suffering so anytime we meet is for us keep to it and grow in it

Hello dear @steemflow 🙋‍♀️

Avoiding making important decisions when we are going through a difficult time is of the utmost importance. Sometimes we even need to be reminded of it. In fact, it dovetails with the other suggestions you mention about talking to our circle of support. It's good to find that phrase in the process. 🍂

Implementing it is sometimes not easy, precisely because we feel bad and want to deal with the least amount of adversity. We want peace and quiet. However, sometimes we have to allow a little more time to address certain issues. 🥀

Thank you for leaving us your important opinion. 🌞