Memory Monday. Miracles exist (Es-Eng)

in #hive-1028804 months ago
Hoy es lunes, día en que visito esta maravillosa ¨Qurator Community¨:  para recordarles a todos que estamos iniciando una nueva semana y la oportunidad de volver a participar de esta iniciativa genial de los días lunes. #memoirmonday es una de esas iniciativas que al participar estas haciendo algo memorable, ya que tendrás la oportunidad de grabar un mensaje para tus descendientes que lo podrán ver en el próximo milenio gracias a nuestra ¨cadena¨ de ¨bloques¨, que todo lo que se aloje allí estar en la web por siempre

Source: Family Álbum

Today is Monday, the day I visit this wonderful ¨Qurator Community¨:  to remind everyone that we are starting a new week and the opportunity to participate again in this great Monday initiative. #memoirmonday is one of those initiatives that by participating you are doing something memorable, since you will have the opportunity to record a message for your descendants who will be able to see it in the next millennium thanks to our "chain" of "blocks", which everything stay there be on the web forever

No te pierdas la oportunidad de compartir tu opinión sobre la pregunta de esta semana hecha por nuestro amigo Eric; si por alguna razón nunca antes había visto este desafío, te invito a ingresar al link de ¨esta iniciativa¨:  y ver de qué se trata. Básicamente tienes que responder una pregunta todas las semanas y publicar tu respuesta en la comunidad que más te agrade. La pregunta de esta semana hará cuestionar tu razón

Source: Family Álbum

Don't miss the opportunity to share your opinion on this week's question asked by our friend Eric; If for some reason you have never seen this challenge before, I invite you to enter the link ¨ this initiative¨:  and see what it is about. Basically you have to answer a question every week and publish your answer in the community that you like the most. This week's question will make you question your reason

No digo todas, pero las personas son reacias a creer que los milagros existen, prefieren buscar un justificativo toda su vida, a creer que han sido bendecido por estas experiencias; otras tantas no hablan de estas cosas, dado que temen ser mal visto por una sociedad que prejuzga las cosas que no pueden entender, o que no tengan un justificativo razonable

Source: Family Álbum

I'm not saying all of them, but people are reluctant to believe that miracles exist, they prefer to search for a justification all their lives, rather than believe that they have been blessed by these experiences; Many others do not talk about these things, since they fear being frowned upon by a society that prejudges things that they cannot understand, or that do not have a reasonable justification

Nací en una ciudad donde predomina el catolicismo, incluso estudié en escuelas católicas, donde todo el tiempo se habla de los milagros que somos bendecidos las personas que depositan su corazón en una dotrina de fe . Esta formación me hizo una persona sensible a percibir los pequeños milagros que nos acompaña en nuestro transitar; mi vida ha sido un viaje increíble, y todo inicia en el momento en que mis padres deciden separarse, y aunque era muy pequeño, pude percibir que la vida que llevábamos en casa de mis abuelos no la volveríamos a tener jamás, pero estaba muy equivocado, ya que pequeños milagros fueron guiando mis pasos en la dirección correcta, y aunque el camino que me toco deambular no ha sido fácil, pero quien quisiera tales beneficios, cuando los milagros fluyen y ayudan a sobrellevar las adversidades que el destino siembra en tu camino

Source: Family Álbum

I was born in a city where Catholicism predominates, I even studied in Catholic schools, where they talk all the time about the miracles that people who place their hearts in a doctrine of faith are blessed with. This training made me a person sensitive to perceiving the small miracles that accompanies us in our journey; My life has been an incredible journey, and it all begins the moment my parents decide to separate, and although I was very young, I could perceive that we would never have the life we lived at my grandparents' house again, but I was very wrong. , since small miracles were guiding my steps in the right direction, and although the path that I had to walk has not been easy, but who would want such benefits, when miracles flow and help to overcome the adversities that destiny plants in your path

He sido un niño muy travieso, y mis travesuras me han llevado a situaciones donde mi vida ha corrido peligro, el primer milagro se presenta cuando tuve un grabe accidente, y todo el fondo de una botella de soda, se incrusto en mi muslo izquierdo, los médicos jamás pudieron justificar que detuvo a los filosos vidrios cortar tendones y quedar postrado en una silla de ruedas. El segundo milagro lo volví a tener a tan solo un año después, cuando un autobús me arrollo pasando literalmente sobre de mí, los testigos no podían creer que saliera debajo del vehículo sin un solo rasguño. En este más de medio siglo que he vivido estuve en presencia de muchos milagros, aunque el que más me ha impactado le sucedió al hermano de mi amigo ¨billi¨. Su hermano era muy pequeño y le habían diagnosticado ¨leucemia¨, en esa época en mi país Argentina no existía un tratamiento, si bien había en un país vecino, el costo del tratamiento era una gran suma de dinero realmente imposible de reunir; he aquí donde el milagro se hizo presente, sus amigos más cercano nos comprometimos hacer cosas por nuestra parte para reunir el dinero, como en aquella época yo trabaja con la música, hice un show musical en beneficio del niño, lo cierto es que a mitad de la noche habíamos recaudado mucho más dinero del que se necesitaba. Todos los que estábamos involucrados sabíamos que reunir esa suma era algo casi imposible, entonces, ante una situación así, como no creer que los milagros existen

Source: Family Álbum

I have been a very naughty child, and my antics have led me to situations where my life has been in danger, the first miracle occurred when I had a serious accident, and the entire bottom of a bottle of soda, embedded itself in my left thigh, the doctors could never justify that it stopped the sharp glass from cutting tendons and leaving me confined to a wheelchair. I had the second miracle again just a year later, when a bus ran over me, literally running over me. The witnesses couldn't believe that I came out from under the vehicle without a single scratch. In this more than half a century that I have lived, I have been in the presence of many miracles, although the one that has impacted me the most happened to the brother of my friend ¨billi¨. His brother was very little and had been diagnosed with "leukemia", at that time in my country Argentina there was no treatment, although there was in a neighboring country, the cost of the treatment was a large sum of money that was really impossible to raise; This is where the miracle was present, his closest friends agreed to do things on our part to raise the money, since at that time I worked with music, I did a musical show for the benefit of the child, the truth is that halfway through At night we had raised much more money than was needed. All of us who were involved knew that raising that sum was almost impossible, so, in a situation like this, how could we not believe that miracles exist

Source: Family Álbum


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


#Posh compartido en mis redes sociales

Thank you very much dear friend, you are very kind.

That was an awesome gesture, but just look at that; you made the miracle happen by taking action and working towards something that seemed out of reach. Other times, we see little miracles all around us.
Escaping without harm from those two accidents is for sure a miracle!

Hello dear friend @lizelle good morning

It was one of those situations that you cannot stay with your head crossed, even if there is no chance of achieving it, I am one of those people who, despite every negative prognosis, goes in search of reversing the situation, and yes, it has been a real miracle

My way of being as a child has exposed me to various situations where the miracle was the entire protagonist.

Thank you very much for this pleasant visit and support you give me.

Have a beautiful day

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Thank you very much dear friends for the great support you give me I wish you all a great day