Travelling on a day of thick fog in the pre-Pyrenees area of the Iberian Peninsula, I stopped the car to take some pictures of the electricity pylons. After circling the tower several times, a human figure suddenly emerged from the fog, et voilá. I thank the anonymous protagonist for his disinterested collaboration.
Viajando en un día de espesa niebla en la zona prepirenaica de la Península Ibérica, paré el coche para hacer alguna foto de las torres de tendido eléctrico. Después de darle varias vueltas a la torre, una figura humana surgió de repente de la niebla, et voilá. Agradezco al anónimo protagonista su colaboración desinteresada.
Unless stated otherwise, all the pictures and the words are mine.
Do not use this image without my written permission.
Thanks for stopping by and taking a look.
Camera: Fujifilm X-E2
Lens: Fujinon 18-55 f:2.8-4
Processed with Capture One
Proudly free of AI